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Collisions in Raylib C++

Im making this simple platform game on Raylib C++, and I can't nail down the collisions. I have tried to implement my own collisions: #include "raylib.h" #include <stdio.h> struct ...
ayden's user avatar
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Collision detection for concave polygons with SAT, round/off error optimization

Basically I want to create my own tools for developing a 2D top-down game and when it comes to collision detection I'm trying to implement the SAT method, but somehow my calculations seem to be way ...
Péter Marschall's user avatar
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Godot4. How to detect collisions ONLY by the first iteration

I have the following problem in Godot Engine: How to detect collisions only the first iteration when Node2D enters the tree? I'm using Area2D which is 💥 "Explosion" in my game and it has to ...
Kind Po4antek's user avatar
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`.is_in_group` method not returning `true` despite being used on an object inside the specified group

I'm making a roguelike game in there is a large, procedurally generated level. There are loads of enemies in the level, and in this case they will only be aggravated and start attacking once you get ...
somebodywhodoesntknowmuch's user avatar
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How to make that SAT collision algo implementation work for walls?

I wrote Separating Axis Theorem (SAT) algorithm implementation for collisions in my SFML game by one of the OneLoneCoder video tutorials on YouTube. But it doesn't work for wall colliders, the problem ...
yellownighr's user avatar
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3D Collision detection between two objects in Javascript

I am trying to build a 3d game engine, and with it comes a 3d collision system to check whether an object intersects with another. I've tried implementing a function to check for collision however, ...
Pepwave Dave's user avatar
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How do I fix a collision-skipping bug on my character controller?

I have a player object which is parent to a cylinder object (simply for sprite), MainCamera object, and a checkGround object so that I can check if it is touching the ground in order to jump. The ...
Berke Aytan's user avatar
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How are the feet established in inverse kinematics?

So, I'm working on a game in Unity, It was a 3D game. and I was intending that the player character uses inverse kinematics and prodedural animation, and stuff like that. To be clear they don't have a ...
Feefs's user avatar
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My collider is not detecting collision. Unity2D

It does not detect collision. (I have been trying to fix this for 3 days now) using UnityEngine; public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Ectoplasm Reward")] public int ...
xyzbeepo's user avatar
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Collision Detection Between a Keyboard animated sprite and a timed one doesn't work

The player and the enemy don't collide. They are layered together on different panels layeredPane.add(c, JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER); layeredPane.add(s, JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER); In the ...
Skitty12's user avatar
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Switch end effector Moveit

I have a robot and two end effectors, a camera and a gripper. I should use before the camera and then the gripper, is it possible to switch from them while using moveit? I should be able to add the ...
Zebbra43's user avatar
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How to implement one way collision for platforms in Godot?

I have a 2d platform game and wanted to make the player be able to jump on top of it from the bottom or diagonally from bottom-left or bottom-right. The problem I'm facing is that sometimes the player ...
Michał Terczyński's user avatar
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I tried using a slope handling movement script from a tutorial video, my player character falls through any objects with the ground layer

I set the layer of various slopes in my environment to Ground and then set the layer that the slope detector is meant to detect to Ground as well. This would then activate a separate movement setting ...
Big Glasses's user avatar
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Unity2D Mirror, OverlapCircle not detecting colliders/layermasks

I'm currently making a game prototype. This is a multiplayer rpg, but I'm currently struggling with collisions. My movement script works fine, it is a grid based movement using a move point that I &...
HoDoH's user avatar
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How do I detect if a 3D line is intersecting a 3D triangle? [duplicate]

So I am making a 3D engine on scratch and I am making an collision engine. I would like it if the collision algorithm can show me the exact point in which the collision occured so i can take the ...
SimmyDaBoi's user avatar

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