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Storybook with Next.js and Webpack 5 cannot resolve various node modules

I'm trying to create a Storybook project with Next.js and webpack 5. I have a few decorators in my preview.tsx: import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react"; import React from "react&...
Ethan's user avatar
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Config webpack to use scss module in ReactJS

// src/Button.js import React from "react"; import styles from "./Button.module.scss"; // Import SCSS module const Button = () => { console.log("styles", styles); ...
Tuan Huynh's user avatar
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Micro front-end using webpack and module federation. Loading remote React app in Angular shell

Micro front-end using webpack and module federation. Problem statement. I have two web apps, One is an angular app which is the shell(host in this case) app. Second is a newly created react app(...
vivek's user avatar
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How to configure webpack.config.ts @angular-builders/custom-webpack Angular 18

I am using an Angular 18 project and @angular-builders/custom-webpack@18 for the custom Webpack configuration. The issue I am facing is that I am developing a web component that uses an image, and I ...
Logesh B's user avatar
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Someone know how to solve this error. I can't do it [closed]

Starting the development server... C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\Fullmindtech\APP CAMARAS\frontcountcars\node_modules\react-scripts\scripts\start.js:19 throw err; ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of ...
Lucas Palacios's user avatar
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i need to fix my nextjs webpack compiler error

nextjs webpack error - ./app/globals.css.webpack[javascript/auto]!=!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[13].oneOf[12].use[2]!./node_modules/next/...
Valentine Hunter's user avatar
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How to build project as is but minify every HTML, CSS and JS files

I have this project structure: I need to build my project (red rectangle on image except .gitignore) as is keeping folder structure and all file names but I want to only HTML, CSS and JS files be ...
EzioMercer's user avatar
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How to extract angular component from a federated module using only SystemJS

I am trying to expose components from a angular microfrontend using webpack module federation, below is how I am doing with webpack const ModuleFederationPlugin = require("webpack/lib/container/...
Abhishek Prakash's user avatar
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How to override a behavior of __webpack_require__ function?

I encountered a problem with my project. For sharing modules, I use the require() function, which, as I know, evaluates the entire code of the module and encapsulates it in another function. However, ...
Dzmitry Yahorau's user avatar
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Vite Moment locale ignore

With webpack we used IgnorePlugin like this const webpack = require('webpack') module.exports = { configureWebpack: { plugins: [ new webpack.IgnorePlugin({ resourceRegExp: /^\.\/...
Isroiljohn Tolibov's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement react lazy loading based on routes with a single spa architecture?

I'm currently building a single spa react application that is being "consumed" by an orquestrator, this project is a simple, normal, project that uses react and has 4 routes, all of them is ...
Kupcaky's user avatar
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Microfrontend React Redux Toolkit Store Problem [closed]

I still haven't solved a problem despite trying a lot with AI. I'd be glad if you could help. I'm developing a project in microfrontend architecture with React using Vite. I can't share the whole code,...
Ravenloft's user avatar
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RollupError:[[plugin impound]] Nuxt3

I am upgrading my application from Nuxt2 to Nuxt3. After upgrading and moving everything around time to run the application I get this error I have been battling with forever. ERROR RollupError: [...
distin's user avatar
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Angular 17 Nx Dynamic Module Federation Webpack ModuleFederationDevServer CORS on node modules

Access to script at 'node:module' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: chrome, chrome-extension, chrome-...
user3747198's user avatar
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SULU frontend with twig and react

I'm working on a SULU project that uses Twig for the frontend and has a custom webpack for it. I need to use React for certain components, components that require more interaction, state management, ...
coral fish's user avatar

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