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News video games 20 December 2023, 05:51

author: Adrian Werner

Call of Duty 2025 is a Semi-futuristic Sequel to CoD: Black Ops 2; New Rumors

According to reliable rumors, Call of Duty 2025 is being developed as a sequel to Black Ops 2. After a long hiatus, the series is expected to finally return to futuristic setting.

Source: Microsoft. Screen z CoD: Black Ops 2.

Players are still recovering from the great disappointment that was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, but the CoD caravan is moving on. More reports have emerged about the installment, which will debut in 2025. Their source is Insider-Gaming, run by proven insider Tom Henderson.

  1. CoD 2025 is currently operating under the code name Saturn and is expected to be a direct sequel to Call of Duty: Black Ops II from 2012.
  2. By the same token, it will be the first game in the series in many years to be set in the future (the last such release was 2018's Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII).
  3. The action will take place in 2030, five years after the events of Black Ops 2.

CoD 2025 - not just recycling old multiplayer maps

According to earlier rumors, in Call of Duty 2025 we are to find remastered multiplayer maps from Black Ops 2. There have been quite a few changes here, however. Previously, the game was to offer only these arenas, just as it did in Modern Warfare III, having only refreshed versions of levels from MW2 from 2009. According to Insider-Gaming reports this idea was eventually abandoned and Call of Duty 2025 is also expected to launch with a sizable set of new maps. The change is said to be dictated by the cold reception of this year's installment of the series.

Call of Duty 2025 is also expected to offer a heavily improved movement system. The Pick Ten solution will return, enabling the players to freely shape their class by choosing ten pieces of equipment. We can also expect a gunfight mode, and the zombie module will be available in its classic round-based form (rather than an open world as in this year's MW3).

It is worth recalling that according to rumors next year's installment will also be part of the Black Ops sub-series and is expected to show US operations in Iraq in the 1990s. Therefore, it seems a good idea to bet on futuristic setting in the installment scheduled for 2025, as this will avoid this year's situation when Modern Warfare 3 gives more the impression of a DLC for MW2rather than a standalone game.

Insider Gaming's sources at Activision say that in the case of CoD 2025 we are supposed to get a completely new game, not just a development of the previous part. Therefore, we probably shouldn't expect a progress transfer between the two installments either.

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
