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Why is my Django page not being found, even though I have created a model instance for the page?

Details: I have a Django application where I'm trying to create a dynamic view that displays a detail page for a model instance based on a URL parameter. I have set up the following: Model Code: class ...
DragonFruit's user avatar
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How to get the same ViewModel instance in Composable and Activity?

In my android project (jetpack compose) I have activity where in the onTagDiscovered method, I receive a message read from an NFC tag, which I want to pass to the currently active viewModel, where I ...
pawchi's user avatar
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SnmpSender-object is not initialized

"guard let snmpSender = SnmpSender.shared" does not work. The "fatalError" is always thrown. According to the documentation of the "SwiftSnmpKit" framework, this is a ...
JamieGerber's user avatar
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VB.NET WPF - How to access an instance of a user control

I am making a WPF application for quoting, and in one of my windows (defined as a user control, not a window), I have a print button that successfully renders the window to a bitmap and then into an ...
Tim D's user avatar
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AWS EKS Cluster NodeCreationFailure : Instances failed to communicate with the Kubernetes cluster

I was Trying to add another nodegroup(prod) to the EKS cluster running with one nodegroup(dev) on AWS. Here the old nodegroup is having the label like node_label:node_dev and for the new one i gave it ...
saranya dec19's user avatar
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How to implement "IRefreshable" using the Instance property of the DynamicComponent

I am new to C# Blazor and I'm trying to develop a working project of the Learn .NET ASP.NET Core - Dynamically-rendered ASP.NET Core Razor components Example. I don't get the IRefreshable interface ...
cmile's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set a default password for a user in a custom AMI?

I'm working on a project where I've created a custom environment that includes custom applications using the NVIDIA driver, CUDA, etc. Users need to sign in to this environment using RDP (xrdp) on an ...
waka's user avatar
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jest javascript unit test issue. How to test class if class initialise is in the same file

I have something like that import {firstTableSettings} from "./firstTableSettings.js" import {secondTableSettings} from "./secondTableSettings.js" export default class ...
Eva's user avatar
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Why does a list in my class object collect all values added to each instance? [duplicate]

I'm playing around with porting an old BASIC game to Python, and I have written a class Trader which includes a list called manifest and a method to add a pallette of goods to the list. class Trader():...
R. Darwin's user avatar
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How to restrict the type of an instance when the instance requires a "* -> *" type in Haskell? [duplicate]

I'm trying to design a type that holds some value and keeps track of all operations done upon it. It does this by storing them in string format (this is not for a project, just learning) I tried to ...
SHIPWECK's user avatar
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How would I fix an instance error in Godot 4?

So, I am trying to make a platformer game using the Godot engine, and I am using C#. Every time I run the code, I am given this message: "E 0:00:00:0740 can_instantiate: Cannot instance script ...
Jake's user avatar
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Make an instance from template class [closed]

I have made the following template class #include <concepts> #include <stddef.h> #include <array> template<size_t S> using short_vector = std::array<short, S>; template&...
Zsolt Oskar Asboth's user avatar
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Scaling out a Asynchronous SageMaker Endpoint

I've deployed a Asynchronous SageMaker Endpoint and I want it to scale out (to 0 instances) when nothing is requested for a period of times and to scale in when something is requested (to <=1 ...
Francesco Camussoni's user avatar
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What is the best approach to handle class instances in django application in a production environment?

I would like to consider 2 approaches. First, you could create a class and its instance in a class and inside views import the instance and call its methods. Second, you import the class and create ...
Sachin Das's user avatar
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is there a way to get the avg score into the grades function without it having an error

I'm relearning python and I decided to make a student grade analyzer program where you enter your grades then it gets the avg of all grades and go to grades function that I made and checks what ...
laith maree's user avatar

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