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When writing python in visual studip code, the files work in the root directory, but when I put the files in the folder, it does not see the files

When writing python in visual studip code, the files work in the root directory, but when I put the files in the folder, it does not see the files. There is no error in the code when I throw it to the ...
Görkem Şahin's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mysql' even after installing mysqlconnector multiple times

[ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mysql'] this is my first time posting here so apologise for any confusion. keep getting this error. The error indicates that the mysql package is not installed ...
Daniella Nwambu's user avatar
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Pyinstaller - "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'app'" for big FastAPI project

I have following folder structure for my FastAPI based backend project. I would like to do code obfuscation and ship in docker image. ├── alembic │ ├── │ └── versions │ ├── ├── ...
user3210215's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why do I keep getting an ModuleNotFound error everytime I runserver in the cmd terminal

I was following a django tutorial for a project but I keep getting an error everytime I runserver and this error began showing up when I added the app to the of the django project. What do ...
Danny Eleodi's user avatar
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Unable to import face_recognition

"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'face_recognition' after installing dlib, cmake, and face_recognition" I am trying to use the face_recognition library in Python, but I keep getting the ...
Gaurav Jaiswal's user avatar
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Cannot find module /vitest/dist/chunks from /vitest/dist/worker.js when migrate to yarn v4 and to vitest

I use yarn workspases and one of workspaces threw this error: file:///home/username/Projects/projectName/node_modules/tinypool/dist/chunk-E2J7JLFN.js:46 throw error; ^ Error [...
Илья Хоришко's user avatar
-1 votes
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Debugging multiple python files in VS Code

I am trying to debug python files from github repository pypmu github. When I try to debug apps/ I am getting Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError No module named 'synchrophasor' File &...
Nilesh Jamre's user avatar
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AWS Amplify, github, nodejs integration with Python-shell, module not found issue

Basically, I have an Amplify app that uses NodeJS and github. I'm currently trying to have App.js (the file that has the website code for Amplify's frontend) run a python script using nodeJS's python-...
Harrison Floyd's user avatar
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Trying to use Beautifulsoup4 in Python via an venv and getting 'ModuleNotFoundError' when using VSCode

I am facing a rather minor problem where I am unable to use the Library 'Beautifulsoup4'. I use VSCode as IDE and use a Venv with Python Version 3.12.2. Everytime I try to run my programm it gives me ...
Philipp Winter's user avatar
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Running Python Notebook in VS Code won't find "pynvml" module installed

I installed "pip install nvidia-ml-py" on python version 3.10.11 and 3.12.0 And I am trying to import as in notebook file in VS Code which uses 3.10.11 ikernel: from pynvml import * But ...
user20760266's user avatar
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How can I solve the error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch' "in a venv. in VS Code?

I am new to programming and working with deep learning networks, so maybe I'm just stupid, but I can't get my PyTorch to work. Not long ago, it did without problem, but then I tried to fix CUDA for ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Import could not be resolved by any source; ModuleNotFound [closed]

I cannot make migrations due to the issue stated in the title. All of the files shown in explorer have the same issue. I didn't notice the issue until I went to make migrations for polls and returned ...
AtreusArcheus's user avatar
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PyInstaller ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'art'

I wrote some python code that uses the 'art' module. I simply imported it like this: import art as a When I run it using the .py file, it works perfectly. I used "pyinstaller --onefile
CubeDude's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError When Importing Local Package After Installing Python Project Locally

I am packaging my first python project, and I have two files with helper functions, and stored in the subdirectory. YT_Sentiments/ └── src/ ├── YT_Sentiments/ │ ├── ...
ZHENG JIAWEN's user avatar
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cudf ModuleNotFoundError after installing RAPIDS in MSL2

I successfully installed RAPIDS in my WSL2 window, but importing cudf is not working. According to the RAPIDS website , as well as some other sources, I should be ...
Sam's user avatar
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