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WebGL screen to world coordinate

I'm creating a 3D globe with elevation: I now want to add click detection to get a 3D world xyz position from a 2D screen xy + depth (from a click). I'm using the following code (inspired from ...
Tim Autin's user avatar
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Can I read single pixel value from WebGL depth texture in JavaScript?

In short I would like to read a single pixel value from a WebGL 2 depth texture in JavaScript. Is this at all possible? The scenario I am rendering a scene in WebGL 2. The renderer is given a depth ...
Berthur's user avatar
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Is it possible to use texSubImage2D on a depth texture?

I'm following this tutorial on 2D shadow mapping and I've gotten it working in WebGL. Now, I am looking to develop a way to recompute single rows in the depth texture, without clearing the entire ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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Webgl - Rendering depth to texture returns gl.INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION in Safari

If you look at the following snippet in Safari (taken from, you will notice it looks different than in other browsers, because the depth ...
cboe's user avatar
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If you need a depth buffer or use the DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT flag in WebGL for 2D and/or parallax

Wondering about parallax in WebGL, which in my mind at least involves depth of the different layers. Wondering if this has anything to do with a depth buffer and/or using DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT. I have a ...
user10869858's user avatar
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How to acquire mapbox-gl-js z-buffer

I'm developing webgl application, where I draw detailed building on top of mapbox-gl-js. Everything goes fine except one detail, I don't know how to acquire depth buffer of every drawn frame. In ...
Stranger in the Q's user avatar
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Surface Elimination not proper in my webgl code

Three triangles are rotating clockwise around the y-axis. However, there are some "surface elimination" problems when the triangles overlap. All the time, only one triangle remains in front. I have OR ...
user10347769's user avatar
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Implementing depth testing for semi-transparent objects

I've been carefully trolling the internet for the past two days to understand depth testing for semi-transparent objects. I've read multiple papers/tutorials on the subject and in theory I believe I ...
FanManPro's user avatar
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Depth Buffer Clear Behavior between Draw Calls?

I have been testing WebGL to see whether I can batch-draw polygons in a particular way. I am going to simplify the use case, but it goes something along the lines of the following: First, my vertices ...
synchronizer's user avatar
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Pack depth information in a RGBA texture using mediump precison

Trying to understand the many issues related to the WebGL development for a generic mobile target, now I need to store depth information in a texture attachment for later retrieval and post-processing....
deblocker's user avatar
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How to access the values of the depth buffer outside of WebGL context?

Given a WebGL scene (created from THREE.js), how would you go about accessing the floating point values (as an array of data outside of the WebGL context) from the DEPTH_ATTACHMENT given the ...
Andy's user avatar
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Linear depth buffer

Many people use usual perspective matrix with third line like this: (0 0 (n+f)/(n-f) 2*n*f/(n-f)) But it has problem with float precision near far clipping surface. The result is z-fighting. What ...
lzv's user avatar
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WebGL2 FBO depth attachment values

I'm simply trying to render the depth values of my scene using WebGL2 like so: //Texture depthTexture = gl.createTexture(); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture); gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, ...
Doc's user avatar
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Three js depth buffer, power of 2 textures?

I am rendering the depthbuffer of my scene to a texture, so that I can use it in a later pass for position and normal reconstruction. My question is whether the fact that the buffer is not power of 2 ...
lightxbulb's user avatar
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How does WebGL set values in the depth buffer?

In OpenGL, depth buffer values are calculated based on the near and far clipping planes of the scene. (Reference: Getting the true z value from the depth buffer) How does this work in WebGL? My ...
rjkaplan's user avatar
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