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ThreeJS: Calculating FOV for perspective camera after browser window resize

I need to obtain the correct Three.JS camera FOV after the browser window size has changed. I have viewed the following questions, but can't seem to find an answer for my question: How to calculate ...
kdtop's user avatar
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Transformation of 3D objects related to vanishing points and horizon line

I'm trying to computing the exact prospective transformation of a 3D object starting from a vanishing points and horizon line of a picture. What I want is, fixed the vanishing points and horizontal ...
hyperzone's user avatar
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2 answers

ARKit Perspective Correction

I'm working on a project with ARKit and I'm trying to do a perspective correction of the ARFrame.capturedImage to orient a piece of paper sitting on a detected plane so I can feed that into a CoreML ...
Brad Dwyer's user avatar
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raycasting: how to properly apply a projection matrix?

I am currently working on some raycasting in GLSL which works fine. Anyways I want to go from orthogonal projection to perspective projection now but I am not sure how to properly do so. Are there ...
user240137's user avatar
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rotating perspective camera around an object in javaFX

How can I make camera rotate in circle around a 3d object in javaFX? I know i can rotate it around itself using camera.setRotate(angle); but i want an object to be still and the camera to rotate and ...
tokyo's user avatar
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Finding the angle of a perspective image

I'm working on a floor design app that allows the user to pick preset floor images and view them within a preset room image. My problem is I'm struggling to get the perspective of the floor image to ...
WagglyWonga's user avatar
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WPF flickering during animation in Viewport3D

I'm having some strange behaviour inside a WPF app I'm writing. When I run an animation on the camera position (a Point3DAnimation on PerspectiveCamera.PositionProperty), I get really bad flickering ...
aardvarkk's user avatar
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Why does my perspective implementation fails in displaying my cube's faces?

I wrote a program that takes in entry some points, expressed in 3D coordinates and that must be drawn in a 2D canvas. I use perspective projection, homogeneous coordinates and similar triangles to do ...
JarsOfJam-Scheduler's user avatar
4 votes
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Making an object fit exactly inside the camera frustum in Three.Js

I am trying to make an object fit inside the camera frustum, and I went through all the trigonometry for that, and this is the code I used. var setupCamera = function() { aspectRatio = window....
jhagege's user avatar
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Moving objects parallel to projection plane in three.js

I want to move objects along a plane parallel to the projection plane with the mouse. This means during the movement the distance between any picked object and camera projection plane (not camera ...
oyophant's user avatar
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3 votes
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in opengl why do we have to do gluPerspective before gluLookAt?

so under GL_PROJECTION I did glu.gluPerspective(90,aspect,1,10); glu.gluLookAt(0,0,3,0,0,0,0,1,0); this works fine but when I switch the order I don't get any object on my screen, I rotated ...
demalegabi's user avatar
3 votes
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Ogre/Mogre: Camera two point perspective

I'm displaying a scene with some cubes in it. The camera uses persective. Everything works great, but I'd like the vertical lines to be parallel (two point perspective:
Teun van Vegchel's user avatar
3 votes
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JavaFX Separate Perspective View on a 3D Chess Field

I got following game-window: (Sorry cant post img here) The red Box is a VBox (or an other Container, i cant decide yet). And i wanna set a 3D ...
malex's user avatar
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OpenGL Perspective Projection pixel perfect drawing

The target is to draw a shape, lets say a triangle, pixel-perfect (vertices shall be specified in pixels) and be able to transform it in the 3rd dimension. I've tried it with a orthogonal projection ...
Met's user avatar
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Why does graphics pipeline need mapping to clip coordinates and normalized device coordinates?

On perspective projection, if I use simple projection matrix like: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1/near 0 , which is just projecting onto the image plane. It can be easily get view space ...
Hyunan Kwon's user avatar

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