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Error using pytorch-fid for datasets containing 5000 images

I am trying to calculate the FID between 2 datasets, using pytorch-fid. The GitHub link for the code is: Attempt 1: I started off small, with 2800 images, all ...
shrujaya23's user avatar
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Convert(ImageMagick) killed when batch processing jpgs

Linux CentOS7 Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-22 Q16 x86_64 2020-06-29 I have a script that converts a set of jpgs into another set of jpgs. convert -strip -interlace Line -resize ...
ScottD's user avatar
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Imagemagick: How to create a multy-layered tiff from all png files in the given folder using bash

I have a lot of PNG kept in a folder, and need to convert them all into single multy-layered TIFF using ImageMagick. When I run this command on a desktop Windows, I get the needed TIFF. magick *.png -...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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How do I pipe into the 'convert' command?

Using Ubuntu 22.04. I have a Bash command that produces a list of GIF files $ <command> file1.gif file3.gif file12.gif ... I would like to convert the files in this output to PNG files using ...
Borea Deitz's user avatar
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ImageMagick: use multiple cores with convert and montage on macOSX?

I am using montage and convert utilities in my bash scripts to convert, process or combine images in the following fashion: for file in "${vizu_temp}"/*.png; do convert ${some+options} $...
James Starlight's user avatar
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Create a multiple jpg from a pattern of png files

I wish to convert the last six png files (by date created) in a directory, convert them to jpg files and create from them a single multiple jpg file. I've tried:for i in $(ls -1t | head -6); do echo $...
Alan McMahon's user avatar
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Do not work bash script and Imagemagic convert But command is correct [closed]

I have the following code and when I run it on a file, I get the convert's help message #!/bin/bash help () { printf "Parchos Arts convert script \n" printf "Syntax: ...
mmdbalkhi's user avatar
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How to execute imagemagick with a string as input for filenames - in bash

I am trying to write a code to do the below. 1: Get all the directory names from input line into a string (Number of directory inputs could vary) 2: For all the tiff files in those directories montage ...
ash's user avatar
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How to convert images with negative number as a name to animation/video?

I create animation ( gif) or video from a sequence of static images. Images have real number as a name, for example -1.000.pgm When numbers are positive ( without minus sign) then it works #!/bin/...
Adam's user avatar
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convert all BMP files recursively to JPG handling paths with spaces and getting the file extension right under Linux

I have files with beautiful, glob-friendly pathnames such as: /New XXXX_Condition-selected FINAL/677193 2018-06-08 Xxxx Event-Exchange_FINAL/Xxxxx Dome Yyyy Side/Xxxx_General016 #07-08.BMP (the Xxx.....
DeltaIV's user avatar
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Imagemagick unexpected end of file sporadically

I'm trying to use Imagemagick in a script to do some studying on file entropy visualization. I have the following bash script: convert -size 2896x2896 mono:$1 -crop 100x100+0+0 -scale 300x300 data-...
trueCamelType's user avatar
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Changing all images in a directory and its sub-directories using a single ImageMagick command?

I have a directory with multi level sub-directories containing .jpg files that I want to change using ImageMagick. To change a single file I do convert image0.jpg -resize x1000 -quality 82 ...
01AutoMonkey's user avatar
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How to save output from bash script to image file with convert imagemagick

Hi gus i'm just trying to save my output script to image file with convert imagemagick , but i have an issue with the result did any clue for fixing my issue ? the image file isnt generate in the ...
sudo3rs's user avatar
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Bash: Is it possible to reserve memory for a specific application

In one of my bash functions I use the following code to send ImageMagick's convert output thru a pipe to tesseract-ocr for conversion to text: for a in ocr/*.tif*; do echo $a $(date +%T) for i in ...
user985675's user avatar
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Detect images in landscape format and cut them into two portraits

I have scanned documents in PDF format. These documents contain pages in portrait format of one page and in landscape format of two pages. I will need to perform OCR processing on them, but I will ...
Lionel Plais's user avatar

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