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Get bytes from MagickImage image

Is there a straight forward way to get the bytes from a MagickImage? That is, like writing it to a file but, instead, writing it to a byte array.
Jonathan Wood's user avatar
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How to force PHP to use the new ImageMagick version?

Been at this for about 2 hours now, read about 20 articles on Google. Fired everything I had into the terminal and its still not working. Restarted Apache and PHP-FPM several times. My Server ...
Jason Comparetto's user avatar
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How do I add a black border to every image in a folder and output the result into another folder?

I have a folder with 500 images, I want to add a 5% black border to all of them and then output into a new folder just to keep the originals intact but can't find online support for Mac. The Input ...
Italian Doomer's user avatar
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How to prevent ImageMagick.NET from changing color space on write

Attempting to open an image, set its resolution, and save it, and I'm running into an issue where the ColorSpace is being modified without any input on my end. The input image is a blank sRGB/8 image, ...
Harrison Paine's user avatar
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ImageMagick.NET library multipage TIFF to PDF

I'm having an issue where rather small tiff files (< 300 KB) gets blown up to like 74 MB when converted into a PDF. using (var img_collection = new MagickImageCollection()) { using (var ...
Aidal's user avatar
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ImageMagick C# Exception : no pixels defined in cache

I'm trying to create a new image with a specific ColorType (it does the same thing with ColorSpace) and I have this error: no pixels defined in cache. I'm not trying to load/read an existing image. I'...
wRadion's user avatar
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How can I add the x265 codec to ImageMagick in C#

I would like to add the x265 codec to ImageMagick in a Visual Studio C# project targeting .Net 4.7.2 in order to access HEIC format files. I obtained the file x265.dll from the ShiftMediaProject file ...
Arthur Rees's user avatar
2 votes
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Wrong whitebalace/colorgrade for arw files in ImageMagick - updated -

I want to convert SONY raw files (.ARW) to jpg with imagemagick. But there is a problem with the whitebalance (probably). When I open the files in ACDSee or XNView, they look like the jpg-version off ...
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Magick.NET set PSD Blendmode

I'm trying to create a psd file with Magick.NET. I could not find any information about wether it's possible to set the Blendmode for a specific layer to Multiply. Can anyone help me? This is my code: ...
Simon S.'s user avatar
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ImageMagick .net c# mp4/webm video getting N frame without artifacts?

Trying to make some manipulation with frames using ImageMagick lib on .net (resizing + composing with other image), but faced with incorrect "re-assembling" video, output video coming with ...
Nigrimmist's user avatar
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ImageMagick convert from pdf to image shrinks image and places it in bottom left corner

I am using this command to convert pages from a pdf to jpeg images: magick convert -density 300 sample.pdf output.jpeg I see a white background and the content of the PDF appears as a smaller image ...
applecodervinegar's user avatar
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Combining 3 imagemagick cli parameters into one ImageMagick.NET code

Hey all I have these 3 imageMagick scripts (command line arguments) that I am trying to combine into Imagemagick.NET code. First (merging 2 images together): convert ^ ( testingl.jpg -resize 610x440^^ ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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Image Magick blend 2 cropped/resize images together in the middle

Hey all I have this code below that takes 2 images and merges them together with it fading in the center: convert testingl.jpg -gravity West ^ testingr.jpg -gravity East ^ blend_mask.png -extent ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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Imagemagic: How to add backgroud image to another image using C#

I want to resize the image to custom width and height(eg: 225 X 225). And filled the remaining area with green background to get the exact custom image size. Using .net imagemagic library. Fist image: ...
Kiran B Chitari's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I use Magick.NET to convert an animated webp image to an animated gif?

GDI+ and System.Drawing have no support for WebP images. To handle them in my C# Windows desktop app, I'm using Magick.NET to convert them to Gif images, which are supported. This works well, unless ...
d ei's user avatar
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