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Subprocess in PyInstaller-built exe can't find or run Python script

I am building a Python project into a standalone executable using PyInstaller, and I'm encountering an issue when trying to run a Python script ( as a subprocess from the main script ( ...
Hamza Alomari's user avatar
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NSIS Progress Bar Appearing Behind Status Bar in Korean,Japanese and Chinese OS Languages

I'm working on an NSIS installer and encountered an issue where the progress bar appears behind the bottom bar (status bar) when the installer is running in Korean,Japanese and Chinese OS Languages. ...
Abhiroop Saha's user avatar
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Patching windows compatibility settings to an .exe directly or through binary DLL, without the .SDB database?

In the windows compatibility administrator I have the following behaviors added from a database: Is it possible to apply these windows compatibility patches directly to a .exe, or even by loading a ....
David W's user avatar
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Compile Kotlin desktop application into single exe

I've got a Kotlin desktop application that I compile with Gradle into a self-containing distributable folder. However, that output folder contains 372 files making it difficult to publish so I zip it ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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Python csv error when creating .exe file cx_freeze

I have a python project with the following files: images (folder with a bunch of pngs) testFiles (folder with a few files for unit tests) the way the project works, main is a ...
s.eyal's user avatar
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A javascript error in the main process tmp.node

Every time I boot up my system, I encounter the following error message: "A javascript error in the main process" with reference to C:\Users\mpc\AppData\Local\Temp\f06d063a-bde0-4c9f-ad00-...
M3M1's user avatar
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Window .exe enters suspended state and cant be killed

I am developing a Winforms app in VS 2022 on a Win 11 PC. I have been able to modify the C# code and build executables without any problems until today when I discovered that the executable I built ...
SimonKravis's user avatar
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Is there any way to create custom URLs for windows exe files?

I am currently working on a pyqt application which converted to exe using pyinstaller and I want to create a custom URL similar toms-paint:// for this app. I tried editing registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ...
Muhammed Ali Jouhar A's user avatar
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I created an exe file using pyinstaller. When there is a DLL file at the same level as the exe file, an exception will occur

I developed an application using PyQt5 and packaged it into a standalone exe file using pyinstaller's one-file mode。 The packaging process is successful, and independent execution is also okay. But ...
Alvin Lee's user avatar
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On windows cannot start a compiled python code as a service

I have the following code : import win32serviceutil import win32service import win32event import servicemanager import os class MyService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework): _svc_name_ = "...
Philippe Marchand4431's user avatar
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Exe file missing icons/images on Network Drive

My Flutter app exe file works fine on local PC drives (e.g. on user Desktop and any other local drives). But when I copy this exe file on a Network Drive, no icons and images are shown on the app ...
Jaky's user avatar
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Cannot include ffmpeg.exe using auto-py-to-exe

I'm trying to generate an exe for my PyQT application that uses ffmpeg using auto-py-to-exe. Within the application, there are calls to ffmpeg as an os command (like 'ffmpeg -i file ... output) . As I ...
YYY's user avatar
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How to unlink dll from exe

I don't know if this is a duplicate, anyway I have Google searched extensively and found absolutely nothing relevant. The problem is extremely simple, I have an .exe file, this .exe file loads another ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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windows cannot access one file (exe)

Related to an earlier question, I found that when Visual Studio builds a C# project, the EXE file cannot be run with message "access denied", but not always. This evening at home I could run ...
Roland's user avatar
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Turn whole Python project into one standalone .exe file including ALL dependecies

I have a Python project with 2 Python files and 2 imported modules (pynput and requests). So my problem is when I ran this command which I found on the web: pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole --hidden-...
Daniel's user avatar
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