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Learn Spring Boot 3 in 100 Steps - Beginner to Expert [Video]
Learn Spring Boot 3 in 100 Steps - Beginner to Expert [Video]

Learn Spring Boot 3 in 100 Steps - Beginner to Expert: The Ultimate Guide to Building REST APIs and Web Applications with Spring Boot 3 in 100 Steps

Profile Icon In28Minutes Official
By In28Minutes Official
Video Mar 2018 15 hours 23 minutes 1st Edition
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Profile Icon In28Minutes Official
By In28Minutes Official
Video Mar 2018 15 hours 23 minutes 1st Edition
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Key benefits

  • Latest Spring Boot 3 version with autoconfiguration and starter projects
  • Build a web application and REST API using Spring Boot, JPA/Hibernate, and Testing
  • Learn advanced features of Spring Boot, externalizing application configuration, and JPA basics


Spring Boot is a powerful framework that simplifies the development of REST services. It enables developers to effortlessly create production-ready Spring-based applications that can be run immediately. Throughout the course, you will learn how to build web applications and REST APIs with Spring Boot, using auto-configuration, Spring Initializr, and starter projects. You will also learn how to connect to a database using JPA/Hibernate, write great unit and integration tests using Spring Boot Starter Test, and make the best use of Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Boot Developer Tools. Additionally, you will learn how to externalize application configuration using Spring Boot profiles and dynamic configuration and understand the embedded servlet container options provided by Spring Boot. You will also gain a good understanding of the basics of developing a web application, including POST, GET, HTTP, and MVC patterns, as well as how to style your web page using the Bootstrap framework. By the end of the course, you will have developed a basic Todo management Java application with login and logout functionalities, as well as a basic REST service to manage a survey questionnaire. You will also have gained a solid understanding of the features of Spring Boot and be well-equipped to start developing your own Spring Boot applications. All the resources for this course are available at:

What you will learn

  • Build web applications with Spring Boot 3
  • Create Spring MVC controllers to handle requests and responses
  • Connect to databases using JPA/Hibernate and Spring Boot
  • Write unit and integration tests using Spring Boot Starter Test
  • Develop REST APIs with Spring Boot and explore best practices
  • Configure Spring Security for Spring Boot REST APIs

Product Details

Country selected
Publication date, Length, Edition, Language, ISBN-13
Publication date : Mar 23, 2018
Length 15 hours 23 minutes
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781788996624
Category :

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Product feature icon DRM FREE - Read whenever, wherever and however you want

Product Details

Publication date : Mar 23, 2018
Length 15 hours 23 minutes
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781788996624
Category :

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Table of Contents

10 Chapters
1. Introduction Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Introduction to Spring Boot in 10 Steps - V2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Web Application with Spring Boot - V2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Step 00 - Introduction to Building Web App with Spring Boot
Step 01 - Creating Spring Boot Web Application with Spring Initializr
Step 02 - Quick Overview of Spring Boot Project
Step 03 - First Spring MVC Controller, @ResponseBody, @Controller
Step 04 - 01 - Enhancing Spring MVC Controller to Provide HTML Response
Step 04 - 02 - Exploring Step-by-Step Coding and Debugging Guide
Step 05 - Redirect to a JSP Using Spring Boot - Controller, @ResponseBody and Vi
Step 06 - Exercise - Creating LoginController and Login View
Step 07 - Quick Overview - How Does Web Work - Request and Response
Step 08 - Capturing QueryParams Using RequestParam and First Look at Model
Step 09 - Quick Overview - Importance of Logging with Spring Boot
Step 10 - Understanding DispatcherServlet, Model 1, Model 2, and Front Controller
Step 11 - Creating a Login Form
Step 12 - Displaying Login Credentials in a JSP using Model
Step 13 - Add Hard-Coded Validation of User ID and Password
Step 14 - Getting Started with Todo Features - Creating Todo and TodoService
Step 15 - Creating First Version of List Todos Page
Step 16 - Understanding Session Versus Model Versus Request - @SessionAttributes
Step 17 - Adding JSTL to Spring Boot Project and Showing Todos in a Table
Step 18 - Adding Bootstrap CSS framework to Spring Boot Project Using webjars
Step 19 - Formatting JSP Pages with Bootstrap CSS Framework
Step 20 – Let's Add a New Todo - Create a New View
Step 21 - Enhancing TodoService to Add the Todo
Step 22 - Adding Validations Using Spring Boot Starter Validation
Step 23 - Using Command Beans to Implement New Todo Page Validations
Step 24 - Implementing Delete Todo Feature - New View
Step 25 - Implementing Update Todo - 1 - Show Update Todo Page
Step 26 - Implementing Update Todo - 1 - Save Changes to Todo
Step 27 - Adding Target Date Field to Todo Page
Step 28 - Adding a Navigation Bar and Implementing JSP Fragments
Step 29 - Preparing for Spring Security
Step 30 - Setting Up Spring Security with Spring Boot Starter Security
Step 31 - Configuring Spring Security with Custom User and Password Encoder
Step 32 - Refactoring and Removing Hardcoding of User ID
Step 33 - Setting Up a New User for Todo Application
Step 34 - Adding Spring Boot Starter Data JPA and Getting H2 Database-Ready
Step 35 - 01 - Configuring Spring Security to Get H2 Console Working
Step 35 - 02 - JDBC to Spring JDBC to JPA to Spring Data JPA – 10,000 Ft Overview
Step 36 - Making Todo an Entity and Population Todo Data into H2
Step 37 - Creating TodoRepository and Connecting List Todos Page from H2 Database
Step 38 - 01 - Connecting All Todo App Features to H2 Database
Step 38 - 02 - Exploring Magic of Spring Boot Starter JPA and JpaRepository
Step 39 - Overview of Connecting Todo App to MySQL database
Step 40 - Optional Hands-On - Installing Docker
Step 41 - Optional Hands-On - Connecting Todo App to MySQL database
4. Introduction to JUnit in 5 Steps - V2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Introduction to Mockito in Five Steps - V2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Spring Boot Deep Dive with a REST API - V2 Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Step 01 - Quick Introduction to REST - Understand Resource and Actions
Step 02 - Creating Spring Boot Project for REST with Maven and Eclipse
Step 03 - Creating Your First Spring Boot Resource - Hello World
Step 04 - Creating a Second Spring Boot Resource Method - Hello World Bean
Step 05 - Exploring Path Params and Path Variables with Spring Boot
Step 06 - Getting Ready for Survey Questionnaire REST API
Step 07 - Creating First Survey Spring Boot REST API - GET All Surveys
Step 08 - Creating Second Survey Spring Boot REST API Method - GET a Survey
Step 09 - Exploring REST API Best Practices - Request Methods and Response Status
Step 10 - Exercise -Creating Survey Question-Related Spring Boot REST API Method
Step 11 - Creating Spring Boot REST API to Create Survey Question - POST
Step 12 - Improving POST Method - Status CREATED and Location Header
Step 13 - Implementing Spring Boot REST API Method to DELETE a Question
Step 14 - Implementing Spring Boot REST Method to Update a Question - PUT
Step 15 - Setting Up Spring Boot Data JPA with H2 Database and User Entity
Step 16 - Exploring Spring Boot Data JPA Using Command-Line Runner
Step 17 - Creating User REST API with Spring Boot Starter Rest
Step 18 - Writing Your First Spring Boot Integration Test
Step 19 - Writing Asserts for JSON in Spring Boot Tests - JsonAssert
Step 20 - Improving JUnit Asserts for Spring Boot Integration Test
Step 21 - Writing Spring Boot Integration Test for GET Method Returning List
Step 22 - Writing Spring Boot Integration Test for POST method Creating a Question
Step 23 - Understanding JUnit Best Practice - Have Zero Side Effects
Step 24 - Writing Your First Spring Boot Mock MVC Unit Test
Step 25 - Improving Asserts for Spring Boot Mock MVC Unit Test
Step 26 - Writing Spring Boot Mock MVC Unit Test for POST Method
Step 27 - Getting Started with Spring Boot Starter Security
Step 28 - Configuring Spring Security for Spring Boot REST API
Step 29 - Fixing Spring Boot Unit and Integration Tests
7. Appendix - Introduction to Spring Framework Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Appendix - Introduction to JPA with Spring Boot in 10 Steps Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Congratulations Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Appendix - Introduction to Functional Programming in 30 Minutes Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
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