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Object Counting Across Frames in YOLOv5 Video Detection

I'm working on an object detection project using YOLOv5 in Python, where I need to detect and count bicycles and motorcycles in a video as they cross a vertical line in the middle of the frame. ...
Jiří Komínek's user avatar
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How can I fix this loop to correcttly track and classify objects?

I have this loop where what I want to do is: detect the objects nad their bb track them to assign a unique id to each box check if an object stops if an object stops, do the classification on this bb ...
Sabato Fasulo's user avatar
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OpenCV C++ Tracking - How can I modify the search zone to track?

I'm working on an object tracking algorithm using CSRT and MOSSE algorithm tracker. My goal is to predict where the object will be when the algorithm has lost it. So I need to move the search box to ...
Amaury M.'s user avatar
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Explanation of OpenCV tracking algorithms? [closed]

i'm using OpenCV for a school project using OpenCV for some object tracking. I know that there are multiple tracker in OpenCV, but can someone explain roughly how a tracker algorithm works in this ...
ExoLag_'s user avatar
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How to develop Yolo v5 (for example) to get the pose estimation and realtime video tracking of my object?

I have my own designed symmetrical object (shaft) and want to get the Realtime video pose estimation and tracking to get some information to guide me about the current location and the objective or ...
Agha's user avatar
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My cursor in one python code is centered on the reticle but not others

I'm trying to write an python object tracking code and I need my reticle to be centered on my mouse cursor. When I wrote the code using a black screen for the initial frame, it worked. The reticle was ...
Joseph z's user avatar
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OpenCV-Python overlapping boundingRect()

I'm trying to fix a bug where when two rects collide in a video, they merge into one big rectangle for the remaining frames that they collide, instead of keeping the rectangles as before: Before ...
banan's user avatar
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yolo model.track How to extract tracked object's information

For a project I need to extract the records of objects that tracked in with a Yolo. I need the time of object id's first appearance and the time when they are out of frame (every possible information ...
ct-7567's user avatar
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AR Application for body tracking and measurements

How to integrate emuguCV in unity and use it to track body or faces using AR? and can i use emuguCV for body measurements with an accuracy of atleast 90 to 97 percent like in virtual fitting room? and ...
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Prevent duplicate results from previous frame in object tracking

Currently, I am working on Object detection, tracking, and counting. I want to store the results whenever the vehicle crosses the line, however, I always get duplicate results. How can I prevent these ...
SARON RAVUTH's user avatar
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Implement object counting after tracking

Open video with OpenCV I want to improve my object tracking algorithm to be counting object whenever the vehicle across the restrict line and do not want a duplicate data also and here the result of ...
SARON RAVUTH's user avatar
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Mediapipe get persistent id of tracked hands between frames

I am using mediapipe to get the landmarks of multiple hands of a live video. I now want to know how each hand (more than 2) have moved in between the frames. For this I need to remember which hand was ...
Fabio M.'s user avatar
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Object tracking with yolov9 is producing an unopenable video file

I am trying to use the yolo9c object detection model: The purpose of my script ...
user23945602's user avatar
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YOLOv8 Segmentation performs worse when object tracking is included

I am using YOLOv8 for segmentation of mitochondria in EM image stacks(a 3D volume cut up into 2D images). The regular segmentation model performs very well but I wanted to pair it with the object ...
Grant Walton's user avatar
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ValueError: shapes not aligned (when running deep sort on yolov8)

I want to estimate the speed of a vehicle for that I am tracking the vehicle in a video. So I used a variant of deep sort to track and yolov8 for detections. I tried yolov8 object detection, and deep ...
vishnu_vardhan's user avatar

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