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Questions tagged [cartoon]

An animated cartoon is a short, hand-drawn (or made with computers to look similar to something hand-drawn) film for the cinema, television or computer screen, featuring some kind of story or plot. This is distinct from the terms "animation" and "animated film," as not all follow this definition. Use to either identify the media on a [story-identification] question or disambiguate works where the tag covers the cartoon and its form in other media.

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Chinese cartoon with beetles like rhino and stag beetles head with body like car with wheels they battle each other

I don’t remember much but it was like a bakugon type of show with a lot of car either beetles head and they each have owner/tamer using them for battle
minh's user avatar
  • 19
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Anime/cartoon on Cartoon Network channel where a boy follows a girl to a magical world

The first thing I remember is a school class, where the main character enters the class bumping into a girl. The girl can travel into a magical world with a big magical red gem. The boy (main ...
Toufique Elahi's user avatar
6 votes
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Cartoon Network (Pakistan or India) show around 2007 or 2009 featuring a brother and sister who fight but later become allies

I remembered a cartoon I watched when I was a kid (around 9 or 10 years old). Now, I can't remember the name, only snippets of it. I remember the show was set in a modern urban environment but had ...
Hegao's user avatar
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13 votes
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Which cartoon episode has Green Lantern hitting Superman with a tennis racket and sending him flying?

I'm searching for the show and episode in which Green Lantern strikes Superman with a tennis racket, sending him flying off-screen. This clip appears at around 3:10 in a YouTube video titled "...
galacticninja's user avatar
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Vintage Cartoon - Dinosaur Cave River

I am trying to identify a cartoon I saw many years ago, where a group of people are rafting down a river in a prehistoric cave. There were dinosaurs on the shore. If I remember right, the river ...
user186884's user avatar
3 votes
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Older sci-fi cartoon with a robot boy character that is green, magenta and silver

There is a TV show I watched on DVD when I was a kid that I cannot remember at all now. It was probably around 2013-2014, but came out in the 90s I am guessing by the art style. I believe it was hand ...
Serena's user avatar
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3D cartoon involving a lion with a crown on his head, a crystal, and artifacts that need to be found

The cartoon was made in 3D and was broadcast in 2010-2014. The main character is a boy or a girl, I don't remember exactly, maybe both. Each episode was based on the search for the missing "...
Евгения Кузьмич's user avatar
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Animated TV show I saw in the early '80s in which a group of children go to a secret world

My memory of this show is really vague, I was so young. It was animated. There was a group of children who go to a secret world. I think they get there by going under their bed, or falling through a ...
Tooyoungtohaveseenit's user avatar
10 votes
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Looking for a Saturday Morning Cartoon with Lava Cannons

I saw this episode (or maybe two in a row) on German TV around 1994 at a friend's apartment, and I haven't been able to track it down since. Western-style animated with "realistic" humans (...
matthias_code's user avatar
6 votes
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Martial arts cartoon in which the protagonists are a girl and two boys; the girl wears pink clothes and can control water

The protagonists are one girl and two boys (if I remember correctly). The girl can control water, but I don't remember about the boys. Her clothes are pink (I believe). They are fighting against a ...
son's user avatar
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Searching for a 90s Anime with a Dark-to-Light Princess Twist

When I was about 5 years old, I watched a show that I've often thought about and tried to remember, but I've never been able to identify it. Please bear with my ambiguous and fleeting memories. The ...
Mustafa Efe Zayimlar's user avatar
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Late 90s cartoon where a boy had to fight in a cube as an adult with a golden eye

The town gets invaded by this cube that the boy had to travel to in the air to transform into an adult and go through gauntlets to fight a boss. As an adult, he had a gold eye that he uses to manifest ...
Al B's user avatar
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Cartoon, anime, or donghua that is centered around two brothers fighting for something

It mainly centers around two brothers fighting (probably for the throne or something like that). The evil brother has purple hair and wields a spear while the good brother has black hair and wields a ...
TGD's user avatar
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12 votes
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Robot tv show I saw in the 90s, teen inherits self aware robots

If I recall correctly this show was on TV as a Saturday morning cartoon in New Zealand in the early-mid 90s. The protagonist was a teen who had inherited his father's collection of robots; this was ...
Ash's user avatar
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Looking for an old cartoon about a boy who became a pirate

I remember the main character stole his father necklace then went surfing and got sent to another world. I believe he became a pirate after that and some how have a magic sword that can talk. He also ...
Phương Chi Nguyễn's user avatar

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