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Building installer for python program with Conda libraries

I have a problem with making an installer for a python program. The program has a UI based on PyQt5 and QT-PyQt-PySide-Custom-Widgets. During the development phase, I used the Conda environment ...
bsotrow1's user avatar
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Executable/installable files with electron FE and python BE

I have a problem with my current project. I have a backend written in python which i complain with pyinstaller to an exe. The py BE communicate with websockets with the FE written in JS/hmtl/css. I ...
Martin's user avatar
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SaperaLT SDK Installer doesn't open on Windows 10 64-bit

I am trying to run SaperaLTSDKSetup.exe on a computer with 64-bit Windows 10. When I click on the exe file, I see that, the mouse pointer icon has turned into a blue spinning circle for a couple of ...
mericgeren's user avatar
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MSI/EXE app on Windows store cannot show the correct installation status

I've published my exe app to the windows store as following step: Publish your app in the Microsoft Store After successfully install it on windows store, the "Install" button on windows ...
BensonZheng's user avatar
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Creating the .exe file or .pkg file using jpackage command

I am trying to create a .pkg file for an java jar file so that application can be installed on the system. I want to ask user to provide the directory path where the files will be stored created by ...
Rutvik Joshi's user avatar
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Problem with InstallForge and CustomTkinter

I am currently working on a gui with the custom tkinter lib. I created the .exe file by adding the CustomTkinter with auto-py-to-exe Then I use the InstallForge software because I want to share my ...
Harith 75's user avatar
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Setup File doesnt install the Exe-File

i recently startet programming my first software, in C# with Microsoft Visual Studios, which is a Note Taking App. When i debug it, everything is fine. The Problem: I added another Project to the ...
Nevar Mahmoud's user avatar
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InnoSetup: why is ndp48.exe not being executed

Im trying to install ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe on computers that don't have it. I have both those procedures : the check function: function NETFrameworkIsNotInstalled: Boolean; var ver: Cardinal; ...
Hugo_vdms's user avatar
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is there a way to make a application that will complete the setup/installation page of any kind of .exe

so the title might be a bit confusing but i will explain it. what i am trying to make is a application that when runned it will start up a different .exe file. for example it can be Minecraft or ...
AliExpresz's user avatar
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1 answer

Create small setup installer just for wizard, rest of files apart

i want to create my own installer for portable apps, games, etc. Want to create an instalable app from a portable one... yes. InnoSetup creates a unique EXE file with all app files inside it and i ...
Ima.Oiar's user avatar
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How can I build the setup.exe file in visual studio?

I have a C++ game that I have made with Visual Studio 2022. I have built the setup.exe and setup.msi. But my friends are not able to run that game after installing it. On the other hand the setup ...
Zayed Oyshik's user avatar
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How to Accept License Agreement while installing exe file using powershell

I am trying to install a .exe file without any User Intervention using Powershell. I have my file in desktop. The command I tried in powershell is Start-Process -Wait -Filepath "C:\Users\...
Esennin's user avatar
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3 answers

Using jpackage how do I make the installer name different than application name?

I have a Java program that I can turn into an installer exe that makes an app exe jpackage -t exe -i . -n compilerrunner --app-version 1.0 --win-dir-chooser --win-shortcut --main-jar compilerrunner....
Mason McGerry's user avatar
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Install msi and exe silent from network folder

I am trying to have a script that will install exe and msi files in silent mode, but it's opening the installers instead of running silently. #network drive path $nwDrivePath = "\\server\folder\&...
Alex Ivanov's user avatar

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