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HTML Entities to add a break-line into a link [duplicate]

in Blogger code <a class='whatsapp' expr:href='&quot;; + &quot;*&quot; + data:post.title + &quot;*&quot; + &quot; - &quot; + ...
Sulty's user avatar
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alert and confirm boxes do not appear

I have a couple of webpages which i in part build up dynamically (php and JavaScript). Everything used to work well in the past, but now the various calls to alert and confirm do not cause dialog ...
user1479670's user avatar
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xml add encoded xhtml in xml element using php

I want to create xml file which embed encoded xhtml. I has encoded xhtml file separately. During creating xml element, I would like to add the encoded content of xhtml in xml element, test. After I ...
Premlatha's user avatar
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Understanding Ajax requests to update page content when SQL Query Response changes

I am writing a page update which works with PHP to read a SQL database the page echo's the contents in a div section 'track_data'. yet it doesn't do this update idk I have JavaScript script which I ...
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how to check if string is valid XHTML using PHP?

Using $html = '<br /><p>k</p>'; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = New DOMDocument(); $dom -> loadXML($correo_elhtml); echo '<pre>'; if(empty(libxml_get_errors())){...
Stackoverflow's user avatar
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Retrieving BLOB image from database using autocomplete selection

I'm trying to display a blob image stored in a database, I'm not getting any errors but the image isn't displaying, I'm just getting the default "no image" icon. Here's my code: <script&...
kalel681's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can I set a "default bookmark" in a web page for the browser to go to automatically when the page is requested (HTML5, CSS, PHP, etc.)?

The default behaviour of a web page is that the browser displays it "from the top". I can request it to be displayed from a specific bookmark if I set for example the id="my_bookmark" attribute to an ...
Roberto Fontiglia's user avatar
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Nginx serving dynamic php page

I'm trying to switch all the company servers to nginx. Till now all is going good, excepting for a webportal we use like an e-commerce. The first problem is that the portal is made by an external ...
AntDeMu's user avatar
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Rewriting code from using GET-method to using POST-method

For security reasons I want to change my code from using GET to using POST. The first function (getcurrenthighscoreGet) works perfectly (it returns a string), but the second function (...
OHiddema's user avatar
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3 answers

How to parse an XML with xhtml:link in PHP?

The goal: import an external XML file (for this example, it's inline) get the < loc >, save into variable find the < xhtml:link > that has the href-lang="fr-ca" attribute, get the href value, ...
taketheleap's user avatar
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Change PHP variable using javascript or AJAX on the same page

I know this question has been asked alot of times, but I think in my case, I'm dealing with something different, or better saying, I need something different. I'm using an open source that works as ...
Jan's user avatar
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PHP login form to direct user onto new page

I've created a login form on HTML that asks for a specific username + password. (User = hello, pass = bye) I want my PHP form to check if the user input is correct (Hello & Bye), and if so, ...
thtcurlygirl's user avatar
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issue with display xml as visual format using xsl stylesheet

hello i am writing xml file using i am getting curl response as xml format. it has stylesheet included as .xsl format already but when i open xml in browser it is not displaying as visual style format....
amit nindroda's user avatar
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XHTML 1.0 Validation - PHP Line of Code Throws Errors. Why? How to fix?

I'm working on a school project in PHP and my web pages have to pass XHTML 1.0 Validation. The following line of code throws errors. <img src="<?php echo './img/'. dayOfWeek(). '.png'?>" ...
Dewey Banks's user avatar
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Php and Javascript fails W3 Validator XHTML 1.0 Transitional

I am using the following php and javascript if ($name == "" || $name == $required) { echo"<p><span>Name</span></p><input size=\"60\" id=\"name\" name=\"name\" type=\"text\" ...
user178167's user avatar

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