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Finding the intersection of two lines a given perpendicular distance from the line of intersection

I'm looking for help to solve the following situation. I have a line segment defined by two points P1 and P2. And I have a ray that starts at P3 and intersects segment P1P2 at P4. I want to calculate ...
jpwrunyan's user avatar
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Pygame collision detection with groups [duplicate]

The code works also don't worry about the box class that's for future bits. I am a noob with pygame and this is my first game so can I have some help please? I tried setting up collisions in multiple ...
Noobmister's user avatar
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Why does my player move diagonally through the colliders?

I have a simple setup. A player with a camera, a plane that the player walks on, and two walls with box colliders. THE PROBLEM When moving in one direction (X or Z-Axis), the player stops when ...
Juan-Jacques Joubert's user avatar
-2 votes
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Bullet Physics: Ghost Object Passing Through Static Mesh Objects [closed]

I'm using Bullet Physics for my Vulkan-based game engine and having an issue where a btPairCachingGhostObject with a btKinematicCharacterController passes through static objects created from custom ...
daniel's user avatar
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How to find the collision between two object in three js, without using the bounding box

I have loaded a 3-D car model which is much similar to a 3D rectangle, But I can't find the exact collision. when the car turns, the bounding box size is increasing because of its cubic nature.So even ...
Sudharsan K's user avatar
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Collision detection only working on the last placed piece

I have been making a simple tetris game to enhance my java skills and here are the two classes: import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Piece{ int posX; int posY; ...
user27184728's user avatar
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How can I get collision working with tiles

I have two tiles FRects that I need collision to be checked but because both are from different map vectors. I can't check them inside a for loop together, as this will not work and will slow down my ...
YoungCoder's user avatar
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How to make a collision that works with rotation?

I have a problem because - if I rotate the block collision is still a box. I want to make hit boxes rotated too but I don't know what to do. Also I don't use import in libraries. Here is my code to ...
Kashu Kutosza's user avatar
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Cache-optimized way to process collisions between all pairs of objects in two arrays

I am working on the hitbox collision system for a game. I have two arrays of convex objects that I need to check for collisions between objects in opposite lists (M hitboxes vs N hurtboxes). I am ...
Sir Nate's user avatar
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Ignore collision between parent objects in order to detect collision between its child game objects

If weapon collided with the body deal damage, if weapon collided with other weapon do not deal damage. Problem is that when two weapons collide it detects it as if Player object and Goblin object ...
OgnjenGligoric's user avatar
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How to fix strange movements of hexapod creature

Following question is with Kraft Physics Engine: I've some trouble with calculating the proper forces in order to let my creature walk in a natural/fluid manner. First my creature started to fly after ...
RoelsRule's user avatar
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Using .scale() in HTML canvas causes hit detection issues

NOTE Here is a link to a video I made demonstrating the issue at hand on Dropbox:
Carson D's user avatar
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Collision detection and response for self intersecting 2d polygons (e.g. soft bodies/meshes, loops of "string")

I am looking for an algorithm to resolve collisions in 2d meshes. Picture a free floating loop of string represented by a polygon (vertex connected by edges). Nodes and edges can move depending on ...
Tony Zhang's user avatar
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Ways to have only some collisions get resolved handled by Unity Physics, while letting all collisions be detected by code

Often, I want certain GameObjects, which I'll hereafter refer to as "entities", to exhibit the following properties: I want entities to use Unity's physics system for collision with terrain, ...
TT87's user avatar
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Issue with Horizontal Collision Detection in Game Development

I'm working on a game and having trouble with horizontal collision detection between the player and block objects. The collision seems to work fine when the player collides from below the block, but ...
Jesse's user avatar
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