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How can I improve performance of my code? [closed]

I am currently working on a small project (FPS) in unity for learning purposes. I implemented an EnemyBehaviour script to handle the logic of the enemy when it is in the scene. This worked pretty well ...
Oliver Hostettler's user avatar
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How to run a Lua coroutine in C++ with sol3?

I'm using sol2 (v3.3.0) in C++ to run Lua coroutines. I want to pass a Lua function to C++ and execute it as a coroutine. However, my attempts to convert sol::function to sol::coroutine are not ...
Harumaki's user avatar
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Why can't I read from the stdout/stderr of a process spawned with forkpty in the C++20 coroutines + Asio single-threaded multi-coroutine model?

I am new to corotine and asio. I am working on a local process management tool where a client is responsible for launching a program. This client sends commands to a backend daemon that manages the ...
Jarviswu's user avatar
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Why python runs the unused task1

In this python code that is mostly sample code for tasks and routins: import asyncio async def say_after(delay, what): await asyncio.sleep(delay) print(what) async def main(): task1 = ...
AKTanara's user avatar
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How to simplify MVVM Repository function using Room and Retrofit

Below is ViewModel class and Repository class of Android MVVM design pattern. (1) ViewModel calls a function of Repository in Coroutine. (2) Then Repository checkes data in SQLite. (3) If there is no ...
Denis Jung's user avatar
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How to run 3rd function after running two functions parallel with Kotlin Coroutine

I am trying to run 2 functions in parallel, and after that I wanna start 3rd function with the result from the first 2 functions. I searched Google and StackOverflow and I tried below code. But func2()...
Denis Jung's user avatar
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Using state machines instead of coroutines [closed]

Within my Unity game I have various NPCs that do different tasks at different times. Everything is coded using coroutines as it's all I knew when starting out. The NPC will use a coroutine to decide ...
Josh's user avatar
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coroutine channel - channel capacity is 3 but send 4 items before receive

This is my test code. test("capacity = 3, but send 4 before receive") { val current = System.currentTimeMillis() val channel = Channel<Int>(capacity = 3) ...
EARTH H's user avatar
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Run multiple async blocking functions simultaneously - Python

I am new to Python and coroutines, I am trying to leverage Python's asyncio library to parallel process a blocking function. I am using python 3.8.6. I have a blocking function that takes in a ...
Shreyas Kulkarni's user avatar
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Python Warning: Coroutine 'create_task' is not awaited

I am using Python and PyCharm, I am trying to offload database writing using asyncio but am having trouble with IDE warnings In my I start up tasks in this manner db_logging_monitoring_task = ...
Vanillaice's user avatar
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How to call a suspend function of a kotlin class from a java class without blocking the underlying thread

I have a following kotlin class class KotlinClass() { suspend fun executeSuspend(): ResultClass { ..... } } I want to call this suspend function from a Java class. public class JavaClass { ...
Tushar's user avatar
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How should I correctly configure tasks when using sockets in python?

I have this small snippet which I intend to have function as a server, I have managed to get the socket to connect to the client but cannot send data due to errors. import asyncio import json import ...
KE Keronei's user avatar
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Run an async function from a sync function within an already-running event loop

In my Python application, I have a sync function boo() that is called inside a running event loop. boo() has to get some data from foo(arg1, arg2), which is an async function. Unfortunately, I can't ...
Ido's user avatar
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Airflow 2.7.2 Trigger badld-written code block Triggerer's async thread

I am running Airflow version 2.7.2, and I constantly see the issue in my trigger log. Triggerer's async thread was blocked for 0.50 seconds, likely by a badly-written trigger. Set PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG=1 ...
Jacky Guo's user avatar
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Can someone explain to me why my coroutine works wrong?

Ok,so I do some of my learning stuff and I need my elevators to stop for a few secs private IEnumerator ReversePlatform() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); _AccuTime = 0; ...
Siro's user avatar
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