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How to update the certificate authority of a kafka cluster?

Context I have a kafka cluster that has been running for a few years. Recent debian and openssl versions started complaining about our certificates and certificate authority with ca md too weak. We ...
Federico Fissore's user avatar
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Keystore Validation Error During Alfresco Deployment on Tomcat

I’m having trouble deploying Alfresco Content Services Community Edition (version 23.2.1) on Tomcat 10.1.28 in windows. After setting up the keystore and configuring, I ...
Richa Manchanda's user avatar
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What is the best way to manage trust-, keystores in a microservice architecture?

We have quite a few microservices and monolith applications which are calling each other and other external services and its getting harder and harder to manage keystores and truststores. The problems ...
Baksa Zoltán's user avatar
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List specific information of all LEAF certificates from java store JKS

I wish to list only the signed certificates for our application and not the chain signing certificate from a java store i.e <jdk_home>/jre/lib/security/cacerts or any such JKS store. The idea ...
Ashar's user avatar
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Unable to find valid certification path to requested target error on IntelliJ IDEA

Although I can connect to a MongoDB database on a remote server using MongoDB Compass, when I try to connect using the same URI in IntelliJ IDEA, I get the following error: ...
Murat Yıldız's user avatar
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Recreate a valid Keystore from an existing "Importation Key Certificate" for my MAUI Android Project

I'm working on an android app which was release on Google Play Console in 2024 January. I used the Windows keystore "mafirstkeystoreformyapp.keystore". Because I wanted to upgrade my laptop, ...
Vilo's user avatar
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Import Wrapped Key to Keystore

I generate the RSA key pair and the aes key, then wrap the aes key using the rsa public key.Then try to import the encrypted AES key to Android Keystore but a meaningless error message appears That ...
acrux's user avatar
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Trying to force Tomcat to use HTTPS with a wildcard certificate

I was handed a problem where we had a dev server that has never used HTTPS before since there has never been any real data on it. However we now need this to be HTTPS, out prod server is but the ...
Jared Reininger's user avatar
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Creating a jks with a pem file that only has private key

I have a pem file that only contains a private key, e.g.: -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- XXXXXXX -----END EC PRIVATE KEY----- I need to convert this into a JKS keystore and I have tried: keytool -...
czolbe's user avatar
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Checking keystore is using TEE

I am developing an app on android 10.0 sdk 29device. I know KeyInfo.isInsideSecureHardware Returns 'true‘ it means that key is stored inside of TEE. And the log returns true However my device log says ...
Daniel P's user avatar
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Configuring Gradle (Java Project) to use KeyStore/TrustStore for only one maven repository (Sonatype Nexus Repository 3)

I have successfully set up Sonatype Nexus Repository 3 on my server with SSL configured using KeyStore/TrustStore. I developed some Java libraries (using Gradle) to test the publication to the ...
Mehrer Compression GmbH - IT's user avatar
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Title: How to Recover IBM DB2 Keystore Files (".sth") Using Scalpel?

I am working on a project where I need to recover IBM DB2 keystore files (with the ".sth" extension) from a disk image. I have been using the Scalpel file carving tool for data recovery but ...
Gábor Jutasi's user avatar
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Multiple keystore certificates in JBoss EAP 7 configuration

I have a request to use one more Keystore certificate in JBoss EAP 7 standalone.xml. At the moment i have <system-properties> <property name="" value="...
Re Viki's user avatar
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Certificate chain length: 0

C:\Users\PC\Documents\Github_repo\flutter_aplication_1> keytool -list -keystore C:\Users\PC\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey Enter keystore password ***************** WARNING ...
Aris Nur Khoriq's user avatar
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How to find SHA-1 signing key for my Android app in Android Studio? [duplicate]

enter image description here I'm developing an Android app and need to find the SHA-1 signing key for my app to configure Google services I tried checking the gradle tasks but couldn't locate the SHA-...
AMIT MAJHI's user avatar

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