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VSCode dev containers: PATH value in initializeCommand phase

I would like to know how to set the path that the command initializeCommand is using. So, for example if I have this command as specified in the devcontainers.json "initializeCommand": { &...
lui's user avatar
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windows devcontainer fails with mounting error

I am trying to open a dev container is VSCode using the following devcontainer.json: { "name": "Windows Server 2022 Core", "image": "
TCS's user avatar
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Mapping ProgramData in Docker Windows

I am trying to map a volume for C:\ProgramData. Unfortunately, Docker only gives a very generic message: Error response from daemon: invalid volume specification: 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\...
Mike's user avatar
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How to run GUI in Docker in window

How i can build and run the GUI or display the output on the same screen while running the docker image in Window PC. I had tried build and use two different server like Xming or VcXsrv to run but ...
Hepta verseai7's user avatar
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Docker volume mapping is not showing files

I have a Liquibase image created via a Docker compose file. I would like to mount a local folder so I can access some files that are required by the update command. Within the container the ...
Mark Cooper's user avatar
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Docker is not running In windows Standard User throwing Error. How To Resolve the Issue

I download the docker for windows 11 and i installed. after installation i try to open the docker its throwing ERROR: open .\pipe\docker_engine_linux: The system cannot find the file specified. I need ...
user25141587's user avatar
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Can't send request on running docker image. Error socket hang up in postman. In browser localhost didn't send any data

I locally launched docker image successfully but i can't send any request on localhost.I have errors socket hang up in postman and localhost didn't send any data. docker file FROM node:20-alpine ...
Zein Rein's user avatar
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How to install Visual C++ Redistributable in ASP.NET Core Runtime Docker images

I have a project which requires the Visual C++ Redistributable packages installed on-top of the standard ASP.NET Core and .NET runtimes and libraries in the Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime Docker image....
PicoutputCls's user avatar
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Docker windows container issue with Encrypting File System (EFS)

I'm having issues running tests on a docker container. (Windows 10 host, windows 10 guest). Host: Win10 22H2 OS Build 19045.4170. Docker v4.25.0. docker run -it
Michiel Jaspers's user avatar
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Proxy issue while cloning a repo in Docker image in Windows

I have a Docker image with the necessary proxy configuration. When I attempt to clone a Git repository in a container created from the image on a Linux server, the operation is successful. However, ...
noonenine's user avatar
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Docker for Windows on Windows Server 2022: Connecting to Two Different Network Interfaces

I am using Docker for Windows on Windows Server 2022. My Docker server has two network interfaces connected to two different VLANs. Each Docker container needs to connect to both VLANs - one hosts a ...
Maikeru K's user avatar
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Customize gitlab-runner-helper docker image to pull multiple private repositories?

I am new to docker, and I am currently trying to setup gitlab runner to run some tests in docker. The main problem here is that some of the tests require cloning/fetch from multiple private ...
Andy Joe's user avatar
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Is virtualization capability a requirement for a windows machine to build a windows docker image?

Questions Do you need virtualization to run docker build for a windows docker image? If so can you please share the docs? Does the Github hosted windows runner support virtualization? Or does it ...
Sarah Ganci's user avatar
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running pgAdmin with docker (windows), persist usersettings over container reboot

running on windows in this way docker run -d -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL="[email protected]" -e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD="root" -p 8000:80 dpage/pgadmin4 -v /c/DockerMountedFolder/...
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