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Bigger resolution output of zero123

I'm using zero123 in the context of InstantMesh, and I would like to know if it's possible that zero123 outputs images of bigger resolution ? For now the resolution is 320x320, which is a bit low for ...
Menelik Nouvellon's user avatar
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Bypass zero123 with own multiview images to enhance texture of InstantMesh 3d reconstruction output

I'm using InstantMesh, which is a 3d reconstruction pipeline that uses a multiview model (zero123) that generates multiview images from one input image. My team and I are trying to enhance instantmesh ...
Menelik Nouvellon's user avatar
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Mesh Generation and Saving Problem from Point Cloud with Open3D

I have a point cloud that I calculated from some images and I am trying to generate a mesh (3D surface) from this point. I can successfully create the point cloud, but I am having trouble creating a ...
Ramazan Yergün's user avatar
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Calculate 3d point on the plane out of 2d point

I have 2d image where 3d plane is displayed. I have 2d coordinate detected on that image, and now I want to check what 3d point on the plane this 2d coordinate corresponds to. My problem is - ...
Eugene Alexeev's user avatar
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Colmap compute relative poses without database

I have the following outputs from COLMAP: points3D.bin, images.bin, cameras.bin, and project.ini. I need to convert these files to Bundler format, specifically generating EG.txt and gt_bundle.out. I ...
b0w92's user avatar
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Color Mismatch and Depth Inconsistency in Point Cloud to RGB Image Conversion Using Open3D

I am working with Open3D to convert point cloud data into an RGB image. However, I'm encountering issues where the colors in the output image do not match those in the input point cloud. Additionally, ...
shirono's user avatar
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reconstructing 3D points using cv2.triangulatePoints vs doing it with equations do not yield same results

In the provided code snippet, I am performing stereo triangulation to reconstruct 3D points from corresponding 2D points captured by two different cameras. First, I loaded calibration data such as ...
helloword's user avatar
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How can I generate a concave hull of 3D points?

I have 68 3d points (I'm guessing it's called a sparse point cloud). I want to connect them all together to create a mesh. I first tried this using Delaunay Triangulation. However, it didn't work well ...
Sammy Medawar's user avatar
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Getting weird mesh while trying 3d reconstruction

I am trying to implement 3d reconstruction using opencv however the triangulation result is very weird. I am not able to understand where I am going wrong with this. Here is my code. ThreeDReconstruct....
D.Manek's user avatar
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Problem in running the environment.yml file

I cloned a repository from github and the environment.yml is not working properly. the dependencies that is present in the file are dependencies: _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main _openmp_mutex=5.1=1_gnu blas=1....
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Converting Front Hand View to Back Hand View or vice versa Using Python

I'm working on a hand pose estimation project where I've successfully used Google's MediaPipe to extract the hand skeleton from images of the front view of hands. I'm looking for a way to convert or ...
Harshit soni's user avatar
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Surface (mesh) reconstruction from 3 curves (bifurcation)

Consider that I am trying to create a surface (mesh) defined given two closed elliptical curves with the same z-coordinate and one closed elliptical curve with different z-coordinate (each represented ...
MatEZ's user avatar
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How does matalb function pc2surfacemesh find a suitable spherical radius for ball-pivoting algorithm?

I was recently learning about the algorithm for reconstructing point cloud into meshe, and I focused on an algorithm called ball-pivoting. Looking through some open source code libraries, such as ...
Wenll shapion's user avatar
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How to Get Started with Gaussian Splatting

Gaussian splatting has gained increasing popularity for its efficiency and effectiveness in reconstruction tasks. I possess basic college-level knowledge of mathematics, and I have basic knowledge in ...
CPPL's user avatar
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Calculate Essential and Fundamental matrices using a calibrated camera using 4 co-planar point matches

Suppose I have two images of a scene with four co-planar 3D points and their corresponding 2D points in the images. I also have the camera calibration matrix, K. I can then estimate the relative poses ...
Pibben's user avatar
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