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How to catch suspicious requests using Fail2Ban ubuntu nginx [closed]

I have a wordpress application hosted on a digital ocean droplet. I have noticed in my access logs that I am getting lots of requests from various IPs that appear to be crawling my website and trying ...
lky's user avatar
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Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for sshd jail [closed]

After installation, I copied the jail.conf file as jail.local. I didn't rewrite anything, I didn't say anything in the file, I'm trying to start with the default values. I followed this description ...
whanklee's user avatar
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Which format is the result of 'fail2ban-client banned' command and how I can fully load the result in PHP (as array)

This is the format of the data returned by command fail2ban-client banned: [{'sshd': []}, {'nginx-http-auth': []}, {'nginx-botsearch': []}, {'recidive': []}, {'wo-wordpress': []}, {'nginx-forbidden': [...
Jasom Dotnet's user avatar
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ModSecurity + Fail2Ban ban client IP sending post to Servlet

I am using: Ubuntu 24.04 Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62 Apache/2.4.59 Tomcat/10.1.16 tomcat-connectors-1.2.49 libapache2-mod-jk ModSecurity Fail2ban Free ModSecurity Rules from Comodo And I have a servlet ...
Gauthier's user avatar
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How to create a Fail2Ban filter?

I'm trying to create a Fail2Ban filter that catches all response codes except 200 or 412 across all destination paths. Here is a sample of my log format: INFO [2024-06-13 10:23:58] &...
Andres Mora's user avatar
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Regex config fail2ban for multiline modsecurity

I'm trying to improve fail2ban configuration for modsecurity in nginx so that regex-expression covers the whole block, is without maxline and finally gives more accurate triggering. Made a regex and ...
sivsoft's user avatar
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How to create a fail2ban filter to protect a FastAPI implementation?

Im working on a FastAPI project but I want to implement a fail2ban filter that blocks all abusive intents on my API. So far i have created a log file that stores all API requests in a access.log file ...
Andres Mora's user avatar
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fail2ban refuses to work on Raspberrypi Zero 2 W [closed]

I have a RaspberryPi Zero 2 W. I installed fail2ban using the command sudo apt install fail2ban -y. I have been referring to the following resources: PiMyLifeUp, HowtoGeek as well as LinuxSize. No ...
Ginko-Mitten's user avatar
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Fail2Ban jail.local (conf)

I'm trying to get to grips with Fail2Ban jail conf. A lot of the logpaths have what look like variables i.e. logpath = %(apache_error_log)s I don't see these defined anywhere. Are they externally ...
RockstarTom's user avatar
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Configuring a filter for Fail2ban and Bookstack

I cannot successfully configure fail2ban filter for working with Bookstack. I tried 3 differents regex checker, they're all catching the log lines, but when i try with failban-regex tool, it don't hit ...
DixFlatline's user avatar
-1 votes
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fail2ban regular expression for asterisk 19

I have an asterisk server that is attacked. There is a fail2ban jail for the asterisk logs but the configuration does not pick up the this situation: [2023-07-27 11:25:57] NOTICE[152571] res_pjsip/...
Fabianus's user avatar
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Regex - Match only if substring exists

I'm struggling with a Regex for usage in Fail2Ban. This is a line of logs I need to crawl: Jul 14 13:30:44 servername kernel: [ 803.539059] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=somemacadress SRC=somesourceip ...
error401's user avatar
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fail2ban repeatedly banning authorized user [closed]

I wonder what help you can provide me with, I am repeatedly banned by fail2ban when I use the fork software on my windows computer to git pull and push to a git repo that is hosted on a Hetzner cloud. ...
Flo H's user avatar
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How can I stop Fail2ban from banning my external IP when attempting to access my Plex server?

I have a fairly simple setup using fail2ban with NGINX Proxy Manager. In this setup, I have Plex exposed to the outside and routed internally using my reverse proxy, and that works fine without ...
David Glass's user avatar
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regex for repeating patterns

i have a dovecot logfile which contains entrys like this: Jun 1 04:16:24 mail dovecot: auth-worker(3158): sql(ryan, unknown user (given password: ryan) i want to create a fail2ban ...
Tim Altgeld's user avatar

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