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VSCode dev containers: PATH value in initializeCommand phase

I would like to know how to set the path that the command initializeCommand is using. So, for example if I have this command as specified in the devcontainers.json "initializeCommand": { &...
lui's user avatar
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How to locate the path of an application that is automatically opening on a Mac in order to block it

I don't open the Acrobat Updater, but it keeps opening by itself periodically. My machine is working fine, so I don't want any updates and I'm annoyed by the constant notification window. I couldn't ...
user1314404's user avatar
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Java Path.getName() truncating encoded percent sign

.Net dev here, somewhat new to java. I have the following snippet of code. I'm trying to get the last segment of the the encoded url, but as you can see it's cutting off the trailing "%25" ...
mgmedick's user avatar
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How to change the path separator of the logging module?

I want to use the logging module in Python to log in a custom JSON format, and one of the variables I want to log is the pathname. It seems that the logging module uses a backslash(\) to separate ...
Aria AAs's user avatar
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how to get a file path from assets folder with just knowing a string in it's name in angular 17

i have a file with a name main-5WAPJH7.js in a child project's folder whose dist is contained in assets folder of my another project. I want to load this file in a component so that the child project ...
jitesh vijay's user avatar
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When I pull Vscode dev from githup, there is an error when installing packages [closed]

enter image description here When I pull from Vscode dev githup, I get an error like this when installing packages with npm. I have tried everything, I would appreciate your help. I cloned vscode from ...
Muhammed Ali Akşit's user avatar
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Cannot destructure property 'client' of 'db.config.connection' as it is undefined

Cannot destructure property 'client' of 'db.config.connection' as it is undefined..can anyone show me where i got wrong..thanks... config/database.ts import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } ...
nafhaf's user avatar
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zsh: command not found: $ [closed]

I downloaded Homebrew but when I tried to enter "$ brew install git" I got: zsh: command not found: $ People say to use: export PATH =/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH} but I am confused ...
Ashley T's user avatar
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How to fix PHP executable not found error on my mac

I am trying to get a PHP file to work through XAMPP, but nothing I am doing is working. I even installed PHP on Homebrew in my terminal. So, in my Visual Studio code, I am getting a PHP executable not ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Github Workflows relative path issue in problem matcher

I try to set-up a problem matcher in a github workflow to annotate the compilation errors directly in the "files changed" list. The project is in c/c++, so we catch the errors out of a nmake ...
SamT's user avatar
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Next.js Edge Function: Module Not Found Error ('path') and Internal Server Error When Using OpenAI Integration

Description I'm encountering an issue where the path module is not being found in my Node.js environment. This problem occurs when trying to send message in the chatbox. Error Message Module not found:...
Harshit Raizada's user avatar
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I don´t add flutter to PATH

I beginner on Linux and I'm installing flutter in my Debian. The installation work, and I added to PATH, but the flutter command don't work. The flutter package is at /home/anthony/development/flutter ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Is Boost suppose to hardcode the C++ files' paths from the highest possible folder? [duplicate]

I'm using the C++ Boost libraries and I am troubleshooting way too much to my taste to not ask if this is not normal. The way I understand it, in C, #include allows to sort of import other files: if I ...
Castro Pablo's user avatar
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Arrows are not working or showing for table content that is not displayed in the initial viewport

Some of the content career route connections do not work for the table's last row. So, I'm wondering that the information that we need to scroll to click on is experiencing arrow pathway connection ...
Rejuan hossain's user avatar
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Could not find a part of the path, when i create an instance of another application's class

I have two applications: CommServer CacheProxy CacheProxy stores some data cache in json files and synchronizes them. These files are located in ..\CacheProxy\bin\Debug\net8.0\cache\. But when ...
Kirill's user avatar
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