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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Captain's Oath is a Star Trek: The Original Series novel by Christopher L. Bennett, published on 28 May 2019.


An all-new Star Trek adventure set during The Original Series era and featuring James T. Kirk! The saga of James T. Kirk's historic command of the U.S.S. Enterprise is known throughout the galaxy. But one part of the legend has barely been touched upon until now: the story of Kirk's first starship command and the remarkable achievements by which Starfleet's youngest captain earned the right to succeed Christopher Pike as the commander of the famous Enterprise. From his early battles with the Klingons to the rescue of endangered civilizations, Kirk grapples with difficult questions: Is he a warrior or a peacemaker? Should he obey regulations or trust his instincts? This thrilling novel illustrates the events and choices that would shape James T. Kirk into one of the most renowned captains in Starfleet history.



USS Enterprise personnel[]

Philip Alden • Lee Kelso • James T. Kirk • Sarah Lopez • Aaron Maynard • Gary Mitchell • Christopher Pike • Montgomery Scott • Spock • Hikaru Sulu • Nyota Uhura
Referenced only
Robert April • Phillip Boyce • Mark Piper

USS Sacagawea personnel[]

Eshu Adebayo • Chalan • Kiran Desai • Kamisha Diaz • Mehran Egdor • Hakim • Joshua Hauraki • Azadeh Khorasani • James T. Kirk • Kreftz • Leonard McCoy • Gary Mitchell • Moravec • Rhenas Sherev • Liesa Wachs • Elena Yu

USS Caliban personnel[]

Arhanla • Sawa Isurugi • Rhenas Sherev

USS Somerville personnel[]

Justine Corot • Ajay Hussein • James T. Kirk

USS Kongo personnel[]

Henrikka Aaltonen • Nensi Chandra • Mehran Egdor • Mikhail Goldanskii • Chansuo Huang • zh'Nesierel

Starbase 24 personnel & residents[]

Hong Ngoc Lam • Janet Miller

Starfleet personnel[]

Daniel Baek • Vishakha Gupta • James Komack • José Mendez • T'Saren • Ronald Tracey • Robert Wesley
Referenced only
Jonathan Archer • Cheng • Robert Comsol • Nijen Danehl • Stephen Garrovick (I) • Helen Johansson • Jaulas nd'Omeshef • Number One • Malcolm Reed • Angelo Sabatini • Tina Sanchez • Hoshi Sato • Shao • Areel Shaw • Monika Tatsumi


Observer • Protector • Speaker




Phelarasan • Thurelor


Grnar • Koloth, son of Lasshar
Referenced only
Kang, son of K'naiah


Daramoy • Ribaul • Seljuron


Chivithan • H'Raal • Kalil Farouz • Mandip Krishnamurti • Yelena Orloff • Sentok • T'Zeri • Verrak

Other characters[]

Ling Jiang • Surima • Zonetox • Zylnas
Referenced only
Tristan Adams • Agni • Alexander the Great • Allah • Aristophanes • Monali Bhasin • Jesus Christ • Stephen Crane • Dikironium cloud creature • Kinikor • Winona Kirk • Adrian Kodos • Vaacith sh'Lesinas • Carol Marcus • David Marcus • John Masefield • Joanna McCoy • Orpheus • Zhi Nu Palmer • Pegasus • Thorwor • Tiberius • Jocelyn Treadway • Tyree • Uzaveh • Theodore Wallace

Fictional characters[]


Starships and vehicles[]

Agni cylinder ship • Aulacri terraforming ship • Bardeezan defense ship • USS Beowulf • carriage • USS Enterprise (Constitution-class capital ship) • USS Exeter (Constitution-class) • IKS Gr'oth • USS Hannibal (Saladin-class) • USS Kongo (Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • USS Leonov (Miranda-class frigate) • RDF Lionheart (destroyer) • USS Sacagawea (Hermes-class) • USS Somerville (Capella-class) • USS Sau Lan Wu • truck • wagon • RDF Venant • IKS Vrot • Xarantine freighter (freighter)
Referenced only
USS Anggitay (Centaurus-class) • USS Arjuna (Archer-class) • USS Asimov (Constitution-class) • Klingon bird-of-prey • bomber • USS Caliban (Titania-class surveyor) • commerce vessel • USS Constitution (Constitution-class) • USS Eagle (Constitution-class) • Enterprise (NX-class) • escape pod • USS Farragut (Constitution-class) • Klingon battle cruiser • USS Jemison • USS Lexington (Constitution-class) • maglev train • USS Nehru (transport) • USS Oshosi • USS Potemkin (Constitution-class) • raft • USS Republic (Constitution-class) • rocketship • scout • Vulcan ringship • USS Yorktown (Constitution-class)


Acamar III (Council Hall, Zemrok City, Liu Region) • Alpha Leonis system • Ardana (First City • Stratos) • Atticus IV • Bardeezi system • Chenar • Earth (Starfleet Medical Center, San Francisco, North America) • Federation-Klingon border • Fragment A57 • Fragment B32 • the galaxy • Hearthside (Laputa • Nubicuculia) • Kalea (Capital arena) • Karabos II • Karabos system • Murasaki 274 • Nacmor (Derostur City • Vinorga, Minerith City) • Rasalas/Mu Leonis • Regulus • Regulus III • Regulus A • Shinohara's World • Starbase 24 (Moonbeam Club) • Vega IX (Eagle's Landing • Qixi • Starfleet Medical Research Hospital, Orpheus City) • UFC 5179 • Vega debris disk
Referenced only
88 Leonis • 88 Leonis III • 88 Leonis IV • Acamar III (Naraga) • Adelphous IV • Adelphous system • Aldebaran III • Alpha Lyrae • Andoria • Argelius • Aulac • Baez IV • Bardeezi IV • Bardeezi Prime • Beta Rigel • Capella IV • cometary belt • Denobula • Donatu V • Draxis II • Earth (Africa • Iowa • Little Andoria • Macedon • Scotland • Starfleet Headquarters) • Gre'thor • Ixion II • Karabos III • Kashdan IX • Ma-aira Thenn • Mars • Mestiko • Minori IV • Mobita • Nacmor (Hormag Island • Vekudi) • Neural • Omega Leonis • Patavon IV • Qalras system • Regulus II • Regulus V • Regulus VI • Rura Penthe • Shad • Starbase 10 • Starbase 11 • Sto-Vo-Kor • Tarsus IV • UFC 620 • Valakis • Venus • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet • Xindus

Races and cultures[]

Acamarian • Agni • Andorian • Arkenite • Arodi • Aulacri • Bardeezan • Caitian • Chenari • Cygnian • Deltan • Denobulan • Human (Nigerian • Scot) • K'normian • Kalean • Klingon • Makusian • Nacmorian • Orion • Regulan • Rigelian (Chelon • Jelna) • Vulcan • Xarantine
Referenced only
Alraki • Aurelian • Baezian • Betazoid • Capellan • Dachlyd • Escherite • Gemarian • Habardian • Human (Native American • Persian • Roman) • Karabosi • Nausicaan • Rigelian (Zami) • Skorr • Suliban • Tellarite • Vegan • Veliki • Vertian • Xarakan • Xindi • Xyrillian

States and organizations[]

Bardeezan Defense Fleet • Federation Border Patrol • Interclan Alliance • Kayok • Klingon Defense Force • Klingon Empire • Lornak • Regulan Central Council • Regulan Defense Force • Starfleet • Starfleet Medical • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Acamarian Ruling Council • Boy Scouts of America • Bureau of Colonization • Delta Vega Mining Consortium • Federation Diplomatic Corps • Federation Science Council • Great House • Judge Advocate General • Klingon High Command • Klingon High Council • Ministers of Sacrifice • Nilostig University • police • Regulus III Science Academy • Rigelian Trade Commission • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Intelligence • Starfleet Medical • Starfleet Tactical • Suliban Cabal • United States of America • University of Regulus V • Vegan Archaeology Council • Vulcan Expeditionary Group • Vulcan High Command

Occupations and titles[]

administrator • admiral • agent • agronomist • ambassador • archaeologist • assistant engineer • astrophysicist • attorney • biophysicist • butler • cadet • captain • chief engineer • chief medical officer • chief navigator • chief of staff • chieftain • citizen • class clown • colonel • commander • commanding officer • commodore • communications officer • construction chief • council president • councilor • councilwoman • crewman • defense minister • detective • diplomat • diplomatic liaison • doctor • emperor • ensign • envoy • explorer • farmer • first officer • fleet captain • fleet commander • geologist • gladiator • guard • helmsman • historian • hostage • interrogator • investigator • junior medical officer • junior officer • leper • lieutenant • lieutenant colonel • lieutenant commander • linguist • medic • medical officer • merchant • military advisor • minister president • monarch • navigator • observer • paramedic • physician • pioneer • pirate • poet • politician • prime minister • prime rector • professor • protector • psychiatrist • radiologist • refugee • representative • researcher • science officer • scientist • search diver • second officer • security chief • security guard • servant • shock troop • slave • slave trader • smuggler • soldier • speaker • spy • squad leader • squadron commander • stripper • supersoldier • surgeon • tactical officer • technician • terraformer • trafficker • translator • tribesman • Ultimate Premier • valet • vendor • veteran • vice chairman • warlord • warrior • writer • xenobiologist • xenolinguist • yeoman

Science and classification[]

ablative deflector shield • acid-resistant polyvinyl sheet • acoustic • air raid siren • airlock • alarm • antacid • antibiotic • antigrav • antigravity engine • archaeology • armor plating • asteroid • astrogator • astrophysics • atmosphere (stratosphere) • autopsy • binary system • biochemistry • bionic • black hole • blue giant • bone knitter • brain damage • ceramic composite • chemical • chemical signature • chrystalline ceramic • Class M • Class N • climate control • cloning • cloud • coma • comet • comlink • communicator • computer • construction • contraception • cultural anthropology • cultural contamination • data burst • data sheet • data slate • decompression trauma • deflector beam • deflector dish • deflector shield • disintegration beam • disintegrator ray • dilithium circuit • distribution manifold • dwarf planet • echolocation • ecosystem • electroluminescent diamond semiconductor • electromagnetic field • electromagnetic field emitter • EMP • energizer • erosion • espionage • eugenics • EVA suit • evolution • extinction • farming • fever • filter mask • fluoropolymer • flux-pin • formula • fossil fuel • fourth-dimension • galactic barrier • genetic augmentation • genetic engineering • genetics • geochemistry • geoengineering • geologic force • global cooling • global warming • gravimetric distortion • gravity • greenhouse effect • hail • hand beacon • headache • hologram • holographic display • ice boulder • implant • impulse engine • industrial scale • infrared • internal combustion engine • interstellar medium • inverse cube • inverse square • ion trail • iron supplement • jamming signal • Kelvin • kilometer • kiosk • library computer • life science • light-year • linguistics • locking mechanism • long-range probe • magnetic field • magnetic pole • magnetic tractor-field • malnutrition • mass • medicine • metallurgical signature • metallurgy • meter • meteoroid • micrometeoroid • microquasar • microsingularity • monitor satellite • navigational computer • nuclear power • nuclear winter • orbit • orbital dynamics • ozone layer • paradox • parsec • photodissociation • photoelectric sheath • photosynthesis • physics • piezoelectric crystal • planet • portable computer • power cable • power cell • power circuit • power generator • probe • prosthetic • prosthetic limb • protein folding • protein resequencer • protein translation • pulsar • quantum singularity • quasar • radar • radio • radio broadcast • radio emission • radio signal • radio wave • reactor • reactor overload • regeneration • rotational actuator • schizophrenia • science • security recording • self-destruct • sensor • sensory organ • shield circuit • shield plate • silicon-based • simulation • singularity beam • singularity drive • soliton wave • sonic shower • space • spacesuit • spatial anomaly • speed of light • sprinkler • star • stellar disk • stellar weather • stellar wind • strata • subspace communications • subspace domain • subspace gravity lensing • subspace lane • subspace shockwave • subspace topology • superconducting track • surgically altered • surveillance camera • synthesizer • synthetic • tactical plot • targeting scope • technology • telepathic field • telepathy • teleport plinth • temperature • terraform • tether • theory • thermal • thermal regulation • thruster • thruster pod • thruster suit • tractor emitter • tractor field • translation algorithm • translation matrix • transporter • transporter emitter • transtator • tricorder • turbolift • universal translator • viewscreen • vitamin supplement • warp core breach • warp drive • warp nacelle • warp plasma • wavelength • weather band • white dwarf • x-ray astronomy

Anatomy and physiology[]

antenna • biology • bone • brain • carotid artery • cellular biology • egg • exobiology • eye • hair • hand • hip • immune system • leg • nose • pheromone • pregnancy • reproduction • respiration • rib • shell • skin • skin cell • skull • spine • tail • tentacle • tonsil • translucent sac • ulna • wing • womb

Disease and illnesses[]

Akwood's Syndrome • disease • infection • Vegan choriomeningitis

Food and drink[]

brandy • brownie • food • liquor • mint julep • rice ball • Saurian brandy


acidophilic bacteria • alien • animal • atlirith • Augment • avian • bacteria • bat • berry • biped • camel • cephalopod • clamshell • crop • dinosaur • fauna • feline • gorilla • grape • hamster • herbivore • horned lizard • horse • humanoid • hyperthermophilic life-form • leaf • mammalian • microbe • mollusk • monkey • nut • octopus • opossum • ostrich • oviparous • plant • quasihumaniod • reef • Regulan bloodworm • reptilian • saurian • simian • triceratops • vegetable • velociraptor • xenylon-eating parasite

Material and substances[]

air • alcohol • alkaline • alumina • ammonia • analgesic • antimatter • argon • atom • blood • calcium carbonate • carbohydrate • carbon-carbon bond • carbon dioxide • carbon-oxygen bond • chromium • concrete • dilithium • energy • fire • gas • gold • helium • hydrogen • hyronalin • ice • intoxicant • iron • isotope • kinetic energy • lead • light • matter • metal • microwave • molecule • molybdenum • nitrogen • organic • oxygen • particle • particle cannon • particle cannon banks • petroleum • platinum • polyvinyl fluoride • quartz • radiation • singularity radiation • sodium hydroxide • steel • subatomic particle • sulfur dioxide • sulfuric acid • thorium • transparent aluminum • tri-ox • tritanium • tungsten • ultraviolet radiation • uranium • water • X-ray

Time and events[]

27,736 BCE • 1735 BCE • 2216 • 2225 • 2231 • 2255 • 2257 • 2259 • 2289 • 20th century • 21st century • anniversary • Battle of Donatu V • Battle of Omega Leonis • Battle of Qalras • century • day • Iron Age • millennia • millions of years ago • Stone Age • week • The Wild West • winter • year


alkaline torpedo • antimatter bomb • biological weapon • bomb • cannonball • chemical warhead • chemical weapon • d'k tahg • disruptor bank • disruptor bomb • energy weapon • explosive • gun • hand phaser • harpoon gun • knife • mek'leth • mevak • missile • nuclear weapon • phased nadion rifle • phaser • phaser bore • phaser rifle • photon torpedo • plasma beam • qutluch • riot-control gun • spatial torpedo • tajtik • verteron beam • verteron beam emitter • weapons pod

Other references[]

advertisement • aerial city • alley • allowance • Andorian genders • aquaduct • archaeological team • arraignment • arrest • art • ash • bacterial processing sphere • balloon • bandana • banquet • basin • basket • battle report • The Birds • birthday • blood feud • boarding party • bomb shelter • book • boot • border • boulder • bridge • briefing room • brush • bunker • bureaucracy • cabaret • cage • cane • Captain's log, USS Sacagawea • cargo hold • catwalk • cavern • cellar • chandelier • checkpoint • chemical warfare • chess • city • clan • clipboard • coffin • college • colony • combat • command chair • command code • commander's office • commendation • communications station • conference • contact lens • continent • control room • court-martial • cowl • cralluck • crepe paper • curfew • curtain • democracy • demon • desert • diagnostic • diplomacy • directional marker • dissident movement • distress call • docking port • document • donation • drama • dry dock • dukor • dust • dye • economy • emergency alert • empire • enclave • engineering • engineering station • ethnic group • evacuation • evasive maneuver • excavation • execution • faction • The Federation and Back • fencing • fire stairs • first contact • first contact protocol • flight control • flotation sac • flotation sphere • foothold • furniture wax • gas canister • genocide • geodesic dome • geyser • ghost • glove • god • goggles • gourd • government • graduation • greenhouse • gymnasium • Hamlet • hangar • harness • hat • hatch • hearing • helm • helmet • history • holding cell • homeworld • horn • hose • hospital • hotel • hydroponics sphere • ice cap • identification • immigration • industrial facility • infrastructure • insurrection • intermarriage • interview room • investigation • Japanese language • jazz • justice • key • Klingon erotica • Klingon Defense Force uniform • knapsack • Kobayashi Maru scenario • laboratory • landing party • lavatory • law • library computer station • lifespan • literature • logisitcs • maintenance tunnel • A Man Said to the Universe • manacle • manufacturing sphere • marriage • meat • medical care • medical diagram • medical supplies • medical team • meditation • medkit • memorial service • military • mining colony • mining station • mountain • mountain range • music • nation • navigation station • negotiation • net • news • newsstand • no-win scenario • nuclear war • ocean • opera • outpost • papers • paperwork • parthas • peace talks • penal colony • phaser protocol • phaser station • piano • pillage • pincer maneuver • plateau • plaza • poem • poker • police station • politics • power plant • Prantares Ribbon • preindustrial civilization • press conference • Prime Directive • promotion • propaganda • protectorate • quarantine • quarters • radiation shelter • raid • rape • ration • ready room • rebellion • record • regulation • rehabilitation • rent • repair team • report • reprimand • resignation • retirement • robe • rock • rope • ruin • Russian language • sabotage • salary • sapphire • sawbone • scree • Sea-Fever • sensor protocol • Sermon on the Mount • sewer • shelthreth • shemras • shipyard • shore leave • shorts • shower • shrapnel • sickbay • sidewalk • slavery • smuggling • social justice • song • space weather report • stairwell • stalactite • stalagmite • stanchion • stardate • Starfleet uniform • street • subway • suicide • survey • tank top • territory • throne • torture • tour • trade • tradition • training cruise • transcript • transporter room • treaty • tribe • truce • truncheon • tunnel • Ushaan • vandalism • vault • Vedic • visiting hours • visual log • Vulcanian Expedition • war • water pack • water processing plant • waterway • window • zh'yi • zhei


Related media[]




published order
Previous novel:
Available Light
Star Trek novels Next novel:
The Enterprise War
Previous story:
The Face of the Unknown
The Original Series novels Next story:
The Antares Maelstrom
Previous story:
Patterns of Interference
Stories by:
Christopher L. Bennett
Next story:
The Higher Frontier