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Perspective correction with OpenCV - Image is cropped to reference marker

I'm trying a simple perspective correction script with Aruo markers, The script is correctly detecting the Aruco markers and fixes the perspective, But when it outputs the result, The image is cropped ...
Udara Sampath's user avatar
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PerspectiveAPI in python

Is there a way to run Googles Perspective API through Python to obatin toxicity, insult, and threat scores of an input text? I am trying to run the perspective API from the perspective v1.0.3 in ...
Sar99's user avatar
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How to color a cube in perspective projection and make lines around it

I made a turtle python program for projecting a cube in perspective but when want to color it there will be some issues because there is no transparency in turtle, so i need to find a way to avoid ...
Ahmed Shshtawy's user avatar
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low quality image with cv2.warperspective

I am working with the perspective transformation using opencv on python. So I have found the homography matrix between two sets of points using SIFT detector. For now, I would like to transform an ...
Yew's user avatar
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How to choose dst coordinates for cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)

I have been searching around for quite a while, but still could not understand how destination points are chosen for bird eye view transformation. My understanding is that cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(...
Albert G Lieu's user avatar
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What is the difference between cv2.warpPerspective and cv2.PerspectiveTransform?

According to their description, both of them takes the matrix of transformation and apply it to the images. Can you please explain the difference? In which cases should I use one or another?
Nourless's user avatar
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Correcting a perspective of an image based on a reference

I don't want a code, I want a tip, methodology or reference to develop it. I'm making measurement of objects based on a reference. But sometimes the photographic angle underestimates or overestimates ...
Curious G.'s user avatar
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Python OpenCV Perspective transformation problems

I am trying to make a perspective transformation with opencv. I want to extract screen from my e-book and align it. First, I found a biggest contour and put it screenCnt2 variable. After that I ...
kuweg's user avatar
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cv2.getPerspectiveTransform for points outside of the selected zone

I would like to know if there is an option for getting a perspective for points that not inside the zone of the points I chose, for example - This is the src image with the selected 4 points B, O, T, ...
Eliko's user avatar
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OpenCV perspective transform

I am currently working on creating a python software that tracks players on a soccer field. I got the player detection working with YoloV3 and was able to output quite a nice result with players ...
jonas_he23's user avatar
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How to find angle made by the image with the front parallel view?

I am working on a problem in order to warp the perspective of images to get a front-parallel view. Non-front-parallel plane of the image is rotated by angle alpha with respect to x-axis and by angle ...
adarsh subramanian's user avatar
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How does the getPerspectiveTransform() function in the openCV library find the transformation matrix?

I am working on a problem in order to warp the perspective of images to get a front-parallel view. I am using the cv2.getPerspectiveTransform() function. I give 2 sets of points: PT1: A set of 4 non-...
adarsh subramanian's user avatar
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3D normal vector given 2D corner coordinates of an equilateral triangle

I'm interested in finding the normal vector of a plane given 3 2D projection/pixel coordinates of the corners of an equilateral triangle. I have to modify my actual use case because I'm not allowed to ...
pietz's user avatar
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How can I decide the points which I should give in cv2.getPerspectiveTransform()?

I am trying to warp the following image so that I get a fronto-parallel view of the bigger wall, the one which comes on the left side of the image. However, I am not able to decide which points I ...
adarsh subramanian's user avatar
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Opencv getPerspectiveTransform method gives unclear result

I am simply trying to get rid of perspective of an image, in other words I am trying to get a birds-eye view image from a 2D image in order to make it easy to calculate distance between two points in ...
Horizon1710's user avatar

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