
Olegzandr Denman

  • Semver-oriented TypeScript library skeleton.

    published 0.0.1002 6 years ago
  • Provides git committer stats via command line.

    published 0.0.117 5 years ago
  • Semver-oriented TypeScript library skeleton.

    published 0.0.124 6 years ago
  • require entire directories with RequireJS & generate one RequireJS module that represents the folder

    published 1.2.13 9 years ago
  • Create a versatile pool of child process workers.

    published 0.2.54018 6 years ago
  • checks to see if all the dependencies in your code are reflected in package.json

    published 1.2.61 9 years ago
  • shared logging module for Lectal projects

    published 1.0.3 9 years ago
  • Suman is an advanced, singular, Node.js test runner designed to supercede Mocha and rival AVA

    published 1.1.51244 6 years ago
  • rate-limiter using Redis

    published 0.0.81 9 years ago
  • Find project root given current working directory

    published 0.0.217 5 years ago
  • Auto-commit and/or auto-push multiple projects recursively, for switching between machines

    published 0.0.1 9 years ago
  • Utils for node.js

    published 0.0.10002 7 years ago
  • published 0.0.1 9 years ago
  • Server/DB/watcher for Suman test runner

    published 0.0.206 8 years ago
  • Shared module within the Suman test runner ecosystem

    published 0.0.73126 7 years ago
  • Prevent Frankensteinian JS objects from making their way into your no-SQL database, or passing through your code.

    published 0.0.1008 7 years ago
  • Parse arguments correctly for variadic functions

    published 0.0.413 6 years ago
  • string interpolation util

    published 0.0.1 8 years ago
  • Primary example reporter for Suman test runner

    published 1.0.1002 8 years ago
  • a directory (relative to given path) selector for Inquirer.js

    published 0.0.102 7 years ago
  • A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.

    published 0.0.102 7 years ago
  • Debugging utility for Suman ecosystem (logging)

    published 0.0.111 7 years ago
  • Shared event names for SumanJS ecosystem

    published 0.0.120 6 years ago
  • Heavier dependencies for Suman ecosystem

    published 0.0.1005 8 years ago
  • Smoke testing projects for Suman library

    published 0.0.1001 8 years ago
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