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Reconstruction 3d for a rotation camera

I have rotating camera images and I'm trying this example of a MATLAB computer vision toolbox ( I have the calibration ...
mostafa's user avatar
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Rectified images of same size as the initial ones

I want to rectify a stereo image pair in MATLAB. To rectify, I use the following call: [J1,J2] = rectifyStereoImages(I1,I2, cameraParamsStereo); If I do this, then I only get the so called valid ...
Controller's user avatar
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Wrong rectification in MATLAB

The rectification function in Matlab seems to be responding wrong. Can anyone let me know if I am getting the right output? Left Image Right Image Anaglyph of unrectified images Anaglyph of ...
Aakaash Jois's user avatar
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Struggling with steps for 3D reconstruction (Matlab)

We've been asked to do 3D reconstruction (masters module for PhD), and I'm pulling my hair out. I'm not sure if I'm missing any steps, or if I've done them wrong. I've tried to google the code, and ...
Gentatsu's user avatar
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Rectify images of different sizes

I wanted to rectify a stereo image pair coming from two different modalities (visual and thermal). I calibrated both cameras using [cameraParams,imagesUsed,estimationErrors] = ...
user1809923's user avatar
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4 votes
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Matlab Stereo Camera Calibration Scene Reconstruction Error

I am trying to use the Computer Vision System Toolbox to calibrate the pair of cameras below in order to be able to generate a 3-D point cloud of a vehicle at a range between 1 to 5m. The output ...
Giacinto Rittgers's user avatar
5 votes
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Reconstruct 3D scene from two 2D images

This is the first time I do the image processing. So I have a lot of questions: I have two pictures which are taken from different position, one from the left and the other one from the right like the ...
TRI TRAN's user avatar
1 vote
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MATLAB 3D sparse reconstruction issues. Somehow I can't get the final scatter plot of the points to work

I'm trying to reconstruct the shape of a sail. I'm using the 3D sparse reconstruction method. I'm using two cameras with which I took two pictures. I managed to do the calibration of such cameras too. ...
Riccardo Camin's user avatar
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Depth map merging or Point Cloud Merging

My goal is to create a single 3D point-cloud based on 2 pairs of images(AB, BC) and their projection matrices. Each image comes from the same camera (not video) with 3 distinct positions. I use the &...
alvaro562003's user avatar
1 vote
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Specifications of Checkerboard (Calibration) for obtaining maximum accuracy in stereo reconstruction

I have to reconstruct an object which will be placed around 1 meter to 1.5 meters away from the baseline of my stereo setup. The image captured by both cameras have high resolution (10 MP) The ...
Saania's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to find the 3D point for 2 images

I have two corresponding points (x1,y1) in left image and (x2,y2) in right image. The distance between two cameras is 10 meters. I want to know how do I find the 3D point in the right camera's ...
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matlab: How to get textured using triangulation points in 3d reconstruction

I am working on 3d Reconstruction from two views. Till now I have got Fundamental matrix, Essential matrix and Triangulation Points. After this stage, how do I go forward to obtain textured image from ...
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4 votes
3 answers

MATLAB: 3d reconstruction using eight point algorithm

I am trying to achieve 3d reconstruction from 2 images. Steps I followed are, 1. Found corresponding points between 2 images using SURF. 2. Implemented eight point algo to find "Fundamental matrix" 3....
user avatar
3 votes
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Uncalibrated multi-view reconstruction depth estimation

I'm trying to make a 3D reconstruction from a set of uncalibrated photographs in MATLAB. I use SIFT to detect feature points and matches between images. I want to make a projective reconstruction ...
Hera's user avatar
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Calculating the essential matrix from two sets of corresponding points

I'm trying to reconstruct a 3d image from two calibrated cameras. One of the steps involved is to calculate the 3x3 essential matrix E, from two sets of corresponding (homogeneous) points (more than ...
Rasmus Ansin's user avatar

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