
I was Trying to add another nodegroup(prod) to the EKS cluster running with one nodegroup(dev) on AWS. Here the old nodegroup is having the label like node_label:node_dev and for the new one i gave it a name like node_label:node_prod. But the new node group is not creating after 20 minutes. It is showing error an like NodeCreationFailure : Instances failed to join the kubernetes cluster. But the dev node group is working perfectly without any error.

For this problem, I tried the following possible solutions,

  1. I deployed the node group in a private subnet , so I have added the nat gateway to the private subnet route table.
  2. I have added tags to the private subnets where the node group is attached. Example; like kubernetes.io/cluster/<cluster_name> = shared
  3. Added the tag to the node group like kubernetes.io/cluster/<cluster_name> = owned
  4. I have checked all the network components connection and it is all configured properly.

Please assist with other possible solutions. I don't want to create another EKS cluster for cost optimization. I need to create a separate nodeGroup within the same cluster for the prod environment.