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Mastering Spring Boot 3.0
Mastering Spring Boot 3.0

Mastering Spring Boot 3.0: A comprehensive guide to building scalable and efficient backend systems with Java and Spring

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Mastering Spring Boot 3.0

Introduction to Advanced Spring Boot Concepts

Welcome to this guide to mastering projects with Spring Boot 3.0. This book isn’t a manual; instead, it serves as your roadmap to navigate the complex world of modern Java development. Spring Boot is not a newcomer but a mature framework that has been simplifying Java development for years. But in the 3.0 release, Spring Boot has made the development process even more seamless and more convenient to use. Java 17 is the minimum version of Java required with Spring Boot 3.0, and Java 19 is also among the versions supported, which ensures that developers will be able to utilize the latest features or improvements of Java. Spring Boot 3.0 presents AppStartup – a feature to register callbacks in different stages of application startup, aiding with tasks such as resource initialization and configuration error checking. In addition to that, there is a new algorithm in Spring Boot 3.0 for dependency resolution to help increase the start speed and lower the memory footprint, so more complex projects are handled more efficiently.

By the time you finish reading this book, you will not just be familiar but proficient, efficient, and, most importantly, capable of implementing Spring Boot effectively in real-world scenarios.

So, what can you expect in this chapter? We will delve into why Spring Boot stands out as the preferred framework for projects. We’ll explore its advantages and the new features of Spring Boot 3.0. This chapter lays the foundation for using Spring Boot 3.0 more effectively, ensuring you can tackle complex projects confidently and skillfully. Let’s dive in!

In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

  • Why use Spring Boot for advanced projects?
  • A brief overview of what’s to come

Technical requirements

There are no technical requirements for this chapter. The code blocks included in this chapter are used to explain certain concepts and are not meant to be executed.

Why use Spring Boot for advanced projects?

Welcome to the beginning of your journey into the world of Spring Boot 3.0! In this section, we are going to talk about the potential that Spring Boot has for creating the most sophisticated software projects. We are going to elaborate on why Spring Boot is more than a framework but less simple. It will be your best friend in dealing with the complicated challenges of software development.

The complexity of modern software development

First, let’s clarify the complexity of modern software development. As you will know, there are lots of different challenges that arise in software projects. When we have a task or a project, we need to consider scalability, data security, orchestrating services in a cloud environment, and much more. In the old days, a developer was responsible for the code quality and performance. But now, we need to think about and cover the whole stack.

Look at modern applications. They have to adjust to the evolving dynamics of user needs, they have to leverage cloud-native capabilities and cutting-edge technologies, and they have to stay secure all the time. Doing all this, while ensuring a responsive and reliable experience for users, is not easy.

I can sense apprehension in your eyes. Don’t be afraid; we have a perfect tool to beat all these difficulties. It is a tool to help us navigate through this complicated landscape. It is a framework that simplifies development and enables developers to make strides in meeting the mentioned challenges. That tool is Spring Boot – its benefits make it a strong candidate for future projects.

Let’s now delve into why Spring Boot stands out as the framework of choice for handling advanced software projects.

The advantages of Spring Boot

This section consists of the various advantages of Spring Boot. We are going to go through these advantages and discuss how they make our lives easier and how we can use them.

Advantage 1 – rapid development

In the world of software development, time is the most crucial resource. We should get our product ready for market as soon as possible because the market is so competitive. Spring Boot offers a streamlined development experience, making it an outstanding choice for many developers. It eliminates the need for boilerplate configuration, enabling you to concentrate on writing business logic. With Spring Boot’s auto-configuration and starter dependencies, you can set up a project in minutes rather than hours. This feature alone saves a lot of time and effort, allowing developers to focus on what they do best – writing code. As you can see in Figure 1.1, just one click in Spring Initializr is enough to start developing.

Figure 1.1: Spring Initializr page

Figure 1.1: Spring Initializr page

Imagine the benefits of rapid development. It means you deliver faster, get stakeholders’ feedback quicker, and implement the new change requests rapidly. Spring Boot empowers you to be agile and responsive in a competitive market.

Advantage 2 – microservice ready

As I’m sure you are aware, microservice architecture is the new age. Even when we design a Mean Valuable Product (MVP) for a small start-up idea, we are thinking in terms of a microservice structure, including asynchronous communication scalability, making it independently deployable, and ensuring flexibility. And guess which framework can help us with that? Yes, Spring Boot!

Regarding the scalability advantages of microservices, we can scale individual components of our application as needed, optimizing resource usage. Spring Boot’s support for building microservices simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on developing the core functionality of each service.

Advantage 3 – streamlined configuration

Every developer who has worked on larger or more complex projects will have faced the configuration management nightmare. Traditional approaches usually make a mess of XML files, property files, and environment-specific settings.

Spring Boot follows the “convention over configuration” philosophy, giving sensible defaults, and it provides automatic settings, which reduces the complexity of managing the settings.

Ever imagined a world where you spend less time on the tweaks in configuration files and more on actually writing code? With Spring Boot, simplicity in the configuration will lead to cleaner and more maintainable code. You can do that with Spring Boot by following best practices and avoiding unnecessary boilerplate to focus on the actual functionality of your application.

Please see the following sample XML configuration:

<beans xmlns=""
    <!-- Bean Definition -->
    <bean id="myBean" class="com.example.MyBean">
        <property name="propertyName" value="value"/>
    <!-- Data Source Configuration -->
    <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
        <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
        <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb"/>
        <property name="username" value="user"/>
        <property name="password" value="password"/>

Introducing a service or bean in XML configuration was complicated and hard to manage, as you can see in the previous XML file. After you write your service, you need to configure it in the XML file as well.

And now we will see how easy it is in Spring Boot. You can write your class with a simple @Service annotation and it becomes a bean:

public class MyBean {
    private String propertyName = "value";
    // ...

And the following one is the application properties file. In the previous XML configuration, you saw that it was hard to see and manage data source properties. But in Spring Boot, we can define a data source in a YAML or properties file, as follows:


You can see how easy it is to make our code more readable and manageable.

It also promotes collaboration within the development teams through streamlined configuration. When everybody uses the same convention and has the same reliance on the auto-configuration that Spring Boot provides, it reduces the time that would be spent on understanding and working on each other’s code. It means there is consistency in doing things, which promotes efficiency besides minimizing the risk of issues arising from configurations.

Advantage 4 – extensive ecosystem

It would be great if we were all just writing code and didn’t require any integrations. But as we said in the introduction of this chapter, we’re sometimes dealing with complex projects, and all complex projects need a database, messaging between components, and interactions with external services. So, thanks to the Spring ecosystem, we can achieve these by using the libraries and projects of Spring.

As you can see in Figure 1.2, Spring is an ecosystem not just a framework, and each component is ready to communicate with each other smoothly.

Figure 1.2: Spring ecosystem

Figure 1.2: Spring ecosystem

I would like to spend a little bit more time on Spring Boot’s ecosystem, which offers many tools and integrations to address these challenges comprehensively. Here’s why Spring Boot’s ecosystem is a valuable asset:

  • Support for diverse databases: One of the most important features of Spring Boot is that it makes the idea of the data access to and its management of SQL as well as NoSQL databases such as MySQL and MongoDB easier. Its power of configuration facilitates an easy switch between the two, simply by changing the object’s annotation and through the Java Persistence API (JPA) data source in the properties file.
  • Messaging solutions: Supporting asynchronous communication or an event-driven architecture by your application, the compatibility of Spring Boot with the likes of Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ helps a great deal with efficient message queuing as well as the effective streaming of events.
  • Spring Cloud for microservices: Spring Boot provides a Spring Cloud extension, which has a suite of tools that provides developers with the ability to construct and operate microservices rapidly to operate as an application. It helps in service discovery, load balancing, and distributed configuration by using the declarative programming model.
  • Cloud services integration: In the current cloud computing area, Spring Boot offers integration capabilities with the major players in this field, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud. This allows you to leverage the resources and services provided by these cloud providers, including storage, compute, and machine learning, in order to augment the functionality and capabilities of your applications.
  • Security and authentication: The Spring Boot ecosystem has powerful security libraries that come with easy configuration for secured authentication along with authorization. Whether you want to implement OAuth 2.0 or JWT authentication or wish to apply access control based on roles, Spring Boot has this covered as well.
  • Application monitoring and management: Proper application monitoring and managing are really important to keep a software application in a healthy state. Spring Boot Actuator, being an associated subproject of Spring Boot, provides built-in support for metrics gathering, health-check features, and management endpoints, and it is not difficult to add its functionality to your services.
  • Third-party integrations: Apart from core functions, Spring Boot offers smooth integration with a whole array of third-party libraries and frameworks. Whether you want to integrate with some specific technology stack or special-purpose library, mostly you will find the Spring Boot extension or integration that fits the case.

By using the wide ecosystem of Spring Boot, the software development processes can be made quicker, fewer obstacles at various integration levels are encountered, and access to a wide pool of tools and resources is possible. The ecosystem provided by Spring Boot is highly flexible and versatile for enhancing the development process amid the ever-dynamic environment around the development of software.

Advantage 5 – cloud-native capabilities

Now, let’s see how Spring Boot best fits into cloud-native development. When we are speaking of cloud-native, in reality, we are referring to applications that are designed for cloud environments such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Spring Boot has got great features such as scalability and elasticity for applications in such environments, which means our application will grow or shrink horizontally as per demand, plus we get access to multiple managed services.

Want to build your application using Spring Boot and deploy it on the cloud? The good news is that Spring Boot encapsulates all the configuration details, hence making the deployment process on the cloud very simple. It has been designed to work smoothly with cloud environments. This means you can easily bind your application to the various cloud services that providers offer. Such services could span databases and storage solutions all the way to identity management systems.

One of the advantages that comes with using Spring Boot for cloud-native applications is adaptability. Whether you go with the public cloud, private cloud, or some mix of both – which we call hybrid environments – Spring Boot provides a simplified experience. There are never concerns about complexities associated with the manual configurations of this. The cloud-native capabilities within Spring Boot put you in a position to make optimal use of the abilities available today across cloud computing.

This means adjusting the application’s scaling up or down based on some ongoing situation at a particular point in time. For example, you want to create an application that will automatically scale its resources upon the sudden increase of its users – this will involve cloud-native development in Spring Boot and deployment in the Cloud Foundry. In this situation, Spring Boot is the bridge because it takes care of your application and ensures it stays functional with full utilization of what has been provided in the cloud environment. It will make your development process effective and efficient and ensure you develop applications that are more resilient to deploy.

Advantage 6 – testing made easy

Now, we will discuss the importance of testing in software development and how Spring Boot aids with this massive process. As you will know, it is very important to test sufficiently in order to ensure that our software is reliable and behaving as expected. I’m sure you will be well familiar with the reasons why testing is so important – we have to catch bugs and issues before our software goes live.

Spring Boot really promotes testing and has a lot of tools and conventions to make this possible. That ensures not only saving time in the long run but also a better product for our users. Spring Boot perfectly suits this approach, being all about “testing first.” This approach drives us to consider testing with every step of development, and not as an afterthought.

Now then, how does Spring Boot help us test? One nice thing about it is that it’s flexible, so it doesn’t introduce various testing frameworks, which would create compatibility issues. Whether you prefer JUnit, TestNG, or any other popular testing tools, with Spring Boot, any of these tools can be easily integrated into the workflow. This way, you can decide on the tools you would be comfortable with using and Spring Boot will not restrict your choice.

Moreover, Spring Boot doesn’t limit you to just one type of testing. It lets you write different kinds of tests – from unit tests that verify the correctness of a small piece of code to integration tests that verify that different parts of your application communicate well among themselves, and even end-to-end tests that simulate how a user will journey through your application. The idea here is to equip you with all those tools and flexibility, in order to test your application at any level in depth.

In a nutshell, Spring Boot equips you with everything that makes your testing efficient and effective. It’s like having a toolkit where each tool is made to address a specific testing need, making your software robust and reliable. Remember that good testing is one of the key elements of quality software development, and Spring Boot stands to guide you through it.

Advantage 7 – active development

Let’s now discuss Spring Boot and its compatibility in the fast-progressing world of technology.

In software development, keeping up with the times is essential due to the rapid growth of technology. This is where Spring Boot comes into play, being a dynamic framework that is growing with time. In addition, it is actively being developed by a community who are dedicated to adding new features as well as maximizing secure applications. With the help of Spring Boot, you can interact with the latest technology trends, such as newer Java versions or containerization technologies, without starting over each time. This framework continues to change with the industry, to keep your development journey up to date and even closer to the modern progressive foundation upon which your project is built. In the tech world, where everything is constantly changing, Spring Boot works as a handy up-to-date guide empowering you to remain ahead.

Advantage 8 – community-driven plugins

Let us understand the community of Spring Boot. It’s like a big family where every person has a common goal. People from all over the world have created lots of add-ons and extras for Spring Boot, making it even better. It is somewhat like having a huge toolbox with the ideal tool for every job.

In that toolbox, there are plugins to serve each purpose. Need to connect to a database or put up a messaging system? There is a plugin for that. Want to make your app more secure or easier to deploy? There is a plugin for that, too. And the best part? These plugins have been tried and tested by a lot of people, so they are perfected.

Using these thorough, community-made plugins means that you don’t have to start from scratch every time and can skip wasting time making something that has already been made. With these plugins, you are able to build faster and join the worldwide team of developers sharing their knowledge and tools. In this way, all of the developers can build cooler stuff faster.

After discussing the foundational benefits of Spring Boot, we will now start learning about its latest version.

Embracing the new era – the innovations of Spring Boot 3.0

Spring Boot 3.0 marks an important part of the story of advanced Java application development. Let’s explore what this new topic holds.

Java 17 baseline

Aligning Spring Boot 3.0 to Java 17 gives you the freshest developments in the Java universe. Generally, features such as sealed classes and new APIs in Java 17, among other things, improve the code readability and maintainability. Using Java 17 with Spring Boot means working with a version that not only is the latest but also has extended support from Java. This gives you cleaner code as well as better performance while being ahead in technology. With Java 17, many new features have been introduced – here is a simple example using sealed classes:

public sealed class Animal permits Dog, Cat, Rabbit {
    // class body
final class Dog extends Animal {
    // class body
final class Cat extends Animal {
    // class body
final class Rabbit extends Animal {
    // class body

This feature allows you to control which classes or interfaces can extend or implement a particular class or interface. This feature is particularly useful for maintaining code integrity and preventing unintended subclasses.

GraalVM support

GraalVM’s support within Spring Boot 3.0 is an important feature, particularly for cloud-native solutions. When we have a task to develop a serverless project, Java is usually not the first option. This is because Java projects need some more time on startup and consume more memory than other development languages. But GraalVM support helps Spring Boot, reducing memory usage and cutting down on startup times. For microservices and serverless architectures, this means achieving a level of efficiency that allows for quicker scaling and optimized resource utilization.

Observability with Micrometer

Let’s talk about an exciting feature in Spring Boot 3.0 – the integration of Micrometer. Imagine Micrometer as a tool that makes us aware of what is going on inside our application just by taking a look at logs, metrics, and traces. With Micrometer Tracing, the Micrometer tool becomes even more useful within Spring Boot. Now we are able to record application metrics more effectively and carry out more effective operation traces. It’s like having a fancier way to check how well our application is executing with the current technology, way better than the old ways we used to rely on, especially when we’re working with applications built by compiled native code.

Jakarta EE 10 compatibility

I am going to try and explain the transition to Jakarta EE 10 in Spring Boot 3.0. So, it’s a bit like updating your GPS with the latest maps and features before setting off on your journey. In a similar way, the shift to Jakarta EE 10 enables us to make use of the latest tools and standards available in enterprise Java. This way, we would be able to ensure that all applications built make use of modern standards and are future-proof as well. This update doesn’t just keep our applications up to date but also enables us to work with other, more advanced technologies, compliant with the new standards. So, this is nothing less than a leap forward in our development journey.

Simplified MVC framework

The MVC framework updates in Spring Boot 3.0 improve the way we manage communications, particularly API error handling. Support for RFC7807 ( means our applications can handle exceptions in one place. The following code sample illustrates how to handle exceptions in one place:

public class GlobalExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
  public ResponseEntity<ProblemDetail> handleException(Exception ex, WebRequest request) {
    ProblemDetail problemDetail = new ProblemDetail();
    problemDetail.setTitle("Internal Server Error");
    return new ResponseEntity<>(problemDetail, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
  public ResponseEntity<ProblemDetail> handleResourceNotFoundException(ResourceNotFoundException ex, WebRequest request) {
    ProblemDetail problemDetail = new ProblemDetail();
    problemDetail.setTitle("Resource Not Found");
    return new ResponseEntity<>(problemDetail, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
  // other exception handlers

In this example, GlobalExceptionHandler is a @ControllerAdvice class that handles all exceptions thrown by the application. It has an @ExceptionHandler method for each type of exception that the application can throw. Each @ExceptionHandler method returns a ResponseEntity with a ProblemDetail object as the body and an appropriate HTTP status code. The ProblemDetail object contains the details of the error, including a title, detail, and status code.

Enhanced Kotlin support

Kotlin is getting popular among developers. If you feel more confident with Kotlin, Spring Boot 3.0 now offers enhanced support for Kotlin. This support expands the Spring community.

Wrapping up – why Spring Boot 3.0 is your advanced project ally

In the preceding sections, we saw how Spring Boot is a powerful tool for developing big and advanced software projects with its quick development. With Spring Boot, we are talking about drastically reducing development time and effort with its “convention over configuration” setup. What does this mean? More time to develop, less time required for setup and configurations.

Well, let us now talk about how it can be adapted for microservices. Spring Boot is a way to not only facilitate development but also make your applications more scalable and efficient. And, with the new microservice architecture on the rise, this becomes essential. It allows you to break your application down into smaller, more manageable, and fully independent entities that perfectly cooperate as a whole.

Another aspect that we discussed is dealing with a streamlined configuration. The auto-configuration feature of Spring Boot replaces the handling of manual configurations, which may be very boring. This is very significant since dealing with large-scale projects where configuration can grow is a very complex and time-consuming undertaking.

We’ve also touched on the ecosystem that Spring Boot provides. This ecosystem offers a range of plugins and tools. This environment puts at your fingertips everything you need to build, test, and deploy high-standard applications.

The cloud-native abilities make Spring Boot a framework of choice in serverless application development. Given the fact that there is an increasing migration toward cloud environments, this ability has become more critical.

In the end, it is all about ongoing development and support of the community. An active community and constant development align Spring Boot with the latest technologies and trends. This makes this software a lasting and future-proof option for handling complex projects.

Now is the time to advance your development narrative with Spring Boot 3.0.

As we progress through this book, we’ll go deeper into the world of Spring Boot. We’ll examine various architectural patterns, reactive programming, data management, testing, security, containerization, and event-driven systems. In each chapter, you will gain practical experience and come closer to success in your real-world projects.

A brief overview of what’s to come

This section will give you an overview of what we will discuss in the rest of the book. This will enlighten your way and give you an idea of what is coming up in the following chapters.

Chapter 2, Key Architectural Patterns in Microservices – DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing

This chapter deep dives into critical patterns for microservices. In a microservice system, you might have many microservices, depending on the size of the application; for example, Netflix has over 1,000 microservices. So, what we need is an excellent pattern to manage these microservices and then maintain them properly. Without it, we lose control of them, and the whole system becomes a huge garbage.

The first one is Domain-Driven Design (DDD). DDD is about building software based on the needs of the business. Each microservice is solely accountable for only one small part of a business. In DDD, we have two main parts, which are the strategic part and the tactical part. In the strategic part, we take a look at the big picture of a business. The details that we focus on are the tactical part. Here, we’ll take a detailed look at everything there is to know about each part of the business.

Next is CQRS. It is the abbreviated form of Command Query Responsibility Segregation. I love the name. It’s such a fancy name for a simple idea. We separate reading the data from writing the data. Think about it as two tools – one kind asks questions and another gives orders. This separation allows our software to run smoother and faster. It’s great for complicated systems where it is really important to manage lots of data.

Next, we have Event Sourcing. This is recording all changes that are made to our software as events. Anytime there occurs a change in the transacting parties, we note this down in the diary. As such, the diary logs what happened in the past. We can dig deep into the history of our object as well. Event Sourcing is relevant as there could at any time be the need to hold past data.

Lastly, we take a quick view of other patterns in microservices. This part merely suggests some other ideas for building software. We will not go into too much detail here but it’s good to know about these other patterns. They are like different tools in a toolbox. Knowing more tools makes us better at building software.

In this chapter, we will be introduced to these patterns with examples. We will see how they are leveraged in real software. This helps us understand better why these patterns are important and how to use them soundly.

Each of these patterns is a step toward making better software. We will be learning how to use DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing. These will help us write software that is strong, smart, and useful and solve real business problems. The chapter is all about learning these essential skills.

Chapter 3, Reactive REST Development and Asynchronous Systems

Chapter 3 opens up the dynamic world of reactive programming in Spring Boot 3.0. Here, we learn how to build software that responds quickly. This is about making applications that can handle multiple concurrent or simultaneous requests.

We start with an introduction to reactive programming. It’s a fresh way of writing software. In the old days, our apps could only do one thing at a time. With reactive programming, they can handle many tasks all at once, smoothly and without waiting. It’s like a juggler keeping many balls in the air effortlessly.

Building a reactive REST API is our next stop. Think of REST APIs as waiters taking orders and bringing food to the table: one waiter, one order. A reactive REST API is like a super-waiter who can handle many orders simultaneously, even when the restaurant is super busy. It’s great for when you have lots of users, all wanting quick service at the same time.

We then explore asynchronous systems and backpressure. Asynchronous means doing things at different times, not in a strict order. It’s like having a to-do list where you can do tasks in any order you like. Back-pressure is a way to manage the work, so we don’t get overwhelmed. It’s like having a smart system that knows when to say, “Please wait” so that everything gets done right, without crashing or slowing down.

By the end of Chapter 3, we won’t have just talked about these ideas; we’ll have seen them in action with real examples. We’ll understand why reactive programming is essential in today’s fast-paced world. We’ll learn how to use these new tools to make our software strong, smart, and helpful. And we’ll see how they solve real problems in businesses today. This chapter is packed with essential skills for the modern software builder.

Chapter 4, Spring Data: SQL, NoSQL, Cache Abstraction, and Batch Processing

Chapter 4 will go through managing data within Spring Boot 3.0 applications. It’s a chapter that combines theory with practical steps on handling various types of data.

We kick off with an introduction to Spring Data. This is one of the most important components of Spring Boot. We can orchestrate the data with it. Spring Data is like a bridge connecting your application to the world of databases. We’ll see how Spring Data can talk to databases hassle-free.

Then, we’ll explore how Spring Data connects with SQL databases. SQL databases store data in tables and are great when you have a clear structure for your data. They’re reliable and powerful. With Spring Boot, using these databases becomes easier. You can set up relationships and store your data efficiently.

Next, we shift our focus to NoSQL databases. These are different from SQL databases. They’re more like a flexible storage room where you can put data without needing a strict layout. Spring Boot supports various NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, Neo4j, and Cassandra. These databases are great when your data doesn’t fit neatly into tables and you need more flexibility.

We’ll also discuss Spring Boot’s cache abstraction. Caching is about storing copies of data in a temporary storage area, so you can access it faster. It’s like keeping your most-used tools on top of your workbench for quick access. Spring’s cache abstraction lets you manage this caching smartly, improving your application’s performance by remembering frequently used data.

Then, there’s batch processing with Spring Batch. This is for when you have a lot of data to process all at once. Think of it like a factory assembly line, handling lots of tasks efficiently. Spring Batch is a framework for developing robust batch applications. It’s used for large-scale data migration and processing, making it perfect for handling big jobs such as sending out thousands of emails or processing large datasets.

Finally, we’ll cover data migration and consistency. When you move data from one place to another, you want to ensure nothing gets lost or changed along the way. We’ll learn strategies to keep our data safe and consistent during migration. It’s like moving houses without losing any of your belongings.

Throughout the chapter, we’ll tie these concepts back to practical examples, showing how Spring Boot 3.0 makes these tasks easier. By the end of Chapter 4, you’ll understand how to manage and process data in your Spring Boot applications, making sure they’re fast, reliable, and secure.

Chapter 5, Securing Your Spring Boot Applications

In Chapter 5, we’re going to tackle something super important – keeping our Spring Boot applications safe. Up to this point, we have learned lots of good practices. With this information, we have built a maintainable, robust application. All parts are working like a charm. But now, we should keep this realm secure.

First, we’ll dive into what it means to be secure in the world of Spring Boot 3.0. Security isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must. We’ll explore how Spring Boot helps us put up a strong defense against hackers.

Then, it’s time to get into Oauth 2.0 and JWTs. Security is not just important to prevent attacks; it also keeps the data isolated for each user. It makes sure only the right people with the right passes get in.

Role-based access control is up next. It’s all about setting the rules for who can go where in your app. It’s like deciding who gets the keys to the front door and who can only access the garage.

We won’t forget about reactive applications. They need security that can keep up with their fast pace. It’s a bit like a security guard that’s super good at multitasking.

Spring security filters are like the bouncers of your app. They check everyone out before letting them in. We’ll learn how to set up these filters to check the IDs at the door.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll feel like a security expert. You’ll know how to use all these tools to keep your Spring Boot app as safe as a fortress. We’ll walk through examples and test our security to make sure it’s top-notch. So, let’s gear up and get our Spring Boot applications locked down tight!

Chapter 6, Advanced Testing Strategies

Let’s dive into Chapter 6, where we’re really getting our hands dirty with testing in Spring Boot. Testing isn’t just a checkbox to tick off; it’s what makes sure our applications don’t fall apart when things get real. And in Spring Boot, testing can be quite a ride!

We kick off by introducing two big players in the testing game: unit testing and integration testing. Think of unit testing as checking the pieces of a puzzle individually, making sure each one is cut just right. Integration testing? That’s about verifying that all the pieces fit together to create the complete picture. Both are super important for different reasons, and we’ll see why.

Next, we’ll tackle testing reactive components. If you’ve played with reactive programming in Spring Boot, you’ll know it’s like juggling – lots of things happening at once, and you’ve got to keep them all in the air. This section is all about making sure your reactive bits don’t drop the ball when the pressure is on.

Then, there’s the big, bad world of security testing. We’re not just making sure the app works; we’re making sure it’s Fort Knox. We’ll dive into how to test your Spring Boot app to keep the hackers at bay, covering everything from who’s allowed to who’s kept out.

Finally, we’ll talk about Test-Driven Development (TDD) in the world of Spring Boot. TDD is like writing the recipe before you bake the cake. It might sound backward, but it’s a game-changer. We write tests first, then code, and end up with something that’s not just delicious but dependable.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll not only get the “how” of testing in Spring Boot but also the “why.” It’s about making sure your app doesn’t just work today but keeps on working tomorrow, next week, and next year. Get ready to level up your testing game!

Chapter 7, Spring Boot 3.0 Features for Containerization and Orchestration

In Chapter 7, we’re going to learn how to get our Spring Boot 3.0 apps ready to travel and work anywhere. This is about using cool tools such as containers and orchestrators.

First up, we’ll talk about what containerization means. It’s like packing your app in a suitcase so it can run on any computer or server, just like that!

Spring Boot has special features to help with this. It’s got everything you need to make sure your app packs up nicely in these containers.

Then, we’ll dive into how Spring Boot works with Docker. Docker is like a special bus for our apps. It makes sure they run smoothly, no matter where they go.

We’ll also learn about Kubernetes. Think of it as the big boss of buses. It organizes all our app containers and makes sure they’re all working together properly.

Lastly, we’ll explore Spring Boot Actuator. This is our app’s health-check tool. It shows us how our app is doing once it’s out and running.

By the end of this chapter, we’ll be able to pack our apps up and have them running anywhere we like. We’ll feel like travel agents for our apps!

Chapter 8, Exploring Event-Driven Systems with Kafka

Chapter 8 will teach us about event-driven systems using Kafka with our Spring Boot apps. It’s like setting up a robust mail service inside our app, where mail never disappears.

First, we’ll understand event-driven architecture. It’s a way of building apps where different parts talk to each other using events. It’s like one part of the app sending a “Hey, something happened!” note to another.

Next, we’ll see how Kafka helps our Spring Boot apps send and receive these notes. Kafka is like a post office for our app’s messages. It ensures all the parts of our app get the right messages at the right time.

Then, we’ll actually build an event-driven app with Spring Boot. We’ll use Spring Boot’s messaging tools to ensure the parts of our app parts can communicate using events.

Lastly, we’ll learn about keeping an eye on all these messages. We’ll cover how to watch over our app and fix things if they go wrong. It’s like being a detective, looking for clues to solve any message mysteries.

By the end of Chapter 8, we’ll be event-driven pros, ready to create super responsive and up-to-date apps.

Chapter 9, Enhancing Productivity and Development Simplification

Chapter 9 is where we really get our hands dirty with some of the coolest tools Spring Boot has to offer, all designed to make our developer lives a whole lot easier.

First off, we’ve got aspect-oriented programming, or AOP. It’s like having a magic wand for our code that lets us neatly tuck away all the repetitive bits. So, we can keep our code clean and focus on the unique stuff.

Then, we’ll breeze through HTTP APIs with the Feign client. It’s like having a translator that lets our app chat with other apps without all the fuss.

We’ll also master the art of auto-configuration. It’s Spring Boot’s way of giving us a head start, like a car that adjusts the seat and mirrors just how we like it, the moment we hop in.

We wrap up with some solid advice on best practices and what traps to avoid. It’s about being wise with our code, learning from others, and not falling into those sneaky traps.

By the time we close this chapter, we’ll be coding smarter, faster, and with a heck of a lot more confidence. We’re going to be like productivity ninjas, slashing through the development jungle with ease.


This chapter was all about jumping into Spring Boot 3.0. Think of Spring Boot as a tool that makes working with Java a whole lot easier, especially when working on big, complex projects. We saw how it helps speed up setting up projects and eases the process of quickly handling big tasks.

Here’s what we learned:

  • Quick setup: Spring Boot makes it easy to start a new project, allowing one to focus on developing the fun stuff with minimal fuss
  • Microservices: Simply put, this is a fancy term for breaking up a big project(s) into small parts, so things are easier to manage
  • User-friendly: Spring Boot’s auto-configuration feature helps the developers to bypass manual setup processes
  • Plenty of tools: It is like a Swiss knife for programming with tools for managing databases and security
  • Cloud-ready: It is great to work with projects running in the cloud
  • Testing made simple: Testing your work is super important and Spring Boot makes it simpler
  • Community and updates: There are so many users out there working on Spring Boot and making it better – so it just keeps getting better

Here onward, in the next chapter, we will learn about microservice architectures, DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing. We will learn why a microservice design pattern is important and how to choose the correct one for our projects.

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Key benefits

  • Understand the unique advantages of using Spring Boot for complex software projects
  • Acquire experience in implementing architectural patterns like DDD, CQRS, and event sourcing within Spring Boot applications
  • Implement advanced testing strategies to ensure the reliability and robustness of your applications
  • Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook


Mastering Spring Boot 3.0 is your gateway to building scalable and robust backend systems using the latest techniques. Penned by a seasoned software developer with 20+ years of experience in the tech industry, this book follows a hands-on, step-by-step approach to helping you understand Spring Boot concepts and apply them to real-world projects. You’ll start by exploring key architectural patterns such as DDD, CQRS, and event sourcing. Next, you’ll focus on the nuances of reactive REST development, delve into advanced testing strategies, and fortify your applications' security. You’ll also discover the power of containerization and orchestration with Spring Boot 3.0 and unlock its potential for smooth deployments. Additionally, by integrating Kafka, you’ll be able to build robust event-driven systems. By the end of this book, you’ll have become proficient in architectural patterns, testing strategies, and application security. Whether you’re an architect, backend developer, or DevOps engineer, this book will help you leverage the advanced features of Spring Boot 3.0 for secure and efficient backend development.

What you will learn

  • Leverage reactive programming to build responsive and resilient applications
  • Develop reactive and asynchronous RESTful services using Spring Boot
  • Explore data management using Spring Data for both SQL and NoSQL databases
  • Utilize the new features in Spring Boot 3.0 that facilitate containerization and orchestration
  • Secure your Spring Boot applications using various authentication and authorization mechanisms
  • Build robust event-driven systems by integrating Apache Kafka with Spring Boot

Product Details

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Publication date, Length, Edition, Language, ISBN-13
Publication date : Jun 28, 2024
Length 256 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781803230788
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Product Details

Publication date : Jun 28, 2024
Length 256 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781803230788
Vendor :

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Table of Contents

16 Chapters
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Part 1: Architectural Foundations Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Chapter 1: Introduction to Advanced Spring Boot Concepts Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Part 2: Architectural Patterns and Reactive Programming Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Chapter 2: Key Architectural Patterns in Microservices – DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Chapter 3: Reactive REST Development and Asynchronous Systems Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Part 3: Data Management, Testing, and Security Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Chapter 4: Spring Data: SQL, NoSQL, Cache Abstraction, and Batch Processing Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Chapter 5: Securing Your Spring Boot Applications Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Chapter 6: Advanced Testing Strategies Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Part 4: Deployment, Scalability, and Productivity Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
11. Chapter 7: Spring Boot 3.0 Features for Containerization and Orchestration Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
12. Chapter 8: Exploring Event-Driven Systems with Kafka Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
13. Chapter 9: Enhancing Productivity and Development Simplification Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
14. Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
15. Other Books You May Enjoy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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