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News video games 17 June 2021, 20:10

Bethesda Responds to Allegations of Starfield's Exclusivity

The exclusivity of the upcoming Starfield has caused frustration among some players. This has not escaped the attention of Bethesda, whose representative claims to understand the negative feelings of some of the fans.

  • Pete Hines, Bethesda's vice president of marketing and communications, responded to the negative reaction of gamers related to the exclusivity of Starfield;
  • According to Hines, PlayStation owners must simply accept the fact that the game will not be available on Sony's console;
  • At the same time he announced that this kind of restriction may have a positive impact on the game's development process.

Starfield's presentation at this year's E3 revealed what some gamers have long since expected. Bethesda's new game will be a Microsoft exclusive. This means that it will only appear on PC and Xbox Series S/X. This has met with a negative response from some people who have been waiting for the game but are not users of those platforms.

In an interview for PC Gamer, Pete Hines, Bethesda's vice president of marketing and communications, revealed that he understands the reaction of the players.

"I totally understand if you are unhappy or pissed or whatever. I get it. Those are all real feelings and frustrations. How should you deal with that? I haven't the foggiest idea. I would never presume to say, 'Here's how you can make it better and feel better'. I don't know how to allay the fears and concerns of PlayStation 5 fans, other than to say, 'I'm a PlayStation 5 player as well, and I've played games on that console, and there's games I'm going to continue to play on it. But if you want to play Starfield, [it's] PC and Xbox. Sorry. All I can really say is, I apologize."

Hines also stated that this kind of publishing policy is also associated with benefits for the studio responsible for the game. He also touched on a subject that Todd Howard had previously mentioned.

"You're not worrying about, 'How does it work on this box versus how does it work on that box?'. "We're not making it on that box, so it just needs to run as well as possible on this one, [and] on a PC. Narrow focus always helps."

So it seems that the only advice we can give to owners of PlayStation 5 is to accept the fact that Starfield is not coming to Sony's console. Gamers using platforms supported by Microsoft can expect a more polished title.

Bethesda's new game will appear on PC and Xbox Series S/X. The title is scheduled for release on November 11, 2022. On that day it will also be available on the Xbox Game Pass service.

Przemyslaw Dygas

Przemyslaw Dygas

He published a lot of news on, some reviews and a few articles. Currently runs the site and serves as a junior SEO specialist. He first published journalistic texts on his private blog; later he took up writing seriously when his news and reviews ended up on a now non-existent film portal. In his free time, he tries to keep up with the premieres of new strategies and RPGs, unless he is replaying Pillars of Eternity or Mass Effect for umpteenth time. He also likes cinematography and tries to visit the nearby cinema at least once a month to keep up with the movies he is interested in.
