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Short sci-fi story titled Valor

Many years ago, I read a short science fiction story about aliens who were beaming philosophy to us humans. The main protagonist of the story was an IT tech guy who lived in England, but was visiting ...
Tom's user avatar
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What book has an alien species of explorers finding a radioactive earth with a signal coming from a human moonbase?

I read this book a while ago but I can't remember the name or author. It's been about 20 years since I read it and I'd like to reread it. It took place in our immediate future and a long time from now,...
Aaron Murphy's user avatar
6 votes
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A novella (?) about "experts" in the theory of time-travel and their "socratic" mentor

I read this middle-length fiction (short novella or maybe long novelette) more than 20 years ago in a collection that might well have been older. It is about time travel. There is one character who is ...
Alfred's user avatar
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How long do Amortentia effects last?

I checked Potter Wiki and there's no details, nor do I remember anything in canon. I think the implication (if not fact) is that Merope Gaunt probably used it on Tom Riddle Sr, and at some point ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
9 votes
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SF story set in an isolated (intergalactic) star system

I'm trying to remember a book with a conceit that struck me deeply but that I'm now realizing I remember almost nothing about. The conceit in question is that the setting of the story is a star system ...
Oosaka's user avatar
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5 votes
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Book about supernatural beings running stores in a mall

I am trying to find a book series I can not remember the name of. It is about a guy who works in a mall the has each store run by a different supernatural being. I think each store is considered an ...
Thatguyuknow's user avatar
3 votes
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YA sci-fi trilogy where the futuristic space world has an android model for every letter of the alphabet

I read this book series (trilogy??) in high school, about 5 years ago. The cover was maybe pretty monochrome, with silhouettes of the main characters faces opposite each other. From what I remember, ...
Mel's user avatar
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How did Sirius use Hedwig to send Harry this letter?

In the fifth book, Sirius sent Harry a letter saying "Today, same time, same place." Hedwig was attacked delivering this letter to Harry. Harry had sent Hedwig to Sirius earlier in the book ...
Dhruv Sharma's user avatar
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Looking for a manhua i read [closed]

I dont remember very much of the manhua. For people who dont really know, manhua is not Korean. Manhua is Chinese. What I can remember, the female lead has white long hair. She is very good at self ...
Nevwose's user avatar
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Chinese cartoon with beetles like rhino and stag beetles head with body like car with wheels they battle each other

I don’t remember much but it was like a bakugon type of show with a lot of car either beetles head and they each have owner/tamer using them for battle
minh's user avatar
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Short story about a firefighting humanoid/mutant with fire-resistant skin, who's airdropped into fires against his will

I read this short story about 3 to 5 years ago, either online or in some book of collected best sci-fi stories of the year. It's about a humanoid in California (I think) who's forced to fight forest ...
Horse Brain's user avatar
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Why did Verna kill these other people?

In the 2023 series The Fall of the House of Usher, She even goes out of her way to ensure that some people who are not in the terms of the deal survive; she explicitly gets the waiters at Prospero's ...
Adamant's user avatar
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How did the other families avoid paying Verna's price?

In 2023 series The Fall of the House of Usher, the mysterious figure, Verna, is mentioned as having been around various historical families, with the heavy implication that a deal with her was ...
Adamant's user avatar
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14 votes
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What early 60s puppet show similar to fireball XL5 used the phrase "Meson Power?"

The spacecraft looked like a toy gyroscope. I think it had a cylinder that stuck up out of the top when it wanted to go use "Meson Power." I think I remember it being at the bottom of an ...
Miss Understands's user avatar
7 votes
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YA/children's TV series/movie from the late 90s/early 00s where a group of kids have to find the pieces of a broken magic crystal

All I can remember is that the crystal/stone was see-through and colorless, circular in shape, but flat (so it wasn't an orb) with some kind of pattern in the middle (maybe a tree, or some other ...
István Laurencsik's user avatar

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