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OpenCV findHomography giving inacurate result

I am having trouble with the findHomography function in OpenCV, it is not translating even my corner points correctly. Here is the code I have to calculate the homography. std::vector<cv::Point> ...
Johan Daniel's user avatar
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Alignment of depth and color image on an oak-d camera

I'm trying to create an RGB-D dataset and I'm having some troubles in aligning the color and depth images from the oak-d camera. The depth image is aligned with the right camera of the stereo rig and ...
Tiago Rodrigues's user avatar
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Bad Essential Matrix With OpenCV

Overview I'm writing a simple Python program to calculate the distance to a chosen target from a pair of two arbitrarily located stereo images. Both images are taken from a single camera with known ...
Evan's user avatar
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Determine adjustment factor for projecting 2D image with FOV from 3D point cloud which is constructed using different FOV

I am trying to project a 2D image from a 3D point cloud. Herein, the 3D point cloud is constructed using RGB and Depth images whose FOV is 120 degree. Once the 3D point cloud is constructed, I wanted ...
Vinod prime's user avatar
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Depth to world registration hololens2 unity

I'm working on a program on hololens2 research mode on unity. Hololens give us a depth image that is distance from depth sensor to object in front, for every pixel. What I do is for every pixel I ...
mahdi bagheri's user avatar
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The reason for the half integer coordinates

I am reading some projective geometry image warping code from Google def WarpCoordinatesWithHomography(homography, rect, cfg): """Computes the warped coordinates from rect through ...
Brans's user avatar
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Mapping between different camera views

I have a calibrated (virtual) camera in Blender that views a roughly planar object. I make an image from a first camera pose P0 and move the camera to a new pose P1. So I have the 4x4 camera matrix ...
chronosynclastic's user avatar
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Python- Projecting a circle with camera.Camera class

I am currently projecting a circle with the camera.Camera class and different viewing angles. Specifications: Circle center -> [0 , 0, 1] Camera center -> [0, 0, 0] (looking up the z-axis) I ...
TecK97's user avatar
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Finding inner common tangent to a pair of conics

I have been trying to get the common tangents to two rotated ellipse. I was following the method given by Edward Doolittle in the following thread. The two ellipses are given as the equation given in ...
Kashish Dhal's user avatar
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Sampling perspective (sub)views from fisheye image

I have a problem trying to select virtual subimages (lets call them ROIs) in a fisheye image which then I want to undistort. I have the fisheye calibration parameters following. Scaramuzza calibration ...
ElPotac's user avatar
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Given a closed convex curve, let a central convex curve circumscribe it, then what is the minimum of B/A?(A and B are their corresponding areas)

I guess the answer is 2, but I cannot prove it. I mean supermum of the minimum B/A among all A. Notice: Central convex curve means the convex curve is symmetric about a point in it, that is, when you ...
Nan Zhang's user avatar
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Why use frustum in OpenGL on top of simple projection?

Let's consider, for simplicity, a 3D scene where, after applying model and view matrices, all vertices are inside a cube [-1,-1,-1]...[1,1,1]. Based on the geometry set up shown on the image below, ...
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Compute Homography Matrix based on intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters

I am willing to perform a 360° Panorama stitching for 6 fish-eye cameras. In order to find the relation among cameras I need to compute the Homography Matrix. The latter is usually computed by finding ...
makolele12's user avatar
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Project coordinate system onto angled planar surface in image

I want to define a coordinate system projected onto some planar surface within the image. I just need some hints and ideas for how to implement this, not necessarily code, but everything is ...
Yuki's user avatar
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How to construct camera matrix from known parameters

I wish to project an image taken with a camera for which I know all parameters (focal length, sensor size, X, Y, Z, rotation (omega, phi, kappa) on a 2D plane. I know that I need to construct a camera ...
Jean-François Bourdon's user avatar

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