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Creation of Tkinter exe using nuitka opens and closes without feedback. App works perfectly when running in python environment

When I apply the main loop solution, I still have the same problem. The script works perfectly when running the .py script. So the exe is created with the nuitka, and when I run the exe the console ...
Hitokiri's user avatar
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Python packages nashpy and axelrod preventing pyinstaller from working

I have a file that builds a tkinter GUI with the following dependencies: from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import filedialog import ...
asdf555's user avatar
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Running Multiple Tkinter Files from an EXE

I've built a tkinter GUI that allows me to run seperate .py files by clicking a button. Every button (of 11) opens a seperate .py file and runs it. I have no issues running in pycharm, however after ...
Ethan Coffin's user avatar
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Error module not find in turning a py file to an exe file

I used the customtkinter module to make a pomodoro timer and I wanted to turn the file to an exe file. Here is the error that I get when I tried to launch the exe file Traceback (most recent call last)...
Amiso's user avatar
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exe file from tkinter python

I developed an application with python tkinter to convert MP4 file into MP3 (see below). When I run the script in gitbach/terminal, the app works perfectly. I converted the script into an executable ...
Nael Jn Baptiste -aka Analyze's user avatar
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Having Recursion error while creating .exe file of my Tkinter app

I've written a code in tkinter (Python). I've different files and I combined these files in a main file with subprocess (connect different files with corresponding buttons in main file). The whole ...
Defiant Softs's user avatar
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Is there a way to avoid Nmap console windows popping up in a Python Tkinter GUI when running as an exe? Solved, read the end

I have a .py script with Nmap module in it. It works fine when launched from Visual Studio. But it keeps popping up Nmap console-windows when converted to a stand-alone executable. So the thing is a ...
shu9000's user avatar
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How to add .ttf font file to python code so that it can be seen on any computer?

CONTEXT I have a working python tkinter code in which I use a font I have previously downloaded to my computer (it is 'Trajan Pro Regular.ttf'). I want the font to be seen by anyone running the .exe ...
Basile's user avatar
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How can I make my python UI executable play sounds

I have a script, that when running it in vsc, plays sounds in mp3 with the library playsound, but when passing it to exe with autopytoexe, I added the foldier with all the music to the exe, but the ...
Habi's user avatar
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How to make a setup file which will install Python and dependencies on one's computer

I have been trying to package my Tkinter app. I tried Cx-freeze and Pyinstaller. I am having some troubles with correctly creating text files, writing into and reading from them. The app works fine ...
Amir Hamza's user avatar
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Not able to run a python exe (not python installed, not odbc driver installed...)

Problem: I would like to automatize one daily task avoiding the excel usage and this have as final objective centralizing the data in SQL Server. For that I have created a TKinter GUI with Python. ...
Oihane's user avatar
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Tkinter auto-py-to-exe distorted widgets when running in laptop with no python installed. in

I have made a python tkinter program and converted it to exe using auto-py-to-exe, it is not showing GUI properly on a laptop with no python installed.I have used (.place) to set proper alignment of ...
PANKAJ's user avatar
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_tkinter.TclError: couldn't read file "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI45522\sv_ttk\sv.tcl": no such file or directory

I have used Sun Valley Ttk Theme for my project (.py). It works on IDE (Thonny) but doesn't work when I converted the .py file to .exe. I got this error for the line: sv_ttk.set_theme("light"...
E__'s user avatar
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Make an executable file from python project

I want to make a .exe file from my python project, I have made a GUI in tkinter. This project has multiple files and uses a variety of libraries. I tried to use auto-py-to-exe but it gave a variety of ...
elias's user avatar
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pyinstaller exe file does not open

I made exe file from with pyinstaller. Exe file is 38 MB, it has tkinter but when I click exe file cmd window opens up, CPU works 100%, I waited 10 minutes nothing happened. How can I resolve it? COde ...
xlmaster's user avatar
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