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Flipping text macro in very large Excel file

I have a very large and extremely complex spreadsheet (900 cells wide and 2000 long) with a design that I need to flip both vertically and horizontally. I have manually converted the text in about 30 ...
David Harris's user avatar
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Flip card every time the content is changes

I want to flip the card every time the content of my box changes i.e after every second or minute or hour or day passes. I have tried applying transform and rotate properties directly to boxes but it ...
Rohaib Razzaq's user avatar
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openpyxl Scatter plot w/ flitted x/y axis

starting from the example at: original scatter plot]( I would like to generate this plot ...
tab's user avatar
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quickly flipping UIPageViewController shows a momentary flickering white blank space

while flipping the UIPageViewController quickly, there is a very short tiny whitespace flicking before the next slide comes up, even when I flip slower, I still notice a white line in the right. why ...
feiyuerenhai's user avatar
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How do i edit the codepen FlipDown.js Countdown?

I found this countdown clock in CodePen, but I need to edit it, I need to set the final date to May 30, 2024. ¿Does anybody know how to set up the final date? document.addEventListener('...
Diego Diaz's user avatar
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Why does my flip card animation not work properly on the first click of the button after the page loads, but works correctly after that first click?

I am currently working on a flip card animation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for my project. The animation works as expected when the "More" button is clicked and the card flips, ...
Irina Balanel's user avatar
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How to turn the page back and forth with flutter flip_page widget?

I am making a book reading page with Flutter and I added 10 pages as images, the code has a page turning animation. but this animation only turns the pages forward, I want it to turn backwards and I ...
Muhammed Halil Demirci's user avatar
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Make a book page with Flutter Flip_Page widget

I found a widget called FlipWidget from package flip_widget. But I want the page turning animation to switch to another page after the page turning animation and as the user turns the page, it ...
Muhammed Halil Demirci's user avatar
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flip an image vertically using loops in python

n my function there are the two options: flipping vertically or horizontally. vertically if vertically = True. The horizontal part is correct however, when i try to flip an image vertically, the image ...
Fairytail52's user avatar
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Stuck at animation a book page in css

Hey I am in a problem where I am using Epubjs. Epubjs renders a book in a container. Book has 2 pages one on the left and one on the right. For example this can be the structure of the book . <div ...
abdul wahab's user avatar
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How we can detect phone flip event in the flutter?

I have a requirement where I have to turn on or off the visibility of an element when the user flips the phone. When user flip for the first time then hide the element If user do flip again then show ...
Dhaval Kansara's user avatar
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How to flip the back side of the card image

I needed a card flip effect which is working but the issue is that no matter what I do, the back of card always stays inverted on hover, below is the code for it. The preview of the below code is ...
AkulSharma's user avatar
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How to get HTMLElement properties before destroy in svelte?

There is a simple demo: In the Card.svelte, line 29 - 37, before routing(destroy), the Writable ...
SAC.Aiden's user avatar
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Can someone help me get my Unity 2D character to flip in both directions?

I have been following a tutorial and when I got to this part, I was stumped. I don't know why this code isn't making my sprite flip in both directions. When I flip once, they get stuck facing to the ...
Manticore Millionerds's user avatar
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How to invert or flip color ramp in with default color in levelplot function in R?

I am trying to levelplot certain stacked raster files on r using levelplot. the problem is the plot shows color ramp where lower values shows dark color and higher values show light color. Can you ...
Nitish Kumar Sarma's user avatar

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