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Correct screen positioning of a sprite in a pseudo 3D environment

I am currently working on a small project in PICO-8 (that's why the code is in Lua and I am rendering to a 128x128 screen), where I tried re-creating a pseudo-3D environment similar to the Mode-7 ...
Simon Weiler's user avatar
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I am making a 3D Engine but even with the correct matrixes but it breaks when rotating

So, I have make a 3d engine and I am trying to make the camera orbit around the player (in this case a cube), I have code for orbiting, 3D Projection, etc. but even with the correct matrixes the ...
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Make plotly 3D chart have its camera position on the depth line going through the origin

I'd like my 3D Scatter chart to launch with its camera looking straight towards the origin of the data's coordinate system, on the ray coming out from the depth vector (0, 0, 1). ChatGPT knows to ...
matanox's user avatar
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Why do textures flip differently the farther they are from x coordinate in Open GL

I'm trying to make a "flipping money" scene in Open GL where each dollar is one 2d rectangle of 4 vertices. I try to map 2 textures to it of rear and front view of a dollar and at least ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Understanding OpenGL perspective projection matrix, Setting the near plane below 1.0

I am rendering a simple cube with 8 vertices, but I am having an issue understanding how to get the camera closer to the cube. I was expecting setting the near plane below 1.0 would allow me to get ...
Serilena's user avatar
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3D Projection: Moving Camera Instead of Object

I'm learning about 3D perspective projection and matrices in python. I've got a pretty good understanding of the basics, but I don't understand how I will take my code which moves an object and apply ...
FlashStopFall's user avatar
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JavaFX 3D Make a node face/lookAt the camera

So i have a small application that displays a molecule. In the corner I have a second scene that shows the axis and the axis rotation relative to the main scene. At the end of each axis I want text ...
Duncan A Saunders's user avatar
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Perspective view matrix for Y-down coordinate system

I have this little toy graphics library in rust I tinker with to learn OpenGL. I initially intended it to do only low-res 2D stuff on it, so I set up the coordinate system for pixel-space orthographic ...
Fredrik's user avatar
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WebGL and glMatrix minimal example with lookAt and perspective transformations

I am new to 3d graphics, and I am trying to figure out how to use the lookAt and perspective matrices in the glMatrix math library. Not trying to do anything fancy at this point, but I believe I am ...
user1763510's user avatar
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How to use face normal for back-face culling in perspective projection scenes

I am writing low level 2D/3D rendering engine as a part of display driver for MCU platform in C++ and I hit a wall with perspective projection in 3D and face culling. Lets assume my 3D engine is using ...
Spektre's user avatar
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Change geometry position on mouse click

I'm a newbie at three.js and i want to place the model where ever i click from the mouse. The problem i'm facing is that i want to convert 2D x,y canvas points into 3D x,y world points (using ...
Usmani Mustafa's user avatar
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How can I go about visualizing the 6 frustum planes of a camera?

I have 6 planes defined as parametric equations of the form Nx + Ny + Nz + d. I would like some way of visually confirming that these planes are roughly what I expect. I understand that planes of this ...
mbl's user avatar
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WebGL 3D perspective

I'm new to WebGL and I'm following the WebGL tutorial in I draw a 3d cube in my canvas and It worked correct. Then I tried 3D perspective from this. After that my cube ...
ChalanaN's user avatar
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Compute spheres 2D speeds in perspective projected animations

I created two animations that consist of spheres moving in a perspective projected 3D space, which means that the size and speed of the spheres vary with the distance: they increase when they are ...
Kathia's user avatar
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Understanding perspective projection for simple Java program

So I'm having trouble understanding the exact calculations of perspective projections - my teacher makes the lectures in class and there's no textbook for me to reference. I'm creating a simple ...
pastelghostiie's user avatar

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