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Looping a number count in Edge Animate

I am creating a banner in Adobe Edge Animate with a number count going from 0 to 1000, then slowly going to 1001... 1002... 1003... and then restarting/looping. I have searched multiple online forums ...
Tobias Wallin's user avatar
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Mismatched braces in Edge Animate

Something happened to my code in Animate. Exact error is "Mismatched braces" in the end of document, line 882, })(window.jQuery || AdobeEdge.$, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-3775642"); How can i fix this? I ...
Oletem's user avatar
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Click a link and stay on the same page

I am trying to navigate to another HTML file without changing pages. Basically I got an emergency button, and once clicked, it should open an HTML file which pops up a box displaying 3 other buttons. ...
HurpaDerpa's user avatar
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Adobe Edge Animate Stage not displaying Firefox only

I have a project I started in Adobe Edge Animate, though I have edited the js dom by hand may times over since then. It is heavy on CSS3 animations and javascript. The code currently lives in a ...
Troy Cono's user avatar
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What size to make the stage in Edge Animate for one ipad/iphone app

I am about to build my very first ipad/iphone app in Edge Animate and port it through PhoneGap Build to the app store. What size do I set the Edge Animate stage to so that the same app will work on ...
Torquay's user avatar
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Adobe Edge Animate cannot call (edgeCommons.js:3)

Due to my current JS ignorance, I'm unsure what this phrase means: 'uncaught typeerror: cannot call mehtod 'bootstrapCallback' of undefined ---> EdgeCommons.js:3' This is my code which is on my ...
user2787218's user avatar