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How to Avoid Granting PipeAccessRights.CreateNewInstance to User Without NamedPipeServerStreamAcl.Create Throwing UnauthorizedAccessException

I've seen similar questions addressing the issue of creating a NamedPipeServerStream with security configurations throwing UnauthorizedAccessException. The problem lies in creating multiple instances ...
javery's user avatar
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Making Python script running in a shell terminal read stdin from another shell instance

I have a python script which reads and input when provided and does something with the input (see process_input below): import sys def process_input(input_data): # logic to process the input data ...
teoML's user avatar
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Android standalone service sending data via custom class using AIDL - project structure

In Android Studio I have two separated projects: Service, which is used as server (named SmartCardReaderService) Client application (named ClientApp) SmartCardReaderService is responsible for ...
KernelPanic's user avatar
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How to monitor several variable at the same time?

I am using shared memory to pass data between two processes. The Recver code looks like: #pragma once #include "./string_worker.hpp" class StringRecver : public StringWorker { public: ...
kevin h's user avatar
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Why can't I read from the stdout/stderr of a process spawned with forkpty in the C++20 coroutines + Asio single-threaded multi-coroutine model?

I am new to corotine and asio. I am working on a local process management tool where a client is responsible for launching a program. This client sends commands to a backend daemon that manages the ...
Jarviswu's user avatar
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linux sys/shm.h latency can be 20us?

I want to exchange data between processes. I choose shared memory, the reason is i think it's fastest IPC method. But the following code tells different story. string_worker.hpp: this is a base class, ...
kevin h's user avatar
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How to pass a complex data structure in a callback from an AAR (Kotlin)

I have written an AAR in Kotlin, which has a function that: takes a list of BLE devices also takes a list of messages (byte arrays) and tries to send all the messages to all the devices - at the end ...
Kibi's user avatar
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Problems with opening / locating an existing Memory Mapped File between two processes (NET 8)

Got this standard library I'm developing for standardized inter-process comms using memory mapped files (mmfs). It appears to properly create the mmf on the server side, but the client doesn't seem to ...
Account of Working's user avatar
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How to avoid busy-waiting (100% cpu) in shared memory between reader and writer process? [duplicate]

I want to split my program into two process, one writer and one reader. I need the fastest way. So my choice is shared memory. The Writer writes data, the Reader monitor the shared memory, when the ...
kevin h's user avatar
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Electron and React app experiences refresh-like effect during IPC database operations

I'm developing a desktop application using Electron and React, and I'm encountering an issue where performing write operations to a SQLite database via IPC causes a refresh-like effect in the UI. This ...
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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How to do inter-process communication with pathos/ppft?

I'm using the pathos framework to do tasks concurrently, in different processes. Under the hood, this is done with ppft, which is part of pathos. My current approach uses a pathos.multiprocessing....
onetyone's user avatar
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IPC using Message Queue random jumps in ids

I recently came across this topic while going through Advanced Programming in Unix Environment about IPC using message queues. I implemented a simple program that creates and deletes queues 5 times in ...
Vibhatsu's user avatar
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gRPC in .NET - Unix Domain Sockets - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I've started playing with gRPC, having 3 projects: WPF as a Client, Class Library as a business logic, GRPC Server as a Windows Service. This is what I see often: Status(StatusCode="...
kalview's user avatar
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`shmget` Invalid argument error -- is memory still allocated from a previous execution?

I have the following program to exercise using forks and shared memory. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/...
Addem's user avatar
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How services communicated before RPC

I recently found out that RPC and REST are just API constructs and not different protocols through which two services communicate and send data to each other over the network. The underlying protocol ...
Ritvik Joshi's user avatar

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