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yolo model.track How to extract tracked object's information

For a project I need to extract the records of objects that tracked in with a Yolo. I need the time of object id's first appearance and the time when they are out of frame (every possible information ...
ct-7567's user avatar
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Object tracking with yolov9 is producing an unopenable video file

I am trying to use the yolo9c object detection model: The purpose of my script ...
user23945602's user avatar
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YOLOv8 Segmentation performs worse when object tracking is included

I am using YOLOv8 for segmentation of mitochondria in EM image stacks(a 3D volume cut up into 2D images). The regular segmentation model performs very well but I wanted to pair it with the object ...
Grant Walton's user avatar
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trying to track an object, bounding box jitters

I am trying to write a python script that can convert a 16:9 video into a 9:16 while keeping the region of interest in frame. I am having trouble on how to do this in a well manner. My current ...
Michael Abrams's user avatar
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YOLOv8 tracking with top 5 detection

I'm using YOLOv8 to track animals from trail camera footage. The tracking nicely identifies the same animal from frame to frame. However, what type of animal it is works on a per-frame basis and can ...
afaulconbridge's user avatar
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When Using YOLOv8 Detector with BoT-SORT I see warning related to optical flow

Warning with, line 273, not enough matching point. I'm using the BoT-SORT tracking model using the YOLOv8 detection model. For some videos, I see this warning: "WARNING: not enough ...
Setare Khosravi's user avatar
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Tracking and putting ID to the tracked car problem

This is my code and my main concern is putting ID Number to the tracked vehicle inside the frame in order to seperate each car inside the frame, I want to use supervision but I'm having a hard time ...
Balong D Beki's user avatar
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Object Detecion and tracking yolov8

Here Everyone I have this code for objection Detecion from ultralytics import YOLO import streamlit as st import cv2 from PIL import Image import tempfile def _display_detected_frames(conf, model, ...
saas's user avatar
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