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Ways to synchronize order status on client devices from cloud server

I am building a SAAS cloud service for restaurants. Assume a specific restaurant has two handheld devices for creating orders and updating orders, these handheld devices talk with the cloud server. my ...
sen's user avatar
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Curl no responsed to telegram bot api

i have trobles with getting data from telegram api, but wery interesting. I use two computers. one as a server. Both PCs have the same API address. The second computer works as a server on which I ...
Igor Scherbickij's user avatar
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Asynchronous event-driven servlet in Tomcat 9 for long polling

I am looking for a best practice to implement the long polling in Tomcat 9, to enable sending messages from the server to the client by using the HTTPS protocol. Using a synchronous I/O doesn't seem ...
vmayorow's user avatar
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How do I detect client disconnect from a long poll to a Spring endpoint

I'm trying to call an endpoint in a Spring application thats using @RestController and @GetMapping. It's doing a long running loop then sending back a ResponseEntity.ok(). The problem I'm encountering ...
honeysuckle1234's user avatar
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How to update all clients when a webhook is recieved in Python Flask

I have a Flask server with a webhook endpoint for Meraki Alerts ("host_url/endpoint"). The server also has a page which is supposed to display all recieved alerts ("host_url/view")....
Ruben Driezen's user avatar
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HTTP Longpolling with changing request parameters using rxjs

I need to implement HTTP Longpolling using rxjs (in an Angular environment). The challenge is that I need to change the request parameters on every call. To be more specific: I need to change the from/...
Max's user avatar
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Laravel rest api - calling SSE or Long polling blocks other HTTP request

I'm working on a Laravel + Vue SPA with a comment module for a ticketing system (helpdesk), aiming to implement real-time comments. I've successfully implemented an SSE with a while loop. However, an ...
Church's user avatar
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PHP script doesn't quit when browser connection is closed

NOTE: this is not a duplicate of question 25363635 I'm using php-fpm + apache mod_fcgi + proxy (see below). connection_aborted() and ignore_user_abort() do not work in my case. TLDR is how to make ...
NickSoft's user avatar
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During tomcat/jersey shutdown while long polling, the ServletContextListener hook is delayed by 7 seconds, why?

My Setup is Windows10 / eclipse / tomcat8 / jersey. I have a simple backend that handles some ajax long polling from the front-end. Now, if there is no front-end running, when I want tomcat to stop, I ...
Niels's user avatar
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How to occasionally push notifications to mobile applications?

I have a use case where, when when suspicious activity happens on a user's account, I want to show them a pop up in their mobile application. This pop up should appear as soon as they open their app, ...
developer747's user avatar
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Implementing long polling with python multiprocessing but doesn't work

Here's what I am doing: def _wait_for_long_poll_resp(param_one, q: Queue): print("long poll called", flush=True) sys.stdout.flush() request_url = <some_url> auth = <...
Rajat Bhardwaj's user avatar
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How can I save a photo from a telegram bot user to a folder on a disk in good quality?

I am creating my telegram bot on LongPollingBot using Japa Spring Boot (for the first time in my life, so I apologize for such a simple question) How can I save the received photo from the user to ...
Павлюченко Антон's user avatar
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Long-polling with message queues in a clustered environment

I have a system design question that I'm looking for some guidance on. I have two different systems that need to have a basic level of communication. This is abstracted via message queues. For ...
user1597121's user avatar
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Bi-Directional Vs Uni-Directional communication

Given that a TCP connection is technically, two way, why do we say Http long polling is unidirectional and web socket is bi-directional? Is it how the long polling standard was implemented and there ...
curiousengineer's user avatar
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Tomcat, NGINX, Vaadin, Spring Boot and LONG POLLING Push

I'm trying to properly configure LONG POLLING push with Vaadin (Java, Spring Boot), NGINX and Tomcat. Sometimes Push stops working, and I suspect it may be the reason of some misconfiguration in my ...
alexanoid's user avatar
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