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Exe file not running when launched from an exe file [closed]

I have a program that works very well, when I run it from a jar file. Here is the code: try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(Paths.get("MyProgram.exe").toAbsolutePath()....
Chris's user avatar
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Difference between Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream() and MyClass.class.getClass().getResourceAsStream() [duplicate]

I recently had a slightly frustrating experience (for me at least) with respect to loading resources off of the class path. Normally, I would have used: this.getClass.getResourceAsStream("build....
TriJB's user avatar
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Java Executable Jar File Missing

Jar file instead of executable jar file Hello, I would like to ask why the file extension description here is labeled as "JAR file" and not as "Executable JAR file." I need to know ...
Ann Jane's user avatar
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Why does System.console() return "" when I think it should return null?

I'm trying to make a program that will open the command line for the user to interact with when you run it. I did some research on how to do this and found this solution on stack overflow which is ...
127548935906's user avatar
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Executable jar fails with java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "manifold.rt.api.util.Pair.getFirst()" because "classSymbol" is null

I have to create an executable jar that takes in some command line arguments to process a json file. It is supposed to dynamically create a java pojo out of the json using manfold libraries and then ...
user7032261's user avatar
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JAR package only necessary classes and dependencies

I am new to maven and I would like to know what would be the best way to package only those classes and dependencies that are needed to run that class. For example if I have a lot of classes A, B, C ...
lola's user avatar
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Get an external report link of test execution in selenium testNG when Jar file is executed, in the integration testing

I'm working on executing testNG suite through executable jar with dependencies. When we run we see extent reports i.e., emailable report . Now for our application, which has microservice architecture. ...
Abhilash Devraj Hiremath's user avatar
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create executable jar of karate testSuite , features are present src/test/java (maven project ) [duplicate]

I want to create an executable jar of my karate test suite created with that I can run the testcases directly using the jar .The testcases are present in src/test/java and some required ...
Rakesh Hazari's user avatar
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How can I add all jar files from my lib folder to my maven project? [duplicate]

I have many maven projects packaged as Jar files and I need those projects that interact with each other to be available in my web project which is also a maven project. I need the classes inside ...
Ismael J. Varela's user avatar
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Java can't open any .jar files

I was following this tutorial: to get started with OpenTripPlanner for the first time. Once I got to the step "starting OTP" I ...
Noah's user avatar
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How to create a Windows Service to execute a JAR file automatically when the system is started?

I want to create a Windows Service to execute a JAR file Automatically when the system starts. I've tried creating it manually without using any 3rd party wrappers, but ended up lost. Guide me on how ...
Sai from CDM's user avatar
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Log4j2 Not write to log after I exported to .jar

I have a log4j2.xml which works correctly, until I export the project. The basePath in this case configured manually. So the log file location is correct even after export. After the exporting, just ...
Krisztofer Török's user avatar
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Extract required libraries using maven assembly plugin

I have a maven project that works fine so far, but building an executable JAR gives me a problem I could not solve so far. This question here: Why is my .jar file running slower than the program in ...
BitMaster48's user avatar
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Can apm-agent-java plugin be placed inside the application JAR file?

Motivation Elastic APM Java agent does not support R2DBC. They provide a plugin API, which lets you add custom instrumentation to the agent, which the agent will automatically apply the same way as ...
Honza Zidek's user avatar
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Unable to execute exetuable jar files

I am working with executable jar files I have a folder E:\a which has and its .class files, in E:\b. I have two classes and and there .class files are E:\C which ...
sudarshan dhoke's user avatar

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