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"electron-forge make" outputting .deb and .rpm but not .exe

I'm using WSL2 and am successfully running npm run make on ... "scripts": { ..., "make": "electron-forge make" }, ... but when creating distributables, it ...
KMehta's user avatar
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How run electron.js with bun?

I recently switched my OS to Ubuntu and installed bun instead of Node.js. When I tried to use electron-forge, it said it needed NPM. I tried mapping NPM to bun but it didn't work. What exactly should ...
atom06's user avatar
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Electron app with electron-updater built with "npm run make" does not work

I have an Electron application which uses "electron-updater" package. The app works when running from VScode. But if building the app with "npm run make", it failed to load when ...
user3792705's user avatar
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A way to backup or clone a entire Electron/Node.js project

It's been quite a long while since I last developed a electron/node.js app. Recently, I wanted to start updating the app with the new version of the 'electron-forge' framework, but I do want to backup ...
mikey186's user avatar
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How to use npm libraries with electron-forge

I am trying to build an Electron project that uses the walkdir library installed via npm. I have electron forge setup, but after trying to open up the zip file in the out folder, I get a message ...
0marA's user avatar
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Electron Forge stuck on squirrel

I've been trying to package an electron app but it never goes past this stage: I've tried 3 times and every time it takes hours but doesn't finish packaging for squirrel. package.json: { "name&...
vel's user avatar
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How to make electron-forge and webpack loading a specific version of a module, if two versions are present within the npm tree?

This is the package.json { "name": "IpfsPlaying", "version": "2.0.2", "description": "IpfsPlaying", "main": ".webpack/...
Raphael10's user avatar
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"Windows cannot access the specified..." .Exe's made by electron-packager nor electron-forge

I'm on a Win 8.1 x64 machine. When I try to run the generated Windows binaries, I get a Windows error message. Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the ...
Nathan Hawks's user avatar
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App launched from npm works perfectly, but complied x64 app works incorrect

I use the Electron-forge framework and try to make an audio player. When I launch my app from npm start it works perfectly. But when I compile app using npm run package to x64 app and launch from its ...
Yury's user avatar
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Error when initialising electron App using electron-forge with electron-compile and electron-squirrel-startup

I started learning on the electron by using the GitHub on demand training. When I executed the below command. The system throws the error. electron % electron-forge init electron-app ⚠ Could not ...
Anoob K Bava's user avatar
4 votes
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Unable to build with electron-packager within electron-forge

I have created a default project with electron-forge. When I try to package my project with the command electron-forge, the process exits with the following error. What am I doing wrong? I followed ...
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