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Bypass zero123 with own multiview images to enhance texture of InstantMesh 3d reconstruction output

I'm using InstantMesh, which is a 3d reconstruction pipeline that uses a multiview model (zero123) that generates multiview images from one input image. My team and I are trying to enhance instantmesh ...
Menelik Nouvellon's user avatar
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Convering a 32 bit data into 8 bit data for 3D textures

I am trying to save a 3D DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM Texture to a file, then load that texture back afterwards. This is working for my 3D DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT texture, and this saves and ...
James's user avatar
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WebGL2 3D Texture Image coming upside-down, how to flip the output?

Originally I was working with 2D Textures and everything was fine because we are allowed to use UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL. However, in WebGL2 we are now able to utilize 3D Textures. The problem is that my ...
adarian's user avatar
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3D texture array data format three.js

I'm exploring using 3d textures for video playback in three.js. Three.js has a good example of this –, but the data format isn't ...
Ash's user avatar
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Blender Show Solid Color Instead of Texture

I'm very new to Blender (I use Blender 2.8.3). I give my objects some texture but I don't know why the texture won't show up both in the viewport and when I render it.. How ever, the other texture () ...
Lulu's user avatar
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Is iOS metal 3d texture sample method trilinear?

I am using a color lookup table to create a 3d texture, and use input color to find output color. but I found output color has some interrupt layer. Is this sampler sample 3d texture by using ...
krosshj's user avatar
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How to keep coordination between particles and which texture pixel contains each one’s information?

Using a 4x4x4 grid as an example, I have 64 vertices (which I’ll call particles) which start with specific positions relative to each other. These 64 particles will move in the x, y and z directions, ...
billvh's user avatar
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How to render individual pixels for one layer of a 3DTexture in a framebuffer?

I have a 4x4x4 3DTexture which I am initializing and showing correctly to color my 4x4x4 grid of vertices (see attached red grid with one white pixel - 0,0,0). However when I render the 4 layers in a ...
billvh's user avatar
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iOS Metal API draw 3d texture inside the volume

So, I'm trying to render a cube with 3d texture. Texture contains 3 slices of 3 diferent colors, red green and blue. Each slice consists of 4 pixels with the same color. Works fine. https://i.sstatic....
Yura Sorokin's user avatar
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How does the coordinate system work for 3D textures in OpenGL?

I am attempting to write and read from a 3D texture, but it seems my mapping is wrong. I have used RenderDoc to check the textures and they look OK. A random layer of this volumetric texture looks ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Using Sampler3D to read from a 3D texture in OpenGL ES 3.x

I am using OpenGL ES 3.2 to read from a 3D texture in the fragment shader and write that value out to an FBO. I then read from the FBO attachment using glReadPixels, and print out the values obtained. ...
Kirit Thadaka's user avatar
-1 votes
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Working with GL_TEXTURE_3D

I'm trying to read a file representing values to be mapped to colors when rendering a volume. I.e., each voxel has its color represented in the input file. Here it follows a dummy test file: 4 4 4 1 ...
pceccon's user avatar
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Fragment shader for 3D-Textures

I want to use a fragment shader to write back into a 3D-Sampler: There is an array of images as input (as uniform sampler3D) to my opengl-es-application and i want to perform some per-pixel operations ...
Erik Brendel's user avatar
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webgl 3D texture from 2D image, working but with rendering issue

I am trying to use the 3D textures in WebGL, but since it's not currently nativelly supported, I have to use to tricks with a 2D image. It is composed of 64 images, each are 64px by 64px (for a total ...
Jonathan Lurie's user avatar
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OpenGL mixes colors for GL_TEXTURE_3D in compute shader

I am not sure whether it is a driver bug but following happens: compute-shader.glsl: #version 320 es precision mediump float; layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in; ...
Armen Avetisyan's user avatar

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