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How to add collision detection in my Python turtle maze game

In my Python maze game, I need to add collision detection for my walls so the player doesn't just go over the walls. I've tried many ways but none have seemed to work. I think using the arrays to ...
Razikof's user avatar
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How to improve circle collision logic for large clusters and prevent overlapping

I have a simulation that handles collisions of circles in a 2d space, using standard midpoint-axis overlap separation logic for the physics resolution. For collisions involving less than 3 circles, ...
6kenzo's user avatar
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My turtle shouldn't be able to enter this box but yet it does

The goal of this code down below is essentially to make sure the turtle which can move in any direction using the arrow key cannot enter the box. I did this by making a collision method for my class ...
jayash patnaik's user avatar
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detecting collisions between polygons and circles [duplicate]

I am making an MMA game and for now i have just used circles to represent the players but i obviously will create proper animations later. These players are able to leave the fighting cage and i am ...
Liam Catlin's user avatar
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Collision with BoxColliders without Rigidbodies

So is it possible for 2 BoxCollider2D Objects to collide with each other provided both of them do not have Rigidbodies? I used Sebastian Lague's 2D tutorial where he doesn't use Rigidbodies. I tried ...
Azur0id's user avatar
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collision detection in pygame-python [duplicate]

import pygame import sys from time import sleep class Doodlejump: def __init__(self): self.go = True self.x = 275 self.y = 800 self.doodle = Doodle(self.x, self.y, &...
Patrick Welke's user avatar
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Trying to spawn n non-colliding sprites; pygame crashing

I'm very new to PyGame (started learning two days ago) and I'm trying to make a game in which a random amount of berries grow on my island. My (ideal) algorithm would Spawn in a static berry bush ...
Amitai's user avatar
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Three-mesh-bvh stop drag after collision

I’m using three-mesh-bvh to check collision between 2 object in Threejs. The function intersectsGeometry working for collision. I edited the TransformControl.js to check collision when dragging, like: ...
Hungnn's user avatar
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Check collision between 2 arrays

I have 2 arrays of images. The image is converted into array based on transparency. example For example this 8x8 image below is the transparency array 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ...
Bob the Builder's user avatar
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How do I detect for collisions without immediately resolving them in Godot 3D?

I'm trying to create a script for a platformer player controller in Godot that doesn't use the built in collision system - to challenge myself. Everything was going well, until it came to implementing ...
user22692191's user avatar
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Trying to destroy prefab upon collision

I'm making a 3D Unity game and trying to get randomly-spawned prefabs disappear when they collide with the player object, but I'm not sure why it isn't working. private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider ...
Anya Mittal's user avatar
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How to make two kinematic objects in Unity detect overlap?

I am making a very simple "game" that will work for a large audience of players. Up to 50 players each control an object with the mouse. When they make the objects touch, a sound plays and ...
SemperCallide's user avatar
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Why doesn't my collision detection/update score work on my game?

So I'm making a simple 2d endless runner like the chrome dino game for a small project. It's very basic and I want it to update the score by one each time the player successfully jumps over the ...
Brexton Appleseed's user avatar
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How to stop Rigidbody on collision in unity

When my RigidBody collides with Collison object the event is triggered but the object is not always stopped. It depends on the on the speed it has but that for me is not acceptable. I suspect it has ...
buco's user avatar
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Detect overlapping elements

I have a few draggable divs that have the same parent. How would I get an array of divs that are touching anoter specified div? Eg: let item1:HTMLDivElement; let touchingDivs:HTMLDivElement[] = ...
mariuslohoho's user avatar

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