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How to Create a Smooth Scrolling Timeline Animation in ReactJS? [closed]

I need help creating an animation in ReactJS. Does anyone have any ideas or experience with this? Here’s an example of the animation I'm aiming for: UCLA Timeline Animation. Please check it out and ...
Muhammad Rahim's user avatar
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javascript in Adobe Animate frames

To learn and experiment with JavaScript I am using the following approach/structure: I have individual blocks of code in several individual frames, all of them in one Action named layer. This way I ...
otherelse's user avatar
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How do I fade in/out a video using buttons?

I have a series of buttons on a frame. Each button "should" change the source of a video component, fade it up, and then when it's completed, fade it down. The code I have below is a ...
Michael Narlock's user avatar
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Is it posible to catch the a "timestamp" from a canvas element created with Adobe Animate?

The idea is to syncronize simple js animations that have dynamic data with Adobe Animate canvas that have more animation capabilities. Trying to find if that is possible. I know it is possible with ...
Matias Clavell's user avatar
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Prevent scrolling page after animate scrollTop on mobile

I'm trying to do targeted scrolling within a specific block on a page from its inner element to top of next\prev element. Scripts: jquery-2.2.0.min.js Html: <div class="...
Alex's user avatar
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React Framer-Motion Overflow X problem. Unable to animate Translate X without overflowing

What I want to do is animate 2 ships flying in, one from the left, another from the right, and they stop at about 75% of the page each. The issue is using x / translateX in framer motion, using any ...
Y D's user avatar
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3 answers

Need help to create animation to randomly change text characters in JS

I need to make animation like on this website in menu: Is there an existing solutions? I've tried to make it with copilot, but didn't succeed. <script> ...
user24042628's user avatar
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Move element horizontally while scrolling vertically in pure JavaScript

I want to move an image from the very left side of the screen as soon as it appears and while scrolling, it should move to the right side of the screen. I need to achieve this in pure JavaScript or ...
Iman B. Rad's user avatar
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How to Lottie Animation SVG

I'm new to lottie files, I've created animations in after effects for video, and I think thats the method I'll be using, from illustrator to After effects, or figma to after effects. What I'm trying ...
mateostabio's user avatar
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Jquery animate by class, but set distance dynamically by each div's individual data attribute

I need to be able to chain a series of animations together via callback functions so that they execute precisely one after the other. However, several of these animations affect multiple divs at the ...
pbspry's user avatar
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Use SVG mask instead of clip-path transition

I've created a working prototype of what will eventually be a hero banner where the script cycles through each section transitions to each section use a expanding shape to reveal the next section &...
user1978903's user avatar
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Using multiple libraries with one canvas in Adobe Animate

I'm developping a game with several screens and a lot of assets (png, jpg..), and I would like to separate the assets in multiple FLA files so that I can export more quickly instead of exporting all ...
kek's user avatar
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JavaScript code is not working in angular .ts file

**this is my HTML Code ** <section class="funfactSection"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col ...
Pawan Nayak's user avatar
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Matplot Animated

I am currently programming a GUI with Tkinter. The whole thing is running on a Raspberry Pi 4. In this GUI, a driving cycle is read from an Excel table and animated in the GUI as a graph. A USB OBD2 ...
XoniixX's user avatar
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Animate Alpha ImageView Fade In Fade Out

In the observe method of a view model, a new Observer is listening for an API response which is working correctly. However based on the response, it is calling the following code to show a success or ...
Imran's user avatar
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