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Position sticky in grid container works not as expected

When scrolling the page I need the imageContainer to be sticky untill the end of itemFeatures box scroll down to the end of this box. Both of these containers are in thumb. Thumb is display: grid. ...
Volodymyr Tabashnyuk's user avatar
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Last Sticky Inner Section Not Scrolling in Elementor Sticky Container

Main Section: It has h2 and description -> It was sticky with top:80, Inner section 1: It is sticky with top:80 and other inner sections too. Once the inner section 4 is reached his position, then ...
Ponmalar's user avatar
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"Session ID unknown" in Tried Cookies, WebSocket - Still no success

My socket app is running in DO managed k8s cluster, im getting "Session ID unknown" error on my frontend socket app replica count: 2 I think, I have sticky session enabled but it might not ...
Anshul Sharma's user avatar
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WooCommerce and Elementor container sticky position not working properly

I'm trying to find out why, when I scroll down on a product page, the sticky product image gallery has a fixed mirror effect in the background. Can someone please help me identify the problem and ...
Septimiu Balica's user avatar
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How to find distance between top of element and top of viewable webpage

I have an element that has position sticky and has the top property set to 30px. I want it so that when the element becomes stuck (so to say) It has a class of stuck added to it. I'm aware it can be ...
JuicyGronky's user avatar
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Cargo2 preventing disabling vertical scroll

Im new to code, know a bit of HTML and CSS, and really none of js. Im trying to do this website in cargo 2: what I want is that when im with the mouse inside my columns, the scroll ...
Ricardo Araújo de Figueiredo's user avatar
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How to make elements stick to different scrollable containers for different scroll directions?

I have a long and wide table inside a width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; container, and I'm trying to achieve the following at the same time: make the header row stick to the viewport's top edge; make ...
shau-kote's user avatar
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Sticky bar Issues I can't trace. I need guidance

My sticky tabs wont stick. I have edited my CSS, adjusted it and checked all my code line after line but i dont seem to see the issue. All browsers wont show it but I am not sure what is prohibiting ...
Senkya Andy's user avatar
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Why my sticky position don't work like it should be?

<div className="bg-yellow-200 z-10 "> <div className="flex flex-row h-[1000px] "> <div className="flex flex-col gap-4 w-1/2"> ...
yanakorn sittiwan's user avatar
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iOS Bug: Content in position: sticky with writing-mode: vertical-rl Disappears Intermittently

I'm experiencing an intermittent issue on iOS when using position: sticky in combination with writing-mode: vertical-rl. The content inside elements with position: sticky sometimes disappears and then ...
qwerty's user avatar
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position:sticky is not working on merged cell

I want to fix the first and second columns of a table in left when the table scrolls horizontally. I used position:sticky for column fixation and it works fine on normal columns. However, I have ...
luichooy's user avatar
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Unable to make a column sticky in a table

I have a table with overflow-x enabled due to its length. The data at the start of each row gets hidden when scrolling horizontally, so I want to make at least one starting column sticky. I've tried ...
Muhammad Aleem's user avatar
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Sticky header doesnt work with z-index, shadow keeps getting hidden by other content

I have that problem, that on my header the box shadow isn't visible because my navigation content lays on top of it, event though my header has a higher z-index. I cant't see what exactly is the issue ...
Rugo's user avatar
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CSS sticky header jittering when scroll position changes

I'm experiencing an issue with the CSS sticky property on a header element. When the header transitions from its initial fixed position to sticky, it starts to jitter or shake as I scroll to a ...
Joseph Park's user avatar
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Implementing a sticky titles feature

I am trying to implement a sticky titles feature, and I think I am getting too complicated. This is where I am right now: class StickyTitles { constructor(titlesSelector, containerSelector, ...
fguillen's user avatar
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