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A member registered 92 days ago · View creator page →

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This game was something, and i liked the story. The most longest thrilling adventure i had. 

This game was fun and TASKINGGG 

Well depression + Over obsession of someone leads people to do crazy things aka hurt people when things dont go their way.  But idk i was just goin with whatever flowed thru my mind. Thanks for the watch and good game dude 

I really liked this game it showed the persons pov of how being so attached to someone really affects a person, nonetheless good game dude.

This game was fun i loved it alot espically like the storylines and the animations.

Game was cool imo

fun game

This was a funny game also loved the dancing tiger asw 

This game was funny 


This Game Was Interesting. Loved The Intro & Such really brought the vibes 

Was decent

No prob the game was fun and gave a realistic experience 

Played this Game and i did like it but i dont know if you were tryna go with the realistic side or not cuz there was no map no nothing. Options dont work to optimize the graphics and yea it was a pretty fun game. But if you dont play for about 20+ minutes you'd basically be lost endlessly walking around

Played this game was funny & did a lil video

I actually really fancy strategy games and this one was really fun imo

really looking forward to the full game 

Tim was getting jiggy ngl 

I liked this game the storyline was good but the only bad thing was the movement in my opinion not being able to use wasd because thats what mose people use instead of qzsd.