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120 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to parametrically check if a variable is of a type in Mojo?

I am trying to create a function that takes in any object and prints it if it is _Printable, and prints "object" otherwise. To do this I am trying to use @paramter if to check the type at ...
Elan-R's user avatar
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Angular 2 override components

I am from Laravel world and a bit new to Angular 2 world, and i am having a hard time to figure out: Is it possible to override a component or it's template in Angular 2 like we use to override the ...
PaladiN's user avatar
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Determine the number of different substrings in a string in c++ and using hashing

int count_unique_substrings(string const& s) { int n = s.size(); const int p = 31; const int m = 1e9 + 9; vector<long long> p_pow(n); p_pow[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i ...
Shivam Verma's user avatar
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Java modular programing

Im new to Java and this site. Im trying to develop a a game as modular as possible. So I have a GameEngine class and a GUI clase, which are completely independent. And an other class that is the ...
McMoss's user avatar
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Scalable/Modular CSS: how to handle vertical margins between modules?

I've searched extensively, and can't seem to find a consistent way that people handle the top/bottom margins between modules in a... modular way. I like the idea of just using a generic wrapper div ...
Ivan Durst's user avatar
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Flutter - How do I set a global versions file?

I've started modularising an app and can have the same dependency in a few modules. How can I extract package versions?
user2892437's user avatar
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How can my flutter app remember the page states, when I change the tabs using bottom navigation bar?

I am using Flutter Modular to navigate between my tabs. I want to my pages remember the state (stay at the right scroll lposition) if I switch tabs with bottom navigation bar. But now it resets the ...
Arinton Akos's user avatar
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How can I force Gradle to use --module-path instead of -cp?

I have a relatively straightforward modular project, and I've already set all of the options that I've found in the documentation as well as in different answers or articles such as How to force ...
user6351363's user avatar
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How to retrieve Java 9 module dependencies in a Spring boot application

in this short article there is a Spring boot application (for visualizing Java 9 platform modules and their dependencies) implemented. How do I retrieve only non-platform modules from my custom ...
Michael K's user avatar
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Is a Node.js module a singleton?

I used to implement singleton this way: class MySomething { constructor(props) {} } let myInstance = null; module.exports = (props) => { //first time call if(props) { ...
maroodb's user avatar
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Share information between dynamic feature modules

I'm starting to use dynamic feature module and I have some doubts about how I shared information between modules For example: Login Module - Make a call to the server and get a token to make the ...
Woz's user avatar
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Modular OSGi Vaadin Application - Resources from extensions

I am trying to build a modular web application, that consists of a main application and pluggable extensions (sub-applications) using Vaadin + OSGi. To get started into the topic and try out ...
JDC's user avatar
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ASP.NET Completely modular design - how?

Technology: ASP.NET 4.0, C#, forms/mvc I am a .NET web designer and I wish to create a modular based website for people, similar to what DNN does (but I want to create my own cut down version). The ...
Dan B's user avatar
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javax.json module not found building JavaFX application with Gradle

I am trying to run a modular JavaFX application, with few other modular and non modular dependencies, using Gradle, but I am stuck with dependencies resolution. The project is in Eclipse, using ...
CT95's user avatar
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ANGULAR Modular Fédération - Why Mfe1 app.module.ts(root module) not able to configure in webpack instead of specific modules

I tried in webpack.config.ts: instead of exposes: { './Module': './projects/mfe1/src/app/users/users.module.ts', }, replaced with exposes: { "./Module": "./projects/mfe1/src/app/app....
SaKol's user avatar
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