
I am deploying an ASP.NET application that currently runs in a full trust environment. The hosting provider supports high trust, but not full trust. I need to adjust my application to comply with high trust requirements.

My application is hosted on a shared environment using Plesk with AccuWebHosting. The environment supports high trust but not full trust.now they told me i need to modify the parts of the code that are full trust ,How can I modify my code to ensure compatibility with high trust? "Are there specific areas in ASP.NET applications that commonly need adjustment when moving from full trust to high trust?" "How can I test my application effectively in a high trust environment before deployment?"

  • Totally waste of your time, as partial trust has been obsolete for years, stackoverflow.com/questions/16849801/… Your hosting provider need to adjust their documentation and security procedures if they still want to provide quality services.
    – Lex Li
    Commented Aug 20 at 16:57

1 Answer 1


I also published. But there is no such criteria. You can do some below changes.

  1. In web.config files, contains element. Then please add

        <trust level="High"/> 
  2. Verify you assemblies which are present in web.config file. Ensure your <assemblies> section only includes trusted assemblies.

  3. Review any custom <configSections> and ensure they do not require permissions beyond what is available in high trust.

I hope this is helpful for you.

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