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Is local dependency resolution possible in .NET without NuGet?

I have two shared library .NET projects, B and C, which depend both on another shared library project, D. Both B and C have respective CLI wrapper projects which they need to build independently with, ...
Arieleo's user avatar
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How VS knows that it is replacing a nuget package when I don't reference one

My setup - VS2019, FW-style project, FW 4.7.2. Project is set to use <PackageReference ... (vs packages.config) Look at the picture. I don't have System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.4.6.0 ...
T.S.'s user avatar
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how to configure 3rd party .obj and .lib files in the C# project(.csproj) to build and link using the MSBUILD

I have a C# project file which contain all the files(.cs files) it required to build the application. But, we need to link with a 3rd party .obj and .lib file during the build. Any suggestion how to ...
Basu's user avatar
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How to Convert OWIN-Based ASP.NET Application to SDK-Style Project?

I am in the process of converting an OWIN-based ASP.NET application targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2 to the new SDK-style project format. For this, I am using the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web SDK. I have a ...
Pulkit Sharma's user avatar
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How do I create a TypeScript project for NodeJS in Visual Studio 2022 (non-code)

I want to develop a nodeJS script in a Visual Studio 2022 (not Visual Studio Code) project. I have a ASP.NET Core C# project. In that project, i have a folder TypeScript. In the typescript i have ...
Stefan Steiger's user avatar
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Generate self-contained, single file. exe with Roslyn?

Is it possible to generate a self-contained, single file .exe with Roslyn? I wouldn't like to rely on dotnet or MS Build.
SuperJMN's user avatar
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Unresolved symbol: different behavior in QMake and MSBuild

I have three projects: A, B, and C. Project A is an executable/DLL, and projects B and C are static libraries. There is a function Add(int, int) in B, which is called by A. The implementation of Add ...
SynchronizX's user avatar
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MSBuild - csproj - Use combinations to exclude folder from build

In order to allow building our projects in Visual Studio and a Linux DevContainer side-by-side, I changed the build configuration of our project as follows: Directory.Build.props <Project> <...
Pieterjan's user avatar
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Can I set Severity level of CS0535 in C# to suggested

My Problem is, that in my cleanUp is the fix warning/erros from editorconfig. But it also auto fixes the CS0535. But I don't want that to happen. How can I silent the error and get the fix as a ...
dam_hu_2024's user avatar
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Is there any way to detect specific errors in a .NET csproj build, and log a particular error message in response

Every now and then I come across a weird build error, with a simple but highly unintuitive fix. Generally when something somewhere has been configured to do something ugly :D Obviously I fix it "...
Brondahl's user avatar
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MSBuild fails when referencing sys tables in a different database

SQL Server 2019. We have a purchased application and can't add any code to that database (let's call it vendor). We have a view in another database (call it xyz) that is getting data from the sys ...
Rich Uchytil's user avatar
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How to enable code analysis IDE0058 as a build error?

I want to enable IDE0058 as an error during build. Here's how I attempted to do that. Start Visual Studio 2022 (Version 17.11.2) Create new project. Project type: C#, Windows, Console -> Console ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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Azure Devops can an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API be built with .NET Framework references?

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API that I am building/deploying through Azure Devops. The API is being hosted in IIS on a server, so I was using the DotNetCoreCLI@2 task to perform a dotnet publish ...
rjs52's user avatar
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App.Config not found when packaging single project console app as an executable using MSBuild 'package' target

When Running a console app packaged to a single .exe with msbuild I appear to be unable to access my app.config resulting in the binding redirect errors similar to LOG: This bind starts in default ...
Pulkit Sharma's user avatar
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Why The Primary Reference Is Copied to Bin

I have a .net SDK Style project, and it adds a PackageReference for System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager with version 4.7.0, and I used MSBuild to build this project, in the build log I see a ...
IcyBrk's user avatar
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