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Android standalone service sending data via custom class using AIDL - project structure

In Android Studio I have two separated projects: Service, which is used as server (named SmartCardReaderService) Client application (named ClientApp) SmartCardReaderService is responsible for ...
KernelPanic's user avatar
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AIDL API establishing communication from a proprietary server app

New to Android development, I have made an app (the server) in Android Studio, and I have made a simple plugin in civTAK (client). To put simply, my app is proprietary, so I can't expose or share the ...
Barry B Benson's user avatar
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Issue in AIDL Implementation at Client Side in Android Framework

Server App: Let's say I have serviceImpl class A & an AIDL interface B. Class A extended B.Stub & overridden all xyz methods that presents in B. Created new Instance of class A & passed ...
Sudhansu Pradhan's user avatar
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How to create vendor hal in Android

I have my custom AIDL HAL and my custom client which connects to this HAL in this way: binder = ServiceManager.getService("my.custom.hal.ICustomThing/default"); This worked well when this ...
LLL's user avatar
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AIDL file is not getting compiled

The documentation says the file should get created in the directory app/build/generated/source/aidl/debug/ after compiling but the source folder isnt getting created in the generated I tried this ...
Sajeel Rasheed's user avatar
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which servicemanager and binder driver is used in the communication between system and hal throught stable aidls

Now, android system has 3 binder dirvers, /dev/binder and servicemanager for system to system, /dev/hwbinder and hwservicemanager for system to vendor hal, /dev/vendor and vndservicemanager for vendor ...
user25091232's user avatar
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How does aidl work? Don't you need a Service Manager

I read from the official Android documentation that AIDL works as follows: AIDL uses the binder kernel driver to make calls,link below According ...
wengcj's user avatar
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Share the surface between different apps with AIDL in Android

I wanted to drawRect after sending the Surface from App A to B, so I tried using AIDL. I checked the SurfaceFlinger because nothing was drawn. When I drew from App A, the surface was not compressed, ...
임완택's user avatar
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onServiceConnected not called but context#bindService return true

I am experiencing an issue where the onServiceConnected callback is not invoked in my client code, despite the service's onCreate and onBind methods being called successfully and return a binder. The ...
Kugge's user avatar
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How can a C++ client bind to AIDL service on Android?

This is what I want to achieve I have an Android AIDL server implemented in Java I want to bind or connect to the Java server from my C++ code. My C++ code is not called by another Android app; ...
DarkSoda's user avatar
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IPC between Android app and native user space process

I understand that IPC between different apps on Android has been discussed a lot, and there are quite a few articles on how to use mechanism like AIDL. But all the examples I came across are different ...
DarkSoda's user avatar
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How to implement AIDL on openvpn flutter project?

I want to convert openvpn Android app to flutter. Android project: When I click on the start embedded profile button, it works on my .ovpn configuration file. ...
Bfindik's user avatar
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AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) in android studio

i am working on jni project and i have header file with global declaration in my native side i want to access all variables they are much more can i use AIDL or Binder here if yes then how and i dont ...
R_P's user avatar
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android 12 + aidl + hal server + app client

Is there any architecture to create a hal service and aidl in android 12? architecture or steps to create aidl service from hals in android 12. suggest any blogs to understand the aidl architecture ...
Surya's user avatar
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How to intercept messages between services in Android which interact via IBinder using AIDL?

I need to create a mechanism for replacing the android.os.notmyservice service. It should intercept all messages from sender service to the target service, log methods and arguments, and run the ...
DanteTemplar's user avatar

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