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Can't resolve 'fs', when i install nodemailer inside nexjs 14

my nextjs 14.1.0 app was working fine but then i install nodemailer for sending email for user registration purpose, but suddenly i got error of "fs" module. it was like : ⨯ ./node_modules/...
Prayag Bhimani's user avatar
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Err: Couldn't find the module "/vercel/path0/node_modules/@mui/material/node/Box/index.js#" in React Client Manifest

Err: Couldn't find the module "/vercel/path0/node_modules/@mui/material/node/Box/index.js#" in React Client Manifest. This is probably a bug in the React Server Components bundler. ...
Kartik Dhawan's user avatar
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React App on Azure Webapp Service via Github fails with MODULE_NOT_FOUND

I have a react app which is running perfectly fine on prem. I created Azure Web App and configured GitHub repo which has the react js code. The build and deployment went fine thought it takes close to ...
Gosu's user avatar
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How to fix "Module not found: Can't resolve 'p-queue' in 'node_modules\@uppy\provider-views\lib\ProviderView'"?

I'm currently using Node version of v18.16.1 and in my one of the recent projects I've been facing below issue. ./node_modules/@uppy/provider-views/lib/ProviderView/ProviderView.js Module not found: ...
Sathya Molagoda's user avatar
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Trouble Creating a React App: Module Not Found Error

Whenever I write command for creating react app an error occur module not found. The commands I write in terminal shell are: node -v npm -v npx create-react-app my-app after this creating command ...
Faaiz Umar's user avatar
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Is there a way I can solve the module not found error in javascript?

I am creating a todo list web app but some and this error is occurring where it says Compiled with problems: ERROR in ./src/Components/TodoList.js 6:0-57 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './...
Saswat Seth.'s user avatar
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Module not found: Error: Package path . is not exported from package (ERROR in ./src/firebase.js 3:0-32)

ERROR in ./src/firebase.js 3:0-32 Module not found: Error: Package path . is not exported from package... Tried every possible solutions Also Tried Reinstalling firebase and also node-modules still ...
Kirtan Ghelani's user avatar
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importing xlsx package shows module not found

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'process/browser' in '/Users/nigelng/oxpay-merchant-portal-fe/node_modules/xlsx' Did you mean 'browser.js'? I have installed xlsx 0.18.5 npm package to export ...
Nigel's user avatar
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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './logo.svg' error in React

When creating react app, I keep running into this error. Each time I create a new react app, I delete the following files, and import statements, to set up a basic starting point using react: favicon....
Louis B.'s user avatar
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How to solve module not found error : Module not found: Can't resolve '@mui/icons-material/Adb'?

I already install material-ui core by using this command. npm i @material-ui/core But, after this when I run my reactjs code, it throws an error like this Module not found: Can't resolve '@mui/...
Shivam Srivastava's user avatar
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'User' is not recognized as an internal or external command,"durring running npm start" [duplicate]

Please help to resolve this error, I created new react project, then I run npm start cmd, I am getting this error. C:\Rachna\p-16 working with Form & User Input using http request\user-input-...
Rachna Singh Thakur's user avatar
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anyone can help me to use material icons in react project

I have imported two material icons packages "@material-ui/core": "^4.12.3", "@material-ui/icons": "^4.11.2" but the code is not working it shows me ...
DIVAN AFTAB's user avatar
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Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@mui/icons-material/SearchOutlined'

I have installed both the packages already the icon and the core but still m getting this error, why?? import React from 'react' import './Nav.css'; import SearchOutlinedIcon from '@mui/icons-...
prachi suravse's user avatar
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Nextjs fatal production only error after adding new package

We have a NextJs app that is running for couple of years in production. Recently I added storybook-addon-pseudo-states addon ran the code locally and tested and pushed to production. The app was ...
Lucy's user avatar
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Moved a folder in my nextJS project, now I get moduleNotFoundError

Was wondering if someone could help me on this: I'm trying to run npm run build for my NextJS project (created via create-next-app). I'm getting this error when building: ModuleNotFoundError: Module ...
Shiraz's user avatar
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